Guest Post: Why Your Customer Service Reps’ Happiness Matters as Much as Your Net Promoter Score


2021-02-17 16:30 unbabel


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Welcome to the first installment of our “Customer Service Heroes” series, where we invite inspiring customer service leaders to share their advice for running successful teams. Axel Kruse is the managing director of Axel Springer Kundenservice GmbH, where he leads the news media national customer service operation for the leading digital publisher in Europe, Axel Springer. With three decades of experience that include directing customer service operations at Microsoft and Amazon, he has been at the forefront of the industry’s most transformational challenges and advancements. In this post, Axel explains why he is so committed to inspiring and motivating his customer service workforce—and how he is using technology to increase job satisfaction, not just efficiency. With technology progressing exponentially in fields such as AI, service automation, natural language understanding and processing, cloud-based CRM, and more, I hear a lot of excitement about the future of customer service these days. Having spent well over 20 years in customer service myself, I fully agree. Times have never been more exciting in our line of work. We are in a golden age of customer service. Not because – as technology advocates often hyperbolically insist–technology can do everything humans can do, but because technology has finally matured enough to meaningfully improve the role of a contact center agent. First, it is important to recognize the situation of a call center agent. The work itself has not changed that much over the years and definitely has not become easier. Call center employees work in a high-pressure, high-volume environment. The work is demanding, often emotionally draining and the pay—while much better in some countries than others— is often relatively low. This is the reality of the job, and the context you should never ignore. So, while much lip service has been paid to the importance of human employees, what too often gets overlooked is leadership’s responsibility to create meaning, inspiration, and excitement for every member of your global customer service team. And the good news is that new technology can help us drive agent satisfaction by moving away from a “butts in seats,” cost driven, transactional model to a new world of “agent centric” agile support operations as a key driver for great customer experience and success. In this new world of customer service, here is how I think about employing technology to complement and inspire—rather than compete with—human teams. Start with Empathy First, work with your existing workforce to understand why they do their job. You must do the legwork and you must really listen. While some people chose the job because they truly love helping people (and they are, ultimately, the archetypes you want to hire), others may tell you that it is a stepping stone while they think about their next career move, and they simply need the money. It takes time well spent to understand each team member’s motivation and personal situation, but once you understand the context of your employees’ lives, you can think realistically about how to create a sense of motivation and purpose in doing the job. This is hard to achieve in the day-to-day call center environment. Promotions, raises, and bonuses can only go so far and typical team structures of 10-20 agents per team lead make it hard to rise through the ranks. We found, however, that factors such as freedom, flexibility, and being in control of their own work are much more powerful and sustainable drivers of agent satisfaction. Fortunately, today’s technology makes it much easier to address these drivers than in the past. Empower your agents – Self organizing teams and collaboration Anyone who has worked with me in the past few years has heard my goal of changing the traditional hierarchical setup in high-volume consumer support centers. Instead of transactional call center factories, I see a big potential in matching self-organizing, collaborative agent teams with customer segments similar to B2B account management setups. This means a fundamental paradigm shift in role definitions for management and agents. It also requires a greater investment in skill and personal development compared to the current setup. The agents need to be empowered and held accountable, while at the same time management’s role is about removing any barriers in the team’s way. Great examples for this approach are T-Mobile with their Team of Experts approach, or the “people over process” culture combined with strong consumer science at Netflix. Though, admittedly, implementing this kind of structure is still something of a holy grail for most customer service organizations—especially with the pandemic creating a new crisis that demands so much attention—I believe it is the future of customer service. Use of new service technologies – Agent and “Cobot” as an unbeatable team Automation and new technologies have enabled us to create an agent-centric work environment that addresses individual drivers such as flexibility, empowerment, and personal development as much as organizational development and service improvements in various areas. When we started our first automation initiative at Axel Springer Kundenservice, we got many questions around the technology. Our workers’ council was concerned about the potential loss of jobs, our financial controller got excited about the cost savings, and internal clients liked the chance to increase speed/service level and reduce human errors in our service operations. Fast forward to today. We have integrated two robotic process automation (RPA) bot runners –or “Robbie and Roberta” as our agents call them – seamlessly into our operations. We have transitioned boring and repetitive tasks from our agents to their non-human counterparts, resulting in higher job satisfaction and more interesting work for our agents. Throughout the whole process, we kept informing the team about our objectives and the benefits of the new technology. We often have discussions today where agents ask our RPA leader if “Robbie” can help them take over maniacal tasks for them. Our “Axel Springer Kundenservice mobile office in a box” is a key differentiator in a marketplace, where agents to this day typically work on stationary PCs in cubicles or open plan offices. With this setup, we moved our entire internal operations from our central location into the mobile office within days of the first coronavirus lockdown in Germany last year. Each agent now has a personalized bag with their own laptop, second screen, and peripherals to work from any location they prefer. This, combined with the freedom to work at flexible times whenever possible, resulted in significantly reduced attrition and absenteeism, while boosting employee motivation. We complemented this setup with a cloud-based collaboration suite, CRM system, and telephony, and are in the process of creating a fully digitized employee engagement and learning journey. For example, we moved away from traditional top-down knowledge delivery to a self-managed learning journey that is enriched with microlearning and eLearning tools, and elements of gamification such as skill badges, quizzes and competitions. Conclusion It’s a fun and exciting time to be in customer service. The arrival of new technologies, new leadership frameworks, and the strategic importance of great service are all drivers for truly human-centric service operations. The secret is putting the agents as much as the customers in focus. Companies who see and treat contact center agents and service reps as part of their unique selling proposition and value driver rather than a costly resource will be leading this transformation. Or, in other words: Happy Agent – Happy Customer!
欢迎来到我们的“客服英雄”系列的第一期,在这里我们邀请鼓舞人心的客服领导分享他们管理成功团队的建议。Axel Kruse是Axel Springer Kundenservice GmbH公司的总经理,负责欧洲领先的数字出版商Axel Springer的新闻媒体全国客户服务业务。 拥有30年的经验,包括在微软和亚马逊指导客户服务运营,他一直站在行业最具变革性的挑战和进步的前沿。在这篇文章中,阿克塞尔解释了他为什么如此致力于激励和激励他的客户服务团队,以及他是如何利用技术来提高工作满意度,而不仅仅是效率。 随着人工智能,服务自动化,自然语言理解和处理,基于云的CRM等领域的技术呈指数级发展,最近我听到了很多关于客户服务未来的兴奋。 我自己在客户服务领域工作了20多年,完全同意这一点。在我们这行,时代从未像现在这样激动人心。我们正处于客户服务的黄金时代。不是因为--就像技术倡导者经常夸张地坚持的那样--技术可以做到人类所能做到的一切,而是因为技术终于成熟到足以有意义地改善联络中心代理的角色。 首先,认清呼叫中心座席的情况是很重要的。这些年来工作本身没有那么大的变化,绝对没有变得更容易。呼叫中心员工在一个高压力,大容量的环境中工作。这份工作要求很高,常常让人情绪低落,而且薪水--尽管在一些国家要比其他国家高得多--却往往相对较低。这是工作的现实,也是你绝不能忽视的环境。 因此,尽管人们口惠而实不至地强调了员工的重要性,但往往被忽视的是,领导者有责任为全球客户服务团队中的每一位成员创造意义,激励和兴奋。 好消息是,新技术可以帮助我们从“坐在座位上的屁股”,成本驱动的交易模式转向“以代理为中心”的敏捷支持操作的新世界,以此作为获得巨大客户体验和成功的关键驱动因素,从而提高代理的满意度。 在这个客户服务的新世界里,下面是我如何看待如何利用技术来补充和激励人类团队,而不是与之竞争。 从同理心开始 首先,和你现有的员工一起工作,了解他们为什么要做他们的工作。你必须做跑腿的工作,你必须认真倾听。有些人选择这份工作是因为他们真的喜欢帮助别人(他们最终也是你想要雇佣的原型),而有些人可能会告诉你,这是他们考虑下一个职业发展时的垫脚石,他们只是需要钱。 了解每个团队成员的动机和个人情况需要花费大量的时间,但是一旦你了解了员工的生活背景,你就可以现实地思考如何在工作中创造一种动机和目标感。这在日常的呼叫中心环境中是很难实现的。晋升,加薪和奖金只能到此为止,而典型的团队结构是每个团队领导10-20个经纪人,这使得他们很难在队伍中晋升。然而,我们发现,诸如自由,灵活性和对自己工作的控制等因素是代理人满意度的更有力和可持续的驱动因素。幸运的是,如今的技术使得解决这些驱动因素比过去容易得多。 增强代理的能力-自组织团队和协作 任何在过去几年中与我共事过的人都听到了我的目标,那就是改变高业务量消费者支持中心传统的等级设置。与交易型呼叫中心工厂不同,我看到了一个巨大的潜力,那就是将自组织的,协作的代理团队与类似于B2B帐户管理设置的客户细分市场相匹配。 这意味着管理层和代理的角色定义发生了根本性的范式转变。与目前的设置相比,它还需要在技能和个人发展方面进行更大的投资。代理人需要被赋予权力并承担责任,同时管理层的作用是消除团队道路上的任何障碍。这种方法的很好的例子是T-Mobile的专家团队方法,或者Netflix的“以人为本”文化与强大的消费者科学相结合。 虽然,诚然,实现这种结构对于大多数客户服务组织来说仍然是一个圣杯--特别是在大流行造成了一个需要如此多关注的新危机的情况下--我相信这是客户服务的未来。 使用新的服务技术--Agent和“Cobot”作为一个无敌的团队 自动化和新技术使我们能够创建一个以代理为中心的工作环境,该环境既能解决各个领域的组织发展和服务改进,也能解决诸如灵活性,授权和个人发展等个别驱动因素。 当我们在Axel Springer Kundenservice开始我们的第一个自动化项目时,我们得到了很多关于这项技术的问题。我们的工人委员会担心可能会失去工作,我们的财务总监对节省成本感到兴奋,内部客户喜欢有机会提高速度/服务水平,减少我们服务运营中的人为错误。 快进到今天。我们已经将两个机器人过程自动化(RPA)机器人运行器--或者我们的代理称之为“Robbie和Roberta”--无缝地集成到我们的操作中。我们已经将枯燥和重复的任务从我们的智能体过渡到他们的非人类同行,从而使我们的智能体获得了更高的工作满意度和更有趣的工作。在整个过程中,我们不断向团队通报我们的目标和新技术的好处。我们今天经常进行讨论,特工们问我们的爱国军领导人“罗比”是否能帮他们替他们接管疯狂的任务。 我们的“Axel Springer Kundenservice mobile office in a Box”是市场上的一个重要区别,在这个市场上,代理商目前通常在小隔间或开放式办公室中使用固定的个人电脑工作,而我们的“Axel Springer Kundenservice mobile office in a Box”是市场上的一个重要区别。通过这一设置,我们在去年德国首次发生冠状病毒锁定事件后的几天内就将整个内部业务从中心位置转移到了移动办公室。每个特工现在都有一个带有自己的笔记本电脑,第二屏幕和外围设备的个性化包,可以在他们喜欢的任何地点工作。这一点,再加上尽可能在灵活的时间内自由工作,大大减少了自然减员和旷工现象,同时提高了员工的积极性。 我们通过一个基于云的协作套件,CRM系统和电话来补充这个设置,并且正在创建一个完全数字化的员工敬业度和学习之旅。例如,我们从传统的自上而下的知识交付转向了自我管理的学习之旅,通过微学习和电子学习工具,以及技能徽章,测验和竞赛等游戏化元素,使之更加丰富。 结论 这是一个有趣和令人兴奋的时间在客户服务。新技术的到来,新的领导框架,以及伟大服务的战略重要性,都是真正以人为中心的服务运营的驱动因素。秘诀就是把客户和代理商都放在焦点上。 那些将联络中心代理商和服务代表视为其独特销售主张和价值驱动因素的一部分而不是昂贵资源的公司将引领这一转变。或者,换句话说:快乐的代理商--快乐的客户!

