A Guide to Work Orders & Work Order Management (Sample Included)


2021-02-18 06:25 project manager


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A work order is the connective tissue between a customer and the work they want to be done. They’re the paper trail defining what needs to be done, by when and for how much. They’re the lifeblood of many industries that provide service and maintenance. Most of us have signed off on or have been given work order, but like so much of what is commonplace, we don’t really have a firm idea of what it is and why it’s such a crucial link in many business transactions. What Is a Work Order? A work order is a document that describes a job between a customer and a contractor. Work orders can be generated for use within an organization, likely with work management software, but they most commonly serve as a contract between the customer and whomever they contract to execute the desired work. A work order includes a description of the job with an estimate of what it will cost to get it done, including labor, parts and materials. There might be forms attached depending on the type of work you’re assigning, which may require permits or other paperwork. The work order will also have information on the location where the work is needed, who will carry it out and the timeframe in which it should be completed. The customer information is also included and can be used as an invoice for the work. Related: Free Work Order Template for Excel What Are Work Orders Used For? Work orders standardize workflow and create a simple and fast process for scheduling, assigning and tracking work while documenting resources and tracking performance. Work orders are primarily used in the construction industry for service requests, but can also be used for products, inspections and audits. In manufacturing a work order is often called a sales order when a build or engineering is to take place. Regardless of what industry a work order is used in, it is used to track and monitor progress of the status of the job. This is true when used in field service or within an industry that is tasked with regular inspection. In that regard they act almost like a status report. Work Order Types In terms of structure there are several types of work orders. Quotes: This type of work order is a list of products with their pricing included. These quotes are captured and the customer can then make the decision as to whether they meet their financial requirements for the work. These products are not committed to inventory. Orders: The difference between a quote work order and an orders-based work order is that the latter is a list of products that are more likely to be purchased by the customer. Therefore, these can be committed to an inventory. Unplanned Work Order: This addresses work that has not been planned ahead, such as when machinery breaks down. Planned Work Order: When you have work that recurs and can be scheduled, such as preventive maintenance, then it’s called a planned work order. Internal Work Order: These are work orders that originate from someone in the organization and are sent to another person in the organization. External Work Order: When a work order originates from outside the organization. Manual Work Order: This work order is scheduled by hand after getting a work request. Automatic Work Order: When a work order can be set up to automatically schedule assignments, such as a software tool. If you’re talking about a service work order, then rather than a product, you’re detailing the schedule for that job to be delivered. These types are somewhat flexible in that once the work order is made, it can be changed from a quote to an order, detailing how many products on the quote can be committed to. An order to a quote has the order-only information, such as an authorization date. Work Order Sample To get a better general idea of work orders and what they entail, let’s look at a sample. ProjectManager.com has a number of free project management templates, and pictured below is a full version our work order template. We will outline the different elements of the work order and how to use them. Contact and Internal Information Our free work order template can be customized to fit the perimeters of your business, but it’s fully loaded with the basics. At the top is where much of the pertinent information is captured, such as company name, address and contact. There’s also a place to add the work order number, which is key to keeping track of the job and finding the work order quickly. Dates are included for when the work order is issued, when the work is expected to start, finish and when it’s completed. A priority level can be set. The person who requested the work order is identified and a customer ID for internal use is given. For larger organizations, the department can be specified. Job Description The meat of the work order is of course the job and its related labor and materials. Here the work is described, who is billed is identified, and, if necessary, where the work will be shipped is identified. Following this is a detailed description of the work to be done and how many hours it will take to do each line time, as well as the rate of the worker tasked with the job. This is then totaled. Required Materials The next section in our work order sample lists the materials needed to complete the job, how much of each, the cost and any applicable tax. All this is added to the above total for a subtotal. Any additional charges are added to this subtotal to reach the total price of the work order. Finally, there’s space to add additional information. Then there’s a signature and dateline. Again, this is a work order example, but a few tweaks can apply to almost any work order you have to need to produce. Key Principles of Good Work Order Management A work order is in effect a task. It’s a way to describe, assign and track a job to make sure it is completed on time and within an agreed-upon budget. Managing the creating and flow of a work order as it moves from initiation to execution and completion is key. The work order process follows three steps: 1. Create a new work order 2. Traffic through the organization 3. Close the work order when complete In terms of those who are involved in work order management, they include the person who requested the work, the individual who is authorized to approve it and those who carry it out. Having some reporting mechanism will also help to keep track of the work and make sure that it’s finished by the deadline. When finished, payment is required, and so payroll needs to be involved to manage any down payments and then final pay. How ProjectManager.com Streamlines Work Order Management ProjectManager.com is award-winning software that helps organize work and drive efficiency. Generating, tracking and paying for work orders is enhanced by our cloud-based tool that gives you real-time data to always know if you’re keeping on schedule. Kanban boards can be used create work orders, add attachments, set priorities and track progress. Work orders are made on cards that are then placed beneath columns that represent the phases of the work, which can be customized to match your organization’s nomenclature. Track Progress for Better Results Keep track of progress on dashboards that automatically reflect status updates and calculate metrics such as time, tasks, costs and more. If your crew is in the field, as long as they have internet connectivity, they can update their status or collaborate by commenting at the task level. Time logged on work can also be tracked with timesheets that streamline payroll as well. They’re secure and easy to use. Our unlimited file storage means you can use the tool as a centralized hub to manage all your work orders. ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based tool that organizes work and workers for greater productivity. Manage your work orders and keep your team working wherever they are or whenever they’re working. Try ProjectManager.com today by taking this free 30-day trial. Project Controls: A Quick Guide Critical Chain in Project Management: A Quick Guide A Quick Guide to Program Management Project Proposal Template
工作单连接客户和他们想要搞定的工作。确定做什么,什么时候做,做多少。工单是许多提供服务和维护的行业的命脉。 我们中的大多数人都签了工作单,或者已经接到了工作单,但就像很多平常的事情一样,我们并不真正清楚它是什么,以及为什么它在许多商业交易中扮演了如此关键的一环。 什么是工单? 工单是客户和承包商之间工作的文档。工作订单也可以在组织内使用,可能与工作管理软件一起使用,但通常作为客户和他们签合同的工作执行人之间的合约。 工单包括对工作的描述,并估算完成工作所需的成本,包括人工,零件和材料。工单也可能会附有表格,具体取决于您分配的工作类型,这可能需要许可证或其他文书工作。 工单还将包含有关需要工作的位置,执行工作的人以及应完成工作的时间范围的信息。 客户信息也包括在内,可以用作工作发票。 相关内容:Excel工单模板 工单是用来做什么的? 工单使工作流程标准化,并创建了一个简单而快速的工作流程来安排,分配和跟踪工作,同时记录了资源并跟踪了绩效。 工作单主要用于建筑行业中的服务请求,但也可以用于产品,检查和审计。 在制造工作订单时,通常会在进行构建或工程设计时将其称为销售订单。 无论在哪个行业,工单都可以用来跟踪和监视工作状态的进度。 在现场服务中或在需要定期检查的行业中使用时,这是正确的。 在这方面,它们的行为几乎像一份状态报告。 工单类型 就结构而言,有几种类型的工作单。 报价:这种类型的工作单是包含价格的产品列表。 捕获这些报价,然后客户可以决定是否满足工作的财务要求。 这些产品不用于库存。 订单:报价工作订单与基于订单的工作订单之间的区别在于,后者是客户更可能购买的产品列表。 因此,这些可以提交给清单。 计划外工单:这处理的是事先没有计划好的工作,比如机器出现故障。 计划工单:如果您需要定期进行重复性工作(例如预防维护),则称为计划工单。 内部工单:这些工作指令源自组织中的某个人,然后发送给组织中的另一个人。 外部工单:发生在组织系统外部。 手动工单:此工单是在得到工作请求需手动完成的。 自动工单:某一工单可以被设置为自动安排分配时,例如一个软件工具。 如果是一个服务工单,那么您将详细列出要交付的工作的时间表,而不是一个产品。 这些类型在某种程度上是灵活的,因为一旦下达了工作订单,就可以将其从报价更改为订单,详细说明可以提交多少个产品。 报价单具有仅订购信息,例如授权日期。 工单示例 为了更好地了解工作单及其所需要的内容,我们来看一个示例。 ProjectManager.com有许多免费的项目管理模板,下面的图片是我们工作单模板的完整版本。 我们将概述工作单的不同元素以及如何使用它们。 联系人和内部信息 我们可以为您的业务定制免费的工单模板,但其中包含了基本信息。 在顶部是捕获许多相关信息的位置,例如公司名称,地址和联系方式。 还有一个添加工作单编号的地方,这是跟踪作业和快速找到工作单的关键。 包括发布工作订单的日期,预计工作的开始,完成和完成的日期。 可以设置优先级。识别请求工单的人员,并为客户提供一个内部使用的ID。对于较大的组织,可以指定部门。 职务描述 工单的内容当然是工作及其相关的人工和材料。 描述工作,确定人员,并在必要时确定了将工作运送到何处。 接下来是对要完成的工作的详细说明,每条生产线需要花费多少小时,以及被分配工作的工人的比率。 然后将其总计。 所需材料 我们的工作订单样本的下一部分列出了完成工作所需的材料,每种材料的多少,成本和任何适用的税款。 所有这些都加到上面的小计中。 任何其他费用都将添加到此小计中,以达到工作单的总价。 最后,还有地方可以添加其他信息。 然后是签名和日期。 同样,这是一个工作订单示例,但是几乎可以对您需要制作的任何工作订单进行一些调整。 良好工作订单管理的关键原则 工单实际上是一项任务。 一种描述,分配和跟踪工作的方法,以确保按时完成并在商定的预算范围内完成工作。 在从开始到执行和完成的过程中,管理工作订单的创建和流程是关键。 工单流程遵循三个步骤: 1.新建工单2。通过组织的流量 3。完成后结束工单 对于参与工单管理的人员,包括负责工作的人,有权批准该工作的人以及执行该工作的人。 建立某种报告机制还将有助于跟踪工作并确保在截止日期之前完成工作。 完成后,需要付款,因此需要涉及工资单来管理任何预付款,然后管理最终付款。 ProjectManager.com如何简化工单管理 ProjectManager.com是一个屡获殊荣的应用软件,它帮助您组织工作和提高效率。我们基于云的工具增强了工作订单的生成,跟踪和支付,它为您提供实时数据,使您始终知道您是否遵守了计划。 看板可以用于创建工作单,添加附件,设置优先级和跟踪进度。工作单是在卡片上制定的,然后放在表示工作阶段的列下面,这些列可以自定义以匹配组织的命名。 跟踪进展情况以取得更好的结果 在自动反映状态更新并计算指标(例如时间,任务,成本等)的仪表板上跟踪进度。 如果您的工作人员在现场,只要他们具有Internet连接,他们就可以更新其状态或通过在任务级别上进行评论进行协作。 还可以使用简化工资单的时间表来跟踪登录的时间。 它们安全且易于使用。 我们无限的文件存储意味着您可以使用该工具作为集中式中心来管理所有工作订单。 ProjectManager.com是基于云的工具,可组织工作和工人以提高生产力。 管理您的工作订单,使您的团队无论在何时何地都可以工作。 立即免费试用30天,试用ProjectManager.com。 项目控制:快速指南 项目管理中的关键链:快速指南 项目管理快速指南 项目建议书模板

