Inspiration from the GALA Archive: Video Localization


2021-03-01 18:25 GALA


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"Inspiration from the GALA Archive" is a (loosely) biweekly blog post where the GALA Team presents a collection of articles, blog posts, and video recordings on a specific theme. Today: Video Localization Video is everywhere. Its use has grown exponentially and shows no signs of slowing. Tools and service providers have made their creation and distribution more accessible than ever before be it for marketing, B2B communications, or entertainment. It also remains one of the higher risk elements of any translation or localization project because of its heavy reliance on outsourced agencies and third parties. Watch Localizing Video Content -- What You Need to Know in order to identify the resources needed to build a cost effective production, from the questions that project managers and sales people should ask, to the pitfalls they should be aware of. Some people liken translating a video to translating a book that moves and talks. The webinar The Art of Video Translation highlights the differences and similarities between text and video (yes, there are similarities!). You'll also see why video is such a big deal and why so many organizations are committed to it. You will also listen to some facts, statistics and opinions about video translation. See if you agree that there is much more to the video translation task than is obvious at first sight. The Ins and Outs of Video Localization: Knowledge, Challenges, and Opportunities -- This Master Class provides an overview of the video localization process, different tools and file formats, pricing methods, and various challenges to be aware of. You will learn what questions to ask of clients, what elements are in a video, and how to set turnaround time for each part of the process. The webinar also addresses voice over recording and synchronizing multilingual audio recordings with video. In the end, you'll have gained a better understanding of the traditional technologies as well as the newer, more advanced options available. Finally, here is a webinar, Localization in the age of YouTube, that will answer some key questions: When is it better to dub, and when to subtitle? How important are dialects? If you have a limited budget, which aspects of localization should be prioritized? What is the right balance of technical and creative expertise? For more resources on all-things video localization, visit GALA Knowledge Center.
“来自GALA档案的灵感”是一篇(松散地)每两周发布一次的博客文章,GALA团队在其中展示了关于特定主题的文章、博客文章和视频记录。 今日:视频本地化 视频无处不在。它的使用呈指数级增长,而且没有放缓的迹象。工具和服务提供商使它们的创作和传播比以往任何时候都更容易,无论是用于营销、B2B通信还是娱乐。它仍然是任何翻译或本地化项目中风险较高的因素之一,因为它严重依赖外包机构和第三方。观看本地化视频内容——你需要知道的,以便从项目经理和销售人员可能遇到的问题中,确定构建具有成本效益的产品所需的资源。 有些人将翻译视频比作翻译一本移动和说话的书。视频翻译艺术网络研讨会强调了文本和视频之间的差异和相似之处(是的,有相似之处!)。您还将看到为什么视频如此重要,以及为什么这么多组织都致力于它。您还将听取一些关于视频翻译的事实、统计数据和意见。看看你是否同意视频翻译任务比乍一看的要多得多。 视频本地化的来回:知识、挑战和机遇——本大师班概述了视频本地化过程、不同的工具和文件格式、定价方法以及需要注意的各种挑战。您将了解向客户询问哪些问题,视频中有哪些元素,以及如何为流程的每个部分设置周转时间。网络研讨会还讨论了语音录制和将多语言录音与视频同步的问题。最后,您将更好地了解传统技术以及可用的更新、更先进的选项。 最后,这里有一个网络研讨会,YouTube时代的本地化,它将回答一些关键问题:什么时候配音更好,什么时候字幕?方言有多重要?如果您的预算有限,应该优先考虑本地化的哪些方面?技术和创造性专业知识的正确平衡是什么? 有关所有视频本地化的更多资源,请访问GALA知识中心。

