Stop Asian Hate: It’s Time to Create Change


2021-03-19 21:04 unbabel


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Anti-Asian hate crimes surged by 150% in 2020. And, unfortunately, more and more Asian American victims continue to join these horrifying numbers. Enough is enough. We need more than thoughts and prayers. We need action. “We’re deeply angered and heartbroken at the anti-Asian attacks, and we’re grieving with every affected family. Asian American hate is not new; and over the last year, it has spiked sharply. We stand against hate. Asian American voices matter. Let’s amplify them.”— Sophie Vu, Chief Marketing Officer, Unbabel With all the cultures and languages globally, what we truly need is universal understanding and unity against hate. And we believe it is possible — if we try harder. At Unbabel, we’re taking a firm stance against white supremacy, racism, and hate. We stand in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. And we urge our employees, customers, and partners to join us in the fight against anti-Asian crime. Unbabel will match employee donations to the following organizations, and we encourage you to do the same individually or as a company: Here are some more resources to help you support communities of color and be a great ally: There’s so much more work to be done. And we’re willing to listen, learn, and put in the effort to create an inclusive, welcoming and safe world for everyone. Please join us.
2020年反亚裔仇恨犯罪率激增150%。更不幸的是,越来越多的亚裔美国人继续加入这些可怕的阵营当中。 适可而止吧。我们需要的不仅仅是思想和祈祷。更需要行动的支持。 “我们对反亚裔袭击深感愤怒和心碎,与每一个受影响的家庭一样感到痛心疾首。美籍亚裔的敌视并不新鲜;在过去的一年里,它的比率急剧上升。我们反对仇恨。亚裔美国人的声音很重要。我们需要放大他们的声音。”--Sophie Vu,Unbabel首席营销官 面对全球所有的文化和语言,我们真正需要的是大众的理解和反对仇恨敌视的团结。如果我们更加努力的话,我们相信这是可能实现的。 在Unbabel,我们立场坚定,坚决反对白人至上主义,种族主义和敌视仇恨。 我们声援亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民社区。我们鼓励我们的员工、客户和合作伙伴与我们一起打击反亚洲犯罪。 Unbabel将匹配员工对以下组织的捐赠,我们鼓励您单独或作为一家公司这样做: 以下是为你提供的更多资源,可以帮助你支持有色人种社区,成为一个伟大的盟友: 我们还有很多工作需要去完成。我们愿意倾听,学习,并努力为每个人创造一个包容,欢迎和安全的世界。请加入我们。

