LanguageWire Launch AI-driven Instant Translation Technology for Enterprises


2021-03-15 17:50 slator


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[Copenhagen, Denmark, 15/03/2021] – LanguageWire today launched LanguageWire Translate, a new instant translation technology designed and engineered for professionals who appreciate managing content efficiently and require quality translations with enterprise-grade security. With a simple UI, adaptive AI capabilities, a cloud-based data security infrastructure, and support for complete drag-and-drop document translation in format, LanguageWire Translate is the best combination of efficiency, convenience, accuracy, adaptability, and security for enterprise-grade instant translation. LanguageWire Translate delivers a powerful instant translation experience in an intuitive package which gives professional users the power of real-time oversight and management of multilingual content at the touch of a button. Instant translations are executed automatically, preserve document formatting, and are inherently secure within a best-in-class, enterprise-grade security infrastructure which does not allow for the sharing, re-use, or storing of translations which could in any way leave customers and their work vulnerable. LanguageWire Translate’s instant translation solution is scalable and adapted to the specific needs of each enterprise, in a monthly subscription model which allows for improved customisation, eliminates waiting periods, and stabilizes spend predictability. “We are extremely excited to launch LanguageWire Translate. Multiple customers have shown a need for high-quality, instant translations delivered in a secure environment”, said Mikkel Lundø, LanguageWire’s Chief Commercial Officer. “LanguageWire Translate was designed with our enterprise customers in mind, and we can’t wait to further support them through our industry-leading AI technology to help increase productivity and simplify management of content; without the increased time, effort, or spend.” Designed with professionals in mind, the benefits of LanguageWire Translate provides simplicity for users in marketing or legal, compliance for the CIO, reliability for the CFO, and confidence for the COO: LanguageWire Translate is built on the company’s existing AI technology. Compared to other third-party Neural Machine Translation (NMT) solutions, the LanguageWire custom NMT solution is 26% more accurate, according to a linguistic analysis on quality. “Our unique team of machine learning experts works continuously to enhance the capabilities of our NMT based on the latest advancements in the field of machine learning, to ensure ongoing best-in-class quality”, said Roeland Hofkens, LanguageWire’s Chief Product & Technology Officer. “Our approach to AI technology is rooted in a deep respect for our customer’s privacy. We construct AI solutions based on the highest standard of data privacy to ensure all information remains in the hands of our customers.” LanguageWire Translate joins the LanguageWire ecosystem of AI- and technology-based language management software and services with the purpose of having a tailorable solution suited to the specific needs of each customer. Contact Drew Davis +45 21 96 21 66
[丹麦,哥本哈根,2021年3月15日]LanguageWire今天发布了一项新技术,它名为LanguageWire Translate,这是一种新的即时翻译技术,是专为那些喜欢高效管理内容并需要具有企业级安全性的高质量翻译的专业人士而设计的。LanguageWire Translate拥有简单的UI功能,并且自适应人工智能功能,是建立于云数据的基础上的安全设施。不仅如此,它还支持格式上的完全拖放式文档翻译。LanguageWire Translate是企业级实时翻译的最佳翻译工具组合。因为它涵盖了高效,便捷,准确,适应性和安全性的诸多优点。 LanguageWire Translate能够在一个直观的软件包中提供强大的实时翻译功能。专业用户只需轻触按钮,就能实时监督和管理多语言内容。实时翻译是自动执行的,它还能够保留文档格式。并且,它在一流的企业级安全基础设施中具有内在的安全性。该基础设施不允许共享,重用或存储翻译。因为这些翻译具有可能会以任何方式使客户及其工作的隐私受到攻击和侵犯的隐患。再者,LanguageWire Translate的实时翻译解决方案是可扩展的,它可以根据每个企业的既定的具体需求而进行调整。LanguageWire Translate采用每月订阅的模式,允许改进定制,消除等待期,并稳定支出的可预测性。 “我们对推出的LanguageWire Translate感到极其兴奋。LanguageWire的首席商务官米克尔·隆德说:“许多客户都表示,他们很需要在安全的环境中进行高质量的实时翻译。”LanguageWire Translate是为我们的企业客户设计的,我们迫不及待地希望通过我们业界领先的人工智能技术去进一步支持他们和其工作,以帮助他们提高生产力,精进简化内容管理,不再需要浪费多余的时间,精力和支出。 LanguageWire Translate的优点是:它可以为市场营销或法律方面的用户提供简便性,为CIO提供合规性,为CFO提供可靠性,为COO提供信心: LanguageWire Translate是基于该公司现有的AI技术构建的。根据一项与质量有关的语言学分析,LanguageWire与其他的第三方神经机器翻译(NMT)解决方案相比,它的自定义NMT解决方案的准确率高出了26%。LanguageWire的首席产品和技术官Roeland Hofkens说:“通过我们独具特俗的机器学习专家团队的不断努力,以机器学习领域的最新进展成果为基础,增强我们NMT的能力,以确保持续保持且一流的高质量。”“我们对人工智能技术的方法根植于对客户隐私的深切尊重。我们基于数据隐私的最高标准构建人工智能解决方案,以确保所有信息仍掌握在使用的客户手中。“ LanguageWire Translate中加入了该公司的基于人工智能,技术的语言管理软件和服务生态系统的核心技术,目的是为每个客户提供一个可量身定制的解决方案。 联系人 德鲁戴维斯 +45 21 96 21 66

