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2021-03-03 20:00 clickhelp


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It’s officially springtime! The spring is always filled with bloom, hopes for better days, and beauty. So today, we decided to talk about women in technical writing. They inspire, motivate, surprise, and compel us with their determination, creative approach, and intelligence. Women in History of Technical Communication The tech industry has been a “boy’s club” for far too long. It took decades for women to get a seat at the table. However, according to current research, the first technical documents written by women were in 2400 BCE. Enheduanna—the first woman writer and the first non-anonymous author ever identified (Halton&Svard, 2018)—wrote many of the period’s great poems, including A Hymn to Inanna. Although we know her for her poetry, Enheduanna was also a priestess. As a priestess, she would have conducted various rituals, a role requiring the use of technical documents containing the words of the rituals and instructions for performing those ceremonies. This fact has the potential to completely revise the women’s role in that history. Did you know that the world’s first coder was a woman? Ada Lovelace, born in 1815, was the only legitimate daughter of the poet Lord Byron — and one of the first computer scientists. Her mother, determined to make sure Ada never became a head-in-the-clouds poet like her father, had her tutored solely and extensively in science and math. At age 17, Lovelace teamed up with Charles Babbage and envisioned a machine that can calculate and visualize anything — numbers, music, words — and she even wrote a sample computer program for it. While the machine was never built, her notes were referenced by engineers creating the first computer. During the industrial revolution and afterward, many women remained in the home or became factory workers. Both of these occupations involve a dense amount of technical writing, but it was not legitimized, especially not taught at a college level, because the forms of technical communication women engaged in, cookbook reading, and sewing machine maintenance, for example, were considered to be for women’s activities and therefore not a practical area of study. Women were not freely permitted to be involved in the sciences and were therefore excluded from technical writing or participating in the education system in general. As the second half of the twentieth century progressed, women began to expand their careers outside the home, and a large number of young women began attending college. According to the National Women’s History Museum, women did not begin attending college in the same numbers as men until the 1980s. This gender gap in education subsequently resulted in a gender gap in technical and professional writing. Wikipedia gives a list of 44 names in the category “Women technology writers”. Correlation of Women to Men Tech Writers When we think of fields such as engineering, science, and medicine, we usually picture a place where men outnumber women and hold all the authority positions. These days, some jobs are becoming more widely held by women who are spreading their talents and expertise much further and wider than ever before, the role of women on the professional landscape has been expanding for quite some time. Now, they earn the majority of master’s degrees and doctoral degrees too. With all this education, it’s not surprising that many industries and job categories are increasingly dominated by women. If you look at the statistics of recent years, you’ll see that 59.3% of technical writers are females, making them the more common gender in the occupation. Reasons Why Women Are Better Tech Writers Than Men The ability to enter academia and learn alongside men gave women the chance to find what they excelled at, for example, technical writing. It attracts women, they’re very good at it and make great team leads. Let’s see what qualities women possess that help them be successful tech communicators: Creativity. Technical communicator is sometimes called a “creator of knowledge”. Women are considered the more imaginative gender, and they prefer to take the time to find the most fitting word choice. Men, on the other hand, generally prefer a right/wrong dichotomy. Ability to get on well with people. One of the big shocks for a beginner technical writer (i.e., graduates) is how little time they may spend writing. Usually, it’s less than half of the time. Information comes from multiple sources. A technical writer has to coordinate this information flow and get to know those who supply it. For many writers, this can be an issue. While writing may be easy for them, going out and meeting people may not. This is where female technical writers may have the edge over their male counterparts. Most women writers we know don’t have this problem. Somehow interactions, discussion of ideas, is more suited to them. Good ear. Interviewing is one of the cornerstones of technical writing. You might not think it at first, but the more your career advances, the more time will be spent with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) such as IT Architects and others discussing how the application works. In order to be a really good technical communicator, you must (among other things) be a good listener. Here’s where this ability to listen carefully helps women do their job. Diplomacy. Men can often get into a defensive mode with each other quite quickly. Developers can be quick to offend, especially if another (male) points out some flaw in the design. For whatever reason, the same observations when made by a woman don’t upset them so much. Maybe it’s all about the biology - the echo of the times when a male had to protect the territory from another male, so they didn’t see a female as a direct threat, or they were brought up to stand their ground with other men but to accommodate the views of women. Emotional intelligence. One of the small things is that technical writing depts tended to be a close group. You didn’t always get that with the developers as they can be an element of completion – who can create the smartest app or write the best code. Lots of jockeying for position and, in an indirect way, looking for peer recognition. Women read the emotional landscape better than men. Attention to details. Detecting subtle aspects and thoroughly controlling the task’s performance is another distinctive quality of a woman. As a rule, men see the whole task end to end; general strategy and dry figures are important to them. While women notice nuances. They are more attentive by nature. Good at monotonous work. Women are more adapted to humdrum work that requires continuous concentration. Men work harder, faster, and more aggressively to get it out. It’s all about speed. Quicker, faster is the mantra. Multitasking. The ability to do several tasks at once is merely a woman's skill, which is not acceptable for men whose brain concentrates on a single task. That is, of course, not the strict list but statistical data based on different scientific researches with a rather large data selection. All people are different, and a person is able to adapt to situations and change, for some it’s easier than for others. Maybe you have something to add to this; you’re welcome for discussion in the comments. Conclusion The contributions of both men and women are crucial parts of the development of any field, including technical communication. High numbers of women in tech comm may seem like a good thing, like a step in the right direction for women, yet, with further examination, it is understood that any gender dominance in a field excludes the ideas and contributions of the opposite gender. It’s like in nature - the fundamentals of harmony are in the unity of opposite phenomena, it’s all about balance. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
春天来临了,春天是美好的,万物盛开,包括对美好生活的期望。今天,借着这一美好的季节,我们来聊一聊科技文写作与女人的关系吧。她们用自己充满决心的状态、丰富的创造力和智慧,鼓舞着我们,给我们带来活力和惊喜。 技术传播史上的女性 科技行业成为在很长一段时间里都被称为是“男孩俱乐部”。女性花了几十年才在科技的餐桌上占得一席之地。然而,根据目前的研究,最早由女性撰写的技术文献是在公元前2400年。Enheduanna是第一位女性作家,也是第一位被确认的非匿名作家(Halton&Svard,2018年),她写了许多那个时期的伟大诗歌,包括一首歌颂伊娜娜的赞美诗。虽然我们知道她是因为她的诗歌,恩赫端娜也是一个女祭司。作为一名女祭司,她会主持各种仪式,这一角色需要使用技术文件,其中包含仪式的话语和执行这些仪式的指示。这一事实有可能彻底改变妇女在那段历史中的角色。 你知道世界上第一个打代码的人是一位女性吗? 1815年出生的艾达·洛夫莱斯是诗人拜伦勋爵唯一的合法女儿,也是最早的计算机科学家之一。她的母亲决意要确保艾达永远不会像她父亲那样成为一个空想的诗人,于是让她接受了科学和数学方面的全面辅导。17岁时,Lovelace与Charles Babbage合作,设计了一台可以计算并可视化任何东西的机器--数字,音乐,文字--她甚至为它编写了一系列类似计算机程序的代码。虽然这台机器从未被制造出来,但她的笔记成为了制造出第一台计算机的工程师们的参考内容。 在工业革命期间及随后时期里,许多妇女成为了家庭主妇或成为工厂工人。这两种职业都可以进行大量的技术写作,但并没有被合法化,大学里也未设这一类型的专业,因为大众认为阅读食谱、维修缝纫机才是妇女应该从事的技术交流活动,科技不是妇女实际研究的领域。 妇女不能自由参与科学研究,因此被排除在技术写作之外,也不能参加一般的教育体系。随着二十世纪下半叶的到来,妇女开始走出家庭发展她们的事业,大量年轻女性开始走进大学。根据国家妇女历史博物馆的资料,直到20世纪80年代,女性上大学的人数才与男性持平。这种教育方面的性别差距随后导致了技术和专业写作方面的性别差距。维基百科在“女性科技作家”一栏列出了44个名字。 女性与男性科技作家的关系 当我们谈到诸如工程,科学和医学等领域时,我们通常会认为这是一个男人多于女人,并占据所有权威职位。如今,一些工作逐渐由妇女担任,她们比以往任何时候都更广泛地传播她们的才能和专业知识,妇女在专业领域的作用在相当长的一段时间里一直在扩大。现在,女性在大部分专业都取得了硕士和博士学位。有了这些教育,许多行业和工作类别越来越多地由女性主导也就不足为奇了。观察最近几年的统计数据,你会发现59.3%的科技作者是女性,这使得女性成为这个职业中更常见的性别。 女性比男性更能写科技文章的原因 进入学术界并与男性一起学习,让女性有机会发现自己擅长的领域,例如技术写作。科技文写作吸引了女性,她们很擅长这方面的工作,并且能成为很好的团队领导。让我们来看看女性具备的哪些特质,可以帮助她们成为成功的科技沟通者: 创造力。技术传播者有时被称为“知识创造者”。女性被认为是更有想象力的性别,女性更愿意花时间去寻找最恰当的词汇。另一方面,男性通常更喜欢对与错的二分法。 与人相处融洽的能力。对于一个科技文初写者(即毕业生)来说,一个很大的问题是他们花在写作上的时间有长短。通常不到一半的时间。信息的来源渠道众多,一个技术作家必须协调信息来源渠道,并了解那些提供信息的人。对许多作家来说,这可能是个问题。 虽然写作对他们来说可能很容易,但外出社交可能成为一大难题。这就是女性科技作者可能比男性作者更有优势的地方。我们认识的大多数女作家都没有这个问题。在某种程度上,交际、思想交流更适合她们。 完美的聆听者。采访是科技写作的基石之一。一开始你可能不会这么想,但随着职业的不断深入,你会花更多的时间与主题专家交流。 例如和IT架构师讨论应用程序是如何工作的。为了成为一个真正优秀的技术领域沟通者,你必须(除其他外)成为一个好的倾听者。这就是认真倾听的能力可以帮助女性完成科技文写作的原因。 社交。在社会交往过程中,男人往往很快就会进入一种防御模式。,开发人员很容易得罪人,特别是当某人(男性)指出设计中的一些缺陷时。不管出于什么原因,同样的社交发生在女性身上时,她们并不会感到不安,也许这和生物学有关,在过去的时代里,在男性保护自己的部落不受外敌侵略的时代,男性并不认为女性会对他们造成直接的威胁,或者他们在成长的过程中受到的思想是要与男性并肩保护自己的领土,但要接纳女性的观点。 情商。其中一件小事是,技术写作部门往往是一个紧密的群体。开发人员并不总是能做到这一点,因为他们是完成任务的一个要素--他们可以创建最智能的应用程序或编写最好的代码。很多人都在争夺职位,并间接地寻求同龄人的认可。女性比男性更能理解情感领域的内容。 注意细节。发现细微的方面并彻底掌控任务的能力是女人的另一个与众不同的品质。一般来说,男人把整个任务看得头头是道;一般的策略和枯燥的数字对他们来说很重要。而女人则注意到细微差别。他们天生就比较细心。 擅长单调的工作。女性更适应需要持续专注的单调工作。男人们更努力,更快,更积极地工作以完成这一单调工作。都是速度的问题。更快,更快是口头禅。 多任务处理。同时做几项任务的能力仅仅是女人的技能,这对于大脑集中于单一任务的男人来说是不可接受的。 当然,这不是严格的列表,而是基于不同科学研究的统计数据,数据选择范围相当大。所有的人都是不同的,一个人能够适应环境和变化,对一些人来说,这比其他人要容易得多。也许你有什么要补充的;欢迎大家在评论中讨论。 总结 男子和女性的贡献都是任何领域发展的关键部分,包括技术通信。高科技通信领域的女性人数似乎是一件好事,对女性来说是一个正确的方向,但是,如果进一步研究,就会明白,在一个领域中,任何性别优势都将排斥异性的想法和贡献。这就像在自然界中--和谐的基础在于对立现象的统一,这都是关于平衡的。 祝你的技术写作好运! 单击帮助小组 跨平台和设备编写,托管和交付文档

