Top Localization Conferences to Attend in 2021


2021-03-04 09:00 RWS Moravia Insights


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In any industry, conferences are educational and inspirational events to attend—not to mention lively and fun. They make it possible for practitioners and industry leaders from around the world to gather and help steer the industry for the coming year. It is particularly important that conferences in the translation and localization industry happen every year: due to its ability to take ideas, solutions and products global, the localization industry has the influence to drive change around the world. However, COVID-19 has made everyone think twice about holding in-person events, so many event hosts have made the switch to online-only experiences. While doing so has some drawbacks—for example, it’s hard to network remotely—there are also benefits, such as the possibility of reaching a much larger audience. Also, online conferences tend to be very affordable: generally from $100 to $250. In this article, we discuss some of the biggest events to look forward to in 2021. LocWorldWide LocWorldWide is arguably the biggest and most respected conference in the translation and localization industry. The organizers switched to an online-only experience this year and LocWorldWide 42 and 43 proved that an online conference could be highly successful. LocWorldWide44 is being planned for June 2021. The focus on LocWorldWide44 will be “Pushing Boundaries”: finding new ways to help the industry move forward with technology and people in mind. The speakers have yet to be chosen, but many industry influencers have applied. It is a great conference if you want to focus on education and networking and understanding the industry as a whole. Tekom-Jahrestagung/TC World Conference The Tekom-Jahrestagung/TC World 2021 is scheduled for mid-November 2021 and it’s specifically tailored to technical communication professionals. The focus of the conference is on networking and on bringing content about technical communication to a larger audience. The conference currently focuses on Germany, Austria and Switzerland. One of the best parts of this conference is the fair, where everyone comes together to meet with influencers in the industry and to build connections. Many companies use it as the opportunity that they need to establish connections with different parts of the industry. There is also the chance to ask industry experts about specific topics to help you direct your business going forward. TCWorld has been focused on improving its online experience over the last few years and has made the transition to an online only conference. NTIF NTIF (the Nordic Translation Industry Forum) is a conference that is run more like a workshop. Language industry representatives from Nordic countries and language services companies from the region gain access to the keynote speaker, as well as other presenters who can guide them through further industry development. Unlike other conferences, NTIF is relatively short at just three hours long. It is a great option for professionals who cannot miss several days of work to attend a conference. Instead, they can visit for an afternoon and still get a lot of value. ELIA Together (at Home) The European Language Industry Association (ELIA) hosted the ELIA Together (At Home) conference in February, which has moved entirely to a digital platform. This conference focuses on the needs of freelancers in the language and translation industry, as well as how they create meaningful relationships with companies. The list of guest speakers is always extensive, focusing on skills that freelancers need to be successful. Any freelancer working in the industry should consider attending the next conference, which will likely be held in February 2022. GALA Connected 2021 The next GALA (Globalization and Localization Association) Connected conference is scheduled for March 23-25, 2021. If you are looking ahead to next year, you can expect the following conference to be held in March of 2022. The conference is for GALA members, as well as professionals in the translation and localization industries. This year’s conference focuses on how digital acceleration is changing the industry. Digital acceleration and the ability of digital tools to make translations faster will continue to be a driving force in the changes across the industry. Learning more about it now will empower companies to make a big difference later. The conference is online and you can choose between accessing everything (including live sessions) or just the live session recordings. ATA62 2021 The American Translators Association is hosting ACA62 October 27-30 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It will be a “hybrid event” (in-person and virtual both) and one of the biggest conferences of the year. The conference is all about improving professional skills for individuals such as translators, interpreters, project managers, educators and language company owners. There are many panels and workshops planned that cover a range of topics important to industry professionals. There are more than 150 sessions planned. Professionals can purchase recordings of the current and previous conferences to use as learning modules. TAUS - Massively Multilingual Conference & Expo 2021 The TAUS - Massively Multilingual Conference & Expo is focused on the future of the industry as it relates to new and developing technologies. There is a special interest in technologies like AI and similar major advancements that have the potential to reshape the industry. However, the conference is very exclusive and will only be available for 150 participants. TAUS brings together the executives who make transformative decisions and who manage the people that handle day-to-day localization. Attendees include buyers and owners of global content, global content and language service providers, technology and solution providers, translators, government bodies and NGOs, consultants, academia, analysts and press. It is scheduled for November 1-3, 2021 at the Double-Tree Hilton in San Jose. SDL Connect SDL Connect is a pair of digital conferences that are scheduled for April 4-5, 2021. One conference will be held in North America while the other will be held in Europe. This years’ theme focuses on transformation and development within the industry. The conference is a great opportunity to network, as well as to discuss the future of the industry. It will place a particular focus on how new technologies impact the industry and how companies can leverage that technology to improve their operations. Machine Translation Summit XVIII 2021 Machine Translation Summit XVIII 2021 is a conference for machine translation professionals. The next conference is scheduled for August16-20, 2021. The conference gives MT professionals, students, and teachers a way of sharing their findings on MT with the community. Presenters include writers and researchers in the field with recent discoveries.Conferences Are the Key to Advancing the Industry Although the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to host in-person events, online-only formats are becoming the norm with great success. While we all miss in-person interactions, there are benefits to going online: for one, the conferences can reach a much larger audience, since people are not constrained by the time and expense of travel when choosing which conferences to attend. Take advantage of these newly online conferences to see how you can be a larger part of the industry and connect with language service providers and fellow localization industry professionals. You’ll see us there. The events and presentations may inspire you to take advantage of all the great resources that the industry provides to grow your business in 2021.
在任何一个行业,会议都是值得参加的教育和励志活动--更别提热闹有趣了。它们使来自世界各地的从业者和行业领袖能够聚集在一起,帮助指导下一年的行业。翻译和本地化行业每年举行的会议尤为重要:由于本地化行业能够将想法,解决方案和产品带向全球,本地化行业具有推动全球变革的影响力。 然而,COVID-19让每个人都对举办亲临现场的活动三思而后行,因此许多活动主持人都转向了仅在线体验。虽然这样做有一些缺点--例如,很难远程联网--但也有好处,例如可以接触到更多的受众。此外,在线会议往往是非常经济实惠的:一般从100美元到250美元不等。在本文中,我们讨论2021年值得期待的一些最大事件。 locWorldwide LocWorldWide可以说是翻译和本地化行业最大和最受尊敬的会议。组织者今年转向了仅在线的体验,LocWorldWide 42和43证明了在线会议可以非常成功。 LocWorldWide44计划于2021年6月举行。LocWorldWide44的重点将是“推动边界”:寻找新的方法,帮助行业在技术和人的思想下向前发展。演讲者尚未选定,但已有多位行业影响力人士报名。如果你想关注教育和网络,了解整个行业,这将是一个伟大的会议。 Tekom-Jahrestagung/TC世界会议 Tekom-Jahrestagung/TC World 2021计划于2021年11月中旬举行,它是专门为技术通信专业人士量身定做的。会议的重点是建立网络,并将有关技术通信的内容带给更多的受众。会议目前集中在德国,奥地利和瑞士。 本次大会最精彩的部分之一就是博览会,在这里大家聚在一起,与行业内有影响力的人士见面,并建立联系。许多公司将其作为与行业不同部分建立联系所需的机会。也有机会向行业专家询问具体的话题,以帮助您指导您的业务向前发展。 TCWorld在过去的几年里一直致力于改善其在线体验,并已过渡到仅限于在线的会议。 NTIF NTIF(北欧翻译行业论坛)是一个更像工作坊的会议。来自北欧国家的语言行业代表和该地区的语言服务公司可以接触到主旨发言人,以及其他能够指导他们进一步发展行业的讲演者。与其他会议不同,NTIF的时间相对较短,只有三个小时。对于那些不能错过几天工作的专业人士来说,参加一个会议是一个很棒的选择。取而代之的是,他们可以参观一个下午,仍然获得很多价值。 伊利亚在一起(在家) 欧洲语言行业协会(ELIA)在2月份主办了ELIA Together(在家)会议,该会议已经完全转移到数字平台上。本次会议重点关注语言和翻译行业自由职业者的需求,以及他们如何与公司建立有意义的关系。演讲嘉宾的名单总是广泛的,重点是自由职业者需要获得成功的技能。任何在该行业工作的自由职业者都应该考虑参加下一次会议,这次会议很可能在2022年2月举行。 GALA连接2021 下一届GALA(全球化与本地化协会)连接会议定于2021年3月23-25号举行。如果你在展望明年,你可以期待下一次会议将在2022年3月举行。会议面向GALA会员,以及翻译和本地化行业的专业人士。 今年的大会聚焦数字加速如何改变行业。数字加速和数字工具使翻译更快的能力将继续成为整个行业变革的驱动力。现在更多地了解它将使公司有能力在以后有所作为。 会议处于联机状态,您可以选择访问所有内容(包括实时会话)或仅访问实时会话录制。 ATA62 2021 美国翻译协会将于10月27-30在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯主办ACA62。这将是一个“混合活动”(当面和虚拟)和一年中最大的会议之一。 会议的主题是提高个人的专业技能,如笔译员,口译员,项目经理,教育工作者和语言公司老板。计划有许多小组和讲习班,涵盖了一系列对行业专业人员很重要的主题。计划举办150多期。专业人员可以购买当前和以前会议的录音作为学习模块。 TAUS-2021大型多语种会议与博览会 TAUS-大规模多语言会议和博览会的重点是行业的未来,因为它涉及到新的和发展中的技术。人们对人工智能等具有重塑行业潜力的技术和类似重大进步特别感兴趣。不过,这次会议非常排他性,仅限150人参加。 TAUS将做出变革性决策的高管和负责日常本地化的管理人员聚集在一起。与会者包括全球内容的购买者和拥有者,全球内容和语言服务提供商,技术和解决方案提供商,翻译人员,政府机构和非政府组织,顾问,学术界,分析家和新闻界。这场比赛定于2021年11月1-3号在圣何塞的双树希尔顿酒店举行。 SDL连接 SDL Connect是一对预定于2021年4月4-5号举行的数字会议。一个会议将在北美举行,另一个会议将在欧洲举行。今年的主题集中在行业内部的转型与发展。会议是一个很好的机会,建立网络,以及讨论行业的未来。它将特别关注新技术对行业的影响,以及公司如何利用这种技术来改进运营。 机器翻译峰会第十八届2021 机器翻译峰会XVIII 2021是一个面向机器翻译专业人士的会议。下一次会议定于2021年8月16-20日举行。会议给了翻译专家,学生和教师一种与社区分享他们在翻译方面的发现的方式。会议的主讲人包括该领域的作家和研究人员以及最新的发现。会议是推动该行业发展的关键 尽管COVID-19大流行使得举办面对面的活动变得困难,但仅在线的形式正在成为常态,并取得了巨大的成功。虽然我们都怀念面对面的交流,但上网也有好处:首先,会议可以接触到更多的受众,因为人们在选择参加会议时不受时间和旅行费用的限制。 利用这些新的在线会议,看看你如何能成为行业中更大的一部分,并与语言服务提供商和本地化行业的同行建立联系。你会在那里看到我们的。这些活动和演讲可能会激励您利用行业提供的所有巨大资源,在2021年发展您的业务。

