Overwhelming To-Do List? Here’s How to Fix It in 2021


2021-02-28 03:50 Lingua Greca


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You don't know where to start. There's so much to do, you're not sure how to begin, so you find yourself doing nothing. You find yourself procrastinating or self-sabotaging. Perhaps you're late everyday for work, or you spend most of your work hours browsing Facebook and Twitter. Or maybe you've got an important goal that you've held for years, but never done anything about. You forget important appointments. These could be work meetings or personal appointments such as a school performance your child is taking part in. Or maybe you forget important dates such as your anniversary. Being forgetful can leave you feeling overwhelmed with guilt. As it's something that could easily be rectified, it's a sign you need to make serious changes to how you approach productivity. You don't remember what you're supposed to do. As with forgetting appointments, this shouldn't be happening. But if it is, it can cause a great deal of stress and tension. Having an underlying feeling that you've forgotten something can also make you anxious and distract you from your work. You're always busy and you're always behind. Being busy is not the same as being productive. It's possible to be highly productive, yet still have plenty of time for yourself and your family. Being constantly on the go is a sign that you could improve your approach to productivity. You believe you have no time. Chances are, you could have time if you wanted it. We all have 24 hours in a day, and not having enough time is a choice. Go nuclear! Eliminate any tasks that don't need to be there. Prioritize the remaining tasks. Urgent and Important Urgent but Not Important Important but Not Urgent Neither Urgent nor Important
你不知道从何开始。要做的事情太多了,你也不知道如何开始,然后你什么都没做。 你发现自己在拖延或自我否定。也许你每天上班都迟到,或者把大部分工作时间花在浏览Facebook和Twitter上。又或者你有一个几年前就列出的重要的目标,但却从未为这个目标做过任何事情。 你忘了重要的约会。这些可能是工作会议或个人约会,例如你的孩子所参加的学校演出。亦或你忘记了重要的日子,比如周年纪念日。健忘会让你感到内疚。这是很容易纠正的事情,因此一个为了提高产能而必须的重大改变的信号。 你不记得你应该要做什么。就像忘记约会一样,这种情况不应该发生。但如果发生了,就会导致很大的压力以及矛盾。如果一直感觉自己似乎忘记了什么,会让你焦虑不安,同时分散你的工作注意力。 你总是很忙而且总是拖沓。忙碌和高效并非一回事。高效率同时仍然有充足的时间留给自己和家人是可能的。持续奔波也是你需要提高工作效率的一个信号。 你觉得你没有时间。但如果你想的话,你就会有时间。我们每个人一天中都有24小时,没有足够的时间也是一种选择。 见鬼去吧!把不需要完成的任务删掉。 确定剩余任务的优先级。 紧急和重要 紧急但不重要 重要但不紧急 既不紧急也不重要

