Mars Landing Broadcast in Spanish


2021-02-17 17:25 multilingual


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Mars rover mission Perseverance lands on Mars tomorrow and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plans to broadcast its arrival in Spanish. The US agency has aired space exploration in the language before — most recently coverage of the December 14th total solar eclipse. This, however, is NASA’s first Spanish language broadcast of a planetary landing. Entitled “Juntos perseveramos” (“together we persevere”), the program will start streaming at 2:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on NASA’s website as well as over the agency’s Spanish language social media accounts: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. According to a news release from Spanish Communications Lead María José Viñas and Senior Communications Team Lead Grey Hautaluoma, “[Juntos perseveramos] will give viewers an overview of the mission to Mars and highlight the role Hispanic NASA professionals have had in it.” The interviews themselves are pre-recorded. Perseverance engineer Diana Trujillo will host. “Juntos perseveramos” will also feature a children’s segment produced in collaboration with Sésamo. Previously known as “Plaza Sésamo,” it’s the Spanish language version of American television program “Sesame Street.” In the past, NASA has produced children’s educational programming in Spanish in collaboration with Univision Puerto Rico. In 2003, the two organizations made “Noticiencias NASA™” — a series of one minute videos and web based shows for kids in third through fifth grades. “Juntos perseveramos” will stream before the Perseverance rover’s anticipated landing on Mars. The mission itself is expected to reach the red planet at approximately 3:55 pm EST. Launched July 30, 2020, Perseverance “will search for signs of ancient microbial life, carefully collect selected rock and sediment — broken rock and dust — samples for future return to Earth, characterize Mars’ geology and climate and pave the way for human exploration beyond the Moon. It is NASA’s fifth Mars rover and, if successful, will be NASA’s ninth Mars landing,” write Viñas and Hautaluoma.
火星探测车任务“毅力号”明天在火星着陆,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)计划用西班牙语广播它的抵达。美国宇航局以前曾用这种语言播放过太空探索节目--最近一次是12月14日的日全食。然而,这是NASA首次用西班牙语广播行星着陆。 这个名为“Juntos Persisteramos”的节目将于美国东部标准时间下午2:30开始在NASA网站以及该机构的西班牙语社交媒体账户上播放:Twitter,Facebook和YouTube。据西班牙通讯负责人玛丽亚·何塞·维纳斯(María JoséViñas)和高级通讯团队负责人格雷·豪塔洛马发布的消息称,“(Juntos Persisteramos)将向观众介绍火星任务的概况,并强调西班牙裔NASA专业人员在其中所扮演的角色。”这些采访本身都是预先录制好的。毅力工程师戴安娜·特鲁希略将主持。 “Juntos persisteramos”还将与塞萨莫合作制作一个儿童部分。这是美国电视节目《芝麻街》的西班牙语版,它以前被称为“塞萨莫广场”(Plaza Sésamo)。 过去,美国航天局曾与波多黎各Univision合作制作西班牙语儿童教育节目。2003年,这两个组织制作了“noticiencias nasa™”--为三到五年级的孩子制作了一个一分钟的视频和基于网络的系列节目。 “Juntos Persisteramos”将在Persistence火星车预计登陆火星之前流动。任务本身预计将在美国东部时间下午3:55到达这颗红色行星。“毅力”号于2020年7月30日发射升空,将寻找远古微生物生命的迹象,仔细收集精选的岩石和沉积物破碎的岩石和尘埃样本,以便将来返回地球,描述火星的地质和气候特征,并为人类探索月球以外的地方铺平道路。这是NASA的第五次火星探测车,如果成功,也将是NASA第九次登陆火星。

