The Boardroom Beat #1


2021-02-23 18:25 GALA


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Real challenges, real solutions, real life; This monthly column will address questions that emerge from the Boardroom. GALA’s members lead organizations that lead other organizations to succeed globally. To do so, GALA leaders “learn, share, and inspire one another.” That requires stretching…. continually. The Boardroom Beat is designed to celebrate curiosity. The leadership learning “exercise” that we will do together will combine work on flexibility, strength, endurance, and rest. To this column I deliver an undying love affair with the G11n industry plus thousands of hours spent coaching and consulting outside of it. My two decades as an industry insider culminated in a memorable season serving on the GALA Board and facilitating the GALA CEO Forum. It’s great to be back. The Monthly format is Q&A&Q: Question from a member or GALA staff Answer based on experience, case study, best practice, or innovation Question(s) back to push customized thinking The extra Q is a “coach reflex.” Coaching in purest form is Socratic. The “Answer” is the beginning of understanding. Probing assumptions and perspectives while questioning the question is how growing continues. Question: What is the difference between a coach and a consultant? Which do you recommend? Answer: You pay a consultant for what they know. You pay a coach to help you realize what you know and act on it. A Senior Ops Manager at Dropbox said this about coaching on my LinkedIN: "Similar to the magic of seeing a great psychologist/counselor, you leave each session having found your own answers, unsure how the facilitator did so well to lead you directly there, simply by asking the right questions.” Ten years ago I launched a business consultant model based on industry and CEO experience. Transitioning over time to a hybrid with progressively more coaching was organic based on my personal philosophies and wiring. I then formalized that direction with coaching training and certifications. Because I am pragmatic I still offer a hybrid service. If a client will act on a solid recommendation I can make in 5 minutes they appreciate the ROI, because the self-journey to the same plan would have spanned more time and more sessions. Both consulting and coaching are valuable. Access to domain specific areas of expertise via consultancy is more important than ever before in competitive arenas. Which will benefit your organization more depends on you and what you are solving or creating. Questions: Why are you hiring a coach or a consultant? Which approach appeals to you? Why? Do you consult or coach your reports? Why? Will your organization be better served if you speed up or slow down your decisions? What’s next? Share the Leadership Question that is on your mind. Let’s explore today’s Boardroom challenges together.
真实的挑战,真实的解决方案,真实的生活;这篇每月专栏文章将讨论董事会会议上出现的问题。GALA的成员领导着带领其他组织在全球取得成功的组织。要做到这一点,联欢会的领导人“相互学习,分享,激励”。这需要伸展…。不断地。 会议室节拍是为了庆祝好奇心而设计的。 我们将一起进行的领导力学习“练习”将结合灵活性,力量,耐力和休息的工作。在这篇专栏文章中,我讲述了我对G11n行业的一段永恒的爱,以及我在行业之外的几千小时的辅导和咨询工作。我作为行业内人士的二十年,在GALA董事会和主持GALA CEO论坛这一令人难忘的赛季中达到了顶峰。回来真好。 每月的格式为Q&A&Q: 来自成员或晚会工作人员的问题 基于经验,案例研究,最佳实践或创新的答案 问题回推定制思维 额外的Q是一种“教练反射”,最纯粹的教练形式是苏格拉底式的。“答案”是认识的开始。探索假设和观点,同时质疑增长如何持续的问题。 提问:教练和顾问有什么区别?你推荐哪个? 答:你付钱给咨询师是因为他们知道什么。你付钱请教练帮你认识你所知道的并付诸行动。 Dropbox的一位高级运营经理在谈到我在LinkedIn上的辅导时这样说:“就像看到一位伟大的心理学家/咨询师的魔力一样,你在每次培训结束时都找到了自己的答案,不知道辅导师是如何做得如此出色,仅仅通过提出正确的问题就直接将你引导到那里的。” 十年前我推出了一个基于行业和CEO经验的商业顾问模式。随着时间的推移,我逐渐转变为一个混合体,并得到更多的指导,这是基于我个人的哲学和线路的有机过程。然后,我通过教练,培训和认证,正式确定了这个方向。因为我很务实,所以我仍然提供混合服务。如果一个客户将采取行动的一个坚实的建议,我可以在5分钟,他们赞赏的ROI,因为自我旅程到相同的计划将跨越更多的时间和更多的会议。咨询和辅导都是有价值的。在竞争激烈的竞技场上,通过咨询获得特定领域的专业知识比以往任何时候都更为重要。哪个将更有利于您的组织取决于您以及您正在解决或创建的内容。 问:你为什么要聘请教练或顾问?哪种方法对你有吸引力?为什么?你是否咨询或辅导你的报告?为什么?如果你加快或放慢你的决策速度,你的组织会得到更好的服务吗?接下来是什么? 分享你心中的领导力问题。让我们一起探索今天的董事会挑战。

