3 great copywriting quotes (and what they mean)


2021-02-28 03:50 Lingua Greca


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I recently came across a fantastic little book called Instant Inspiration for Copywriters, by R. Scott Frothingham. It’s packed with thought-provoking quotes from eminent copywriters. And that’s it! Many of the quotes tell a much bigger story, so I’ve selected 3 and given them more context. I hope you find this useful. “The more your copy sounds like a real conversation, the more engaging it will be” David Garfinkel. If you’ve been around copywriters before (or you are one), you’ll have heard the recommendation to ‘write as you speak’. Too many people become formal and dull when they start to write. And yet, to hear them speak is a different matter. Why is this? Personally, I blame the English teachers. But they’re only working to official guidelines I suppose. Writing grammatically correct English is not the same as being a copywriter. Good copy engages your reader. What’s the point in writing something nobody wants to read? And words without a reader is like putting tape over your mouth. You get the gist. So, how do you write like you’re having a conversation? How do you write as you speak? Firstly, start writing for one person only. Not the masses. As I’m writing to you. You’ll notice I’m using the first and second person. For the layman, that’s ‘I’, ‘We’, and ‘You’. None of ‘The company believes this’ and ‘The customer requires that’, which comes from using the third person. It’s warmer and more engaging. Yet, still professional. Copy that’s written in the first and second person is just nicer to read. Here’s a great tip for you. Record yourself saying what you want to get across in your copy. Then play it back, or better still, transcribe it. From this, you can write copy that’s far more human and engaging. Just try it. You’ll see the difference, I promise. “Don’t tell me how good you make it, tell me how good it makes me when I use it” Leo Burnett. I’m going to be brutally honest. People aren’t especially interested in you or your product. What they really want to know is how it can help them be, and feel, better. People read about your product (or service) because they have a problem. It might be a practical problem or more of an emotional problem. They might want to: become more productive become more confident build their sales To put this into context: if you provide business software to SMEs, their problems are likely to concern inefficiencies and errors. Perhaps a feeling of being out of control. What if you told them that fundamentally, your software could give them back the control they need? What if you promised to transform their business into a slick operation, free from silly errors? Oh, and give them time to focus on other things. Being benefit-focused is far more compelling than relying on features alone. Whilst the compatibility of your software, or the integration potential, is helpful to know, they really want to understand how this will make their life different – the benefit. So, always think benefits first. “Nothing sticks in your head like a story. Stories can express the most complicated ideas in the most digestive ways” – Sam Balter Junior It turns out the world has been built on a pile of stories. For generations. People love stories. It starts soon after you’re born. The bedtime story, the fairytale, children’s TV. And it carries on as we grow up: books, films, computer games. You name it, there’s a story in it. You’ll have a central character (some say, the ‘hero’) and there’ll be someone to guide them. Around them, there’ll be other characters, but we’ll ignore these for now. The ‘hero’ will have a problem or a challenge. The ‘guide’ will help them overcome it. Ok, so this is really basic, but you can see how it works. Creatives have realised the power of a good story. If we’re wired to engage with good stories, why not use them in business? When someone reads a story where the ‘hero’ has the same challenge as them, it’ll quickly grab their attention. Far more than your salesperson telling them how you can help. And this is where the strength of customer stories comes from. Stories format the information you want to get across in a way the reader understands. And if they can identify with the central character – the hero – all the better. Remember: your customer is the hero. You’re their guide. 3 quotes, 3 contextual explanations. There are hundreds of quotes in Scott’s book. It’s certainly an inspiration for any copywriter or businessperson trying to improve their own copy. First published on cantaloupemarketing.co.uk Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn
我最近偶然发现了一本很棒的小书,名叫《文案即时灵感》,作者是R·斯科特·弗罗廷厄姆(R.Scott Frothingham)。它挤满了发人深省的名言。就这样! 许多引语讲述了一个更大的故事,所以我选择了3个,并给出了更多的上下文。我希望你觉得这个有用。 大卫·加芬克尔说:“你的稿件听起来越像一次真实的对话,它就越吸引人。” 如果你以前接触过文案(或者你是一个),你会听到“边说边写”的建议。太多的人一开始写作就变得拘谨,呆板。然而,听他们讲话却是另一回事。 这是为什么? 就我个人而言,我责怪英语老师。但我想他们只是按照官方的指导方针工作。写语法正确的英语和做文案不一样。 好的文案能吸引读者。写一些没人想读的东西有什么意义?没有读者的文字就像用胶带遮住你的嘴。 你明白要旨了。 那么,你怎么写得像在谈话?你怎么边说边写? 首先,只为一个人开始写作。而不是群众。就在我给你写信的时候。 你会注意到我用的是第一人称和第二人称。对于外行来说,这是‘我’,‘我们’和‘你’。没有一个‘公司相信这个’和‘客户要求那个’,这都来自于使用第三人称。 它更温暖,更迷人。但是,仍然很专业。用第一人称和第二人称写的副本读起来更好。 给你一个很好的建议。把你想表达的内容录下来。然后回放它,或者更好的是,转录它。这样,你就可以写出更人性化,更吸引人的文案。 试试看。你会看到区别的,我保证。 “不要告诉我你做得有多好,告诉我当我使用它时它让我有多好”李奥贝纳。 我要残酷地诚实。人们对你或你的产品不是特别感兴趣。他们真正想知道的是如何帮助他们变得更好,感觉更好。 人们阅读你的产品(或服务)是因为他们有问题。这可能是一个实际问题,或者更多的是一个情感问题。他们可能想: 变得更有生产力 变得更加自信 建立他们的销售 将此置于上下文中:如果您向中小企业提供商业软件,它们的问题很可能涉及效率低下和错误。也许是一种失控的感觉。 如果你告诉他们,从根本上说,你的软件可以还给他们所需要的控制权呢?如果你承诺将他们的业务转变为一个光滑的运作,没有愚蠢的错误呢?哦,给他们时间专注于其他事情。 以利益为中心远比仅仅依靠功能更有吸引力。虽然了解软件的兼容性或集成潜力是有帮助的,但他们确实想了解这将如何使他们的生活变得不同--这是一个好处。 所以,永远把利益想在第一位。 “没有什么比故事更能让你印象深刻了。故事可以用最容易消化的方式表达最复杂的思想“-小山姆·巴尔特 原来世界是建立在一堆故事之上的。世世代代。 人们喜欢故事。它在你出生后不久就开始了。睡前故事,童话,儿童电视。随着我们的成长,它也在继续:书籍,电影,电脑游戏。你能说出的,里面都有故事。 你会有一个中心人物(有人说是“英雄”),会有一个人来指导他们。在他们的周围,会有其他的角色,但是我们现在将忽略这些角色。“英雄”会遇到问题或挑战。“指南”将帮助他们克服困难。 好的,这是很基本的,但是你可以看到它是如何工作的。 创作者已经意识到一个好故事的力量。如果我们天生就喜欢讲好故事,为什么不把它们用在商业上呢? 当有人读到一个“英雄”和他们有同样挑战的故事时,它会很快吸引他们的注意力。比你的销售人员告诉他们你能帮上什么忙要多得多。 而这正是客户故事的力量之所在。故事将你想要的信息以读者理解的方式表达出来。如果他们能认同中心人物--英雄--那就更好了。 记住:你的客户才是英雄。你是他们的向导。 3个引语,3个上下文说明。斯科特的书中有数百句引语。这当然是一个灵感的任何文案或商业人士试图改进他们自己的文案。 首次发布于Cantaloupemarketing.co.uk Facebook 推特 Google+ 领英

