Survey Says: What’s Top of Mind for Global Customer Service Leaders in 2021


2021-02-24 13:13 unbabel


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In April, McKinsey & Company issued a call to action to recognize the growing importance of every interaction someone has with your enterprise. As both consumers and companies navigate the shock-waves that have upended our lives and systems, they argued, there is a new urgency to masterfully address customers’ needs for trusted information, guidance, and support. As we start 2021 with nearly 10 months since the start of the pandemic behind us, we decided to check in with the customer service professionals who have been at the forefront of such a rapidly accelerating future. We conducted a survey of 600 customer service leaders across a range of industries hailing from the U.S., U.K., and Germany to find out what challenges are top of mind when managing a global customer service operation today. Strikingly, despite so much economic uncertainty, our survey found that not only will most companies continue to invest heavily in customer service in 2021, but many will be increasing their budgets. In the U.S., 50 percent of respondents reported that their budgets will grow next year—while 30 percent of U.K. respondents and 40 percent of German leaders also said they’d be receiving more funding. Here’s what else we learned from our survey respondents: Over 42% say their top challenge is providing a consistent experience for their customers across the globe Across our surveyed countries, leaders agreed that consistency poses the biggest challenge — with language serving as the primary barrier in international markets. We were not surprised to find this consensus, since statistics show that a full 40 percent of global customers simply won’t buy in another language and 74 percent are more likely to buy from a brand a second time if they are offered post-sales support in their native language. Providing consistent multilingual customer service keeps support leaders up at night, since it affects both revenue and customer trust. One-third want a solution to build meaningful customer relationships, and improve customer loyalty worldwide When asked what elements of customer service they care about most, a third of customer support leaders responded that “building meaningful relationships with customers” trumps concerns such as “empowering agents to quickly resolve issues” and “providing great customer experiences across time zones.” This reflects a widespread understanding that companies who consistently provide moments of service delight create the most loyal customers, who in turn drive significant growth. (In fact, StellaConnect, a company that measures and rates the customer service performance of online companies, says that when customer service solves a problem for customers, 80 percent of them feel more emotionally connected to the brand.) Over 40% solve the language barrier by hiring in-house native language support agents Almost half of all customer service leaders surveyed said they strive to hire native speakers to address existing and potential customers’ needs. The challenge here, as we’ve discussed in previous posts, is that relying exclusively on full-time native speakers can be prohibitively expensive, as well as a barrier to the agility required of a global enterprise. Because customer service demands in different languages can constantly shift, it often proves incredibly difficult to have the right number of reps who speak the right languages ready to go at any given moment. Over 79% find AI-powered solutions to be very to extremely valuable The strong overlap between respondents in all three countries who reported using both native language speakers and AI-powered solutions suggests that most businesses are cobbling together a mix of native speakers, outsourcing, and AI-powered translation tools. The devil, of course, is in the details: finding the right balance of humans vs. software. Deploying machine learning has become essential to scale up any multilingual customer service organization, yet only ”human-in-the-loop” AI platforms provide the nuance and context necessary to creating those all-important meaningful customer relationships. So what will a post-COVID world look like for customer service leaders charged with navigating a new normal? Early data from China shows an increase of 3 to 6 percentage points in overall e-commerce penetration in the aftermath of the pandemic. Furthermore, the share of Chinese consumers over the age of 45 increased by 27 percent from January to February. All signs point to a permanent shift towards online shopping and increasing consumer comfort with digital interactions — requiring ever-increasing agility and innovation from our survey respondents and their fellow customer service leaders across the globe. Curious how leading companies are solving multilingual translation barriers? Read the Daniel Wellington case study Read our Case Studies
今年4月,麦肯锡公司发布了一项行动号召,以认识到某人与你的企业进行的每一次互动都日益增长的重要性。他们认为,当消费者和公司在颠覆我们生活和系统的冲击波中航行时,有一种新的紧迫性,即巧妙地解决客户对可信信息,指导和支持的需求。 当我们开始2021年时,大流行已经过去了将近10个月,我们决定与客户服务专业人员联系,他们一直处于这样一个快速加速的未来的前沿。我们对来自美国,英国和德国等多个行业的600名客户服务负责人进行了一项调查,以找出当今全球客户服务运营管理中最重要的挑战。 引人注目的是,尽管存在如此多的经济不确定性,我们的调查发现,在2021年,不仅大多数公司将继续在客户服务方面大举投资,而且许多公司还将增加预算。在美国,50%的受访者表示他们明年的预算将会增长,而英国的这一比例为30%。受访者和40%的德国领导人还表示,他们将获得更多资金。 以下是我们从调查对象那里了解到的其他情况: 超过42%的受访者表示,他们面临的最大挑战是为全球客户提供一致的体验 在我们接受调查的国家中,领导人一致认为一致性是最大的挑战--语言是国际市场上的主要障碍。我们对这种共识并不感到惊讶,因为统计数据显示,有整整40%的全球消费者根本不会用另一种语言购买,而如果提供母语的售后支持,74%的消费者更有可能第二次从某个品牌购买。提供一致的多语言客户服务使支持领导夜不能寐,因为这既影响收入又影响客户信任。 三分之一的人想要建立有意义的客户关系,提高全球客户忠诚度的解决方案 当被问及他们最关心的客户服务要素是什么时,三分之一的客户支持负责人回答说,“与客户建立有意义的关系”胜过“授权代理商快速解决问题”和“跨时区提供出色的客户体验”等问题。这反映出一种普遍的认识,即那些持续提供令人愉快的服务时刻的公司创造了最忠诚的客户,而这些客户反过来又推动了显著的增长。(事实上,StellaConnect是一家对网络公司的客户服务表现进行评估和评级的公司,该公司表示,当客户服务为客户解决问题时,80%的客户会感觉与该品牌的情感联系更紧密。) 超过40%的人通过聘请内部母语支持代理来解决语言障碍 在所有接受调查的客户服务负责人中,几乎一半的人表示,他们会努力雇佣母语人士来满足现有和潜在客户的需求。正如我们在前几篇文章中讨论过的,这里的挑战在于,完全依赖于全职的母语人士可能会昂贵得令人望而却步,而且还会阻碍全球企业所需的敏捷性。因为不同语言的客户服务需求会不断变化,所以要有数量合适的,讲合适语言的代表随时待命是非常困难的。 超过79%的人认为人工智能解决方案非常有价值 这三个国家的受访者报告既使用母语使用者,又使用人工智能驱动的解决方案,两者之间存在很大的重合,这表明大多数企业都在拼凑母语使用者,外包和人工智能驱动的翻译工具。当然,问题在于细节:在人与软件之间找到正确的平衡点。部署机器学习已经成为提升任何多语言客户服务组织的关键,然而只有“人在回路”的AI平台才能提供创建这些至关重要的有意义的客户关系所必需的细微差别和上下文。 那么,对于负责驾驭新常态的客户服务领导者来说,后贪婪世界将会是什么样子呢?来自中国的早期数据显示,在大流行之后,总体电子商务渗透率提高了3至6个百分点。此外,45岁以上的中国消费者所占比例从1月到2月增长了27%。所有迹象都表明,网上购物将成为一种永久性的转变,消费者对数字交互的舒适度也将不断提高--这需要我们的调查对象和他们在全球的客户服务领导者们不断提高敏捷性和创新能力。 好奇领先企业是如何解决多语言翻译障碍的?阅读丹尼尔·威灵顿案例研究阅读我们的案例研究

