The Boardroom Beat #2 -- The Imposter Syndrome


2021-03-16 16:50 GALA


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Remember - The Boardroom Beat celebrates curiosity. The Monthly format is Q&A&Q: • Question from a member or GALA staff • Answer based on experience, case study, best practice, or innovation. • Question(s) back to push customized thinking. Question: The program for GALA Connected 2021 looks great. Why are you presenting on Imposter Syndrome, and why with the Knowledge Fest Format? Answer: Imposter Syndrome is the biggest least talked about topic in leadership circles today. In American English it is “the elephant in the (board) room.” A google search informs that the Finnish equivalent "virtahepo olohuoneessa" exists. (A hippopotamus in the living room.) Do share with us what your culture calls that which is ominously present but ignored. Many people can relate to Imposter Syndrome. First identified by clinical psychologists in 1978, it is now estimated that about 70 percent of people across all walks of life and across all cultures experience this phenomenon on a chronic or situational basis. At i3 Coaching I noticed a discernible uptrend in 2020. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome was the engagement goal most frequently included at engagement kick off meetings. Imposter Syndrome may manifest as occasional worry about underperforming an assignment or more pervasive fear of being discovered as wholly inadequate. At best it detracts from enjoying life. At worst it impacts mental and physical health. Do any of these causal correlations sound familiar? * Perfectionism. * Competitive business climates in which performance is under scrutiny. * Having to actively “win” work in project-based business models. There's good news; Clients typically find ways to manage Imposter Syndrome quite quickly. Like so many other things, the hardest part is admission of a problem. That is challenge enough in the confidential arena of a coaching session. Will a group of executive peers be willing to explore and share in a Knowledge Fest format? GALA is assuming calculated risk. The potential reward of personal empowerment via bonding with peers is worth the risk. So, let’s do this together. “See you” at GALA Connect 2021. Questions: 1. What do people believe about you that you don’t believe yourself? 2. What does an inner voice caution you from doing or trying? 3. How could you use evidence to “talk back” to a cautionary inner voice? 4. What would you do it you didn’t fear failure? 5. If none of these questions personally resonate….how might you apply them to coaching your team to unleash their potential?
记住--董事会的节拍庆祝好奇心。每月的格式为Q&A&Q: •来自会员或GALA工作人员的问题 •根据经验、案例研究、最佳实践或创新作出回答。 •问题回推定制思维。 问:“连接2021”的节目看起来很棒。为什么你要提出冒名顶替综合症,为什么要用知识节的形式? 答:冒名顶替综合症是当今领导圈里最大的,最少被谈论的话题。在美式英语中,它是“(董事会)房间里的大象”,谷歌搜索发现芬兰语中的“virtahepo olohuoneessa”是存在的。(客厅里的河马。) 请与我们分享你们的文化所称的不祥存在却被忽视的东西。 很多人都有冒名顶替综合症。1978年,临床心理学家首次发现了这种现象,据估计,在各行各业和各种文化中,约有70%的人在慢性或情境性基础上经历过这种现象。在i3教练,我注意到2020年有明显的上升趋势。克服冒名顶替综合症是最常出现在订婚启动会议上的订婚目标。 冒名顶替症候群可能表现为偶尔担心完成不了任务,或者更普遍地害怕被发现完全不够。充其量,它减损了享受生活的乐趣。在最坏的情况下,它会影响身心健康。这些因果关系听起来熟悉吗? *完美主义。 *在竞争激烈的商业环境中,业绩受到审查。 *必须在基于项目的商业模式中积极“赢得”工作。 有好消息;客户通常会很快找到方法来处理冒名顶替综合症。就像许多其他事情一样,最难的部分是承认一个问题。在一个教练会议的保密领域里,这已经是足够的挑战了。一群高管同行会愿意以知识狂欢节的形式探索和分享吗?GALA正在承担计算过的风险。通过与同龄人建立联系而获得个人授权的潜在回报是值得冒险的。所以,让我们一起做这件事。 GALA Connect 2021“再见”。 问题: 1.别人相信你什么,而你自己却不相信? 2.内心的声音提醒你不要去做或尝试什么? 3.你如何用证据来“反驳”内心的警告声音? 4.如果你不怕失败,你会怎么做? 5.如果这些问题都没有引起你个人的共鸣……你该如何运用这些问题来指导你的团队,以释放他们的潜能?

