Interpreters Circulate Questionable Information about Interpreters & Vaccine


2021-02-18 03:25 multilingual


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We here at MultiLingual strive to publish the news, and in an era of fake news, it becomes necessary from time to time to report on what the news is not. A YouTube video by Spanish interpreter Kelly Grzech Henriquez is currently circulating among the medical interpreting community, and one interpreter from the American Translators Association (ATA) shared it in the advocacy committee’s group Slack. In this video, Henriquez — who received a COVID-19 vaccine — indicates that the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has refused to vaccinate more than a dozen Richmond, Virginia-area interpreters because they are not white. “I’m white,” she says at the 1:07 mark, “I’m not Hispanic. The rest of the interpreters who haven’t been vaccinated that I just mentioned? The vast majority of them are Hispanic and/or Black.” (A full transcription of the video, provided by Henriquez, is available on her website here.) When approached by MultiLingual, Henriquez refused to give the names of these interpreters she claims asked for vaccines, emailing “I don’t feel comfortable sharing people’s full names and contact information without their permission.” She is also unclear on where they tried to get vaccinations. In her video, she references three organizations: VDH, Richmond City Health District, and Henrico County Health District. The problem is, VDH doesn’t provide vaccines. It does, however, offer a directory of local organizations that do. Any interpreter — regardless of race — asking VDH for a vaccine would be turned away because it’s the wrong place. Henriquez also emailed that one of these interpreters approached VDH over Facebook, which is not an accepted route to apply for a vaccine. She was also unable to provide dates when these non-white interpreters were allegedly refused treatment, emailing “I don’t have those dates handy because it did not happen to me.” In an era of misinformation, it is important that we continually seek facts. It’s one thing to become justly enraged over racism, particularly when it could result in the loss of life. It’s another, however, to circulate unsubstantiated allegations. Like reporters, interpreters are commanded to be accurate. After confidentiality, accuracy is the second tenant in the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) Code of Ethics. For the language industry to be taken seriously by non-language professionals, we must take care to ensure the information we communicate is correct — whether it’s interpreted, streamed on YouTube, or shared over Slack. In response, Henriquez emails, “It’s no secret that the vast majority of interpreters in my area are Hispanic and/or Black. Non-minority interpreters are few and far between in my area. I’m not the one who said the word racism and brought it into this conversation. I simply laid out the facts and that seems to be the conclusion you have come to yourself.” Jennifer Santiagos, the interpreter who shared the video on the ATA Slack, said she “found the video credible” because of work Henriquez has done advocating for interpreters to get the vaccine, stating “Kelly has a very good reputation among colleagues.” VDH did not respond by press.
在“多语”报社,我们为发布新闻而奋力。但在一个虚假新闻盛行的时代,经常报导下某个事件不是所认为的那样已然成为一种必要。 目前口译医学领域流传着一段由西班牙口译员凯莉·格泽奇·亨里克斯拍摄的YouTube视频,一位来自美国翻译协会(ATA)的口译员将其分享到了宣委会的小组群聊(Slack)中。在这个视频中,亨里克兹—已接种2019年新冠病毒疫苗—表示弗吉尼亚州卫生署(VDH)已经拒绝给超过十几个弗吉尼亚州里士满的口译员接种疫苗,因为他们不是白人。“我是白人,”她在1点07分时说,“我不是西班牙裔。我刚才提到的其他没有接种疫苗的口译员?他们绝大多数是西班牙裔或黑人。”(亨里克斯提供的视频完整转录本可在她的网站上查阅。) 当“多语”的记者联系亨里克斯时,她拒绝透露所说的那些请求接种疫苗的口译员们的名字,并在邮件中说道:“我不愿意在没有得到他们允许的情况下透露他们的全名和联系方式。”她也不清楚这些口译员是在哪里接种疫苗的。在她的视频中,她提到了三个组织:VDH,里士满市卫生区和亨里科镇卫生区。问题是VDH不提供疫苗。不过,它确实提供了一个地方组织的名录。任何向VDH索取疫苗的口译员—不论种族—都将被拒绝,因为他们找错了地方。亨里克斯还在邮件说到,其中一名口译员通过Facebook与VDH联系,但Facebook并不是一个合规申请疫苗的途径。她也无法根据所说指明那些不是白人的口译员们被拒绝接种的日期,并在邮中说:“我不知道这些日期,是因为事情没有发生在我身上。” 在一个充斥假消息的时代,不断寻求事实是一件很重要的事。对种族主义感到愤怒,尤其是它可能损害生命时,是一回事;但,传播道听途说,又是另一回事。和记者一样,口译员也要求准确。在保密性之下,准确性是国家医疗保健口译委员会(NCIHC)道德准则中的第二常律。为了让非语言专业人士认真对待语言行业,我们必须注意确保我们交流的信息是正确的—无论是口译,在YouTube上传播,还是在Slack上分享。 作为回应,亨里克斯在电子邮件中说道:“我所在地区的口译员绝大多数都是西班牙裔或黑人,这已不是什么秘密。我所在的地区,非少数民族的译员少之又少。说出种族主义这个词,并把它用到谈话中去的人不是我,我只是简单地陈述了一下事实,然后好像你就自己得出了这样的结论。” 口译员詹妮弗·桑蒂亚戈斯在ATA的Slack上分享了这段视频,她说,她“觉得这段视频可信”,因为亨里克斯为支持口译员接种疫苗做了很多工作。她说,“凯利在同事中声誉很好。” VDH没有通过媒体对此作出回应。

