Should SME choose global or regional translation agency?


2021-03-02 16:50 GALA


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What are the differences between a regional translation agency and a global translation agency? Answering this question will give you a clear solution for your choice of a translation agency which has never been an easy task for any companies, especially a small and medium enterprise who is planning to enter a new market. In this post, we will compare a regional translation agency with a global one and help you decide which one you should corporate with. As you may guess from the table above, there is no right answer for all situations. The answer lies in your own demands. If the number of languages you need translating is under 15 languages, one or two regional translation agencies can definitely cover your needs. Besides, when you only need core services such as translation, editing, and proofreading, there’s no need to work with a global translation agency since a regional one can meet these requirements while your localization costs are significantly reduced. On the other hand, if your projects include numerous languages and additional services (SEO optimization, technical testing, etc.), it will save you time and money for the coordination process to work with a global translation agency who covers all the required languages. For example, giant companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple are localizing their contents into over 100 languages, with a much more generous budget than average ones. Therefore, it would not efficient for them to coordinate 10 regional translation agencies at once. A top global agency should be the right choice. However, if you are an expanding company with less than 200,000 USD annual budget to cover 15 languages, working with 2 regional agencies may save you up to 30% of the cost while coordination efforts and all other factors are almost similar.
地区性翻译机构和全球性翻译机构有什么区别?回答这个问题将为您选择翻译机构提供一个清晰的解决方案,这对任何公司来说都不是一件容易的事情,尤其是对于打算进入新市场的中小型企业来说。 在这篇文章中,我们将比较一个地区性的翻译机构和一个全球性的翻译机构,并帮助你决定你应该和哪一家合作。 正如你可能从上表中猜到的,没有一个正确的答案适用于所有的情况。答案在于你自己的要求。 如果你需要翻译的语种在15种以下,一两家地区性翻译机构绝对可以满足你的需求。此外,当您只需要翻译,编辑和校对等核心服务时,没有必要与全球性的翻译机构合作,因为地区性的翻译机构可以满足这些要求,而您的本地化成本则大大降低。 另一方面,如果您的项目包括众多的语言和额外的服务(SEO优化,技术测试等),与覆盖所有所需语言的全球翻译机构合作将为您节省协调过程的时间和金钱。 例如,像谷歌,Facebook和苹果这样的大公司正在将他们的内容本地化为100多种语言,而且预算比一般公司要慷慨得多。因此,他们一次协调10家地区性翻译机构并不有效。一家顶级的全球机构应该是正确的选择。 但是,如果你是一家不断扩张的公司,年度预算不到20万美元,以覆盖15种语言,与2个地区机构合作可能会为你节省高达30%的成本,同时协调努力和所有其他因素几乎相似。

