Continuous Localization: Faster Processes and Quicker Release


2021-02-17 01:50 Lingua Greca


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Product releases shouldn’t be delayed by suboptimal localization processes, right? So, if you are looking for a powerful way to speed up your product development and releases, continuous localization should be in your tool kit. But what is continuous localization? In short, it is a process that uses cutting-edge translation technologies to: Automatically detect content requiring translation Create a project Notify stakeholders Automatically sync the deliverables back to the code repository from which the source files came The benefit to developers from continuous localization is clear-cut: they can align localization efforts with their development cycle by automating and accelerating the steps involved in creating a professional translation. This way, they can seamlessly integrate their localization processes into their development cycle. For companies, continuous localization means faster translation turnaround times and accelerating quality product releases. The result: getting to international markets faster and helping them gain a competitive edge. Shorter, Faster Development Cycles For a number of years, software releases were regular, but fairly infrequent. At the time, most translation processes followed the waterfall development model. Essentially, this meant that localization only started when the product was finalized. But as developers adopted new methods like Agile, Scrum and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), manually managing translations just didn’t fit the new, rapid development processes. By the time that translators finalized the localization for one sprint, developers already were in the middle of the next iteration. This not only could hold back development speed, but those manual processes also tended to be more error-prone — ultimately resulting in a less than optimal user experience if, for instance, the content was not fully localized. Faster Cycles, Faster Time-to-Market As the development cycle becomes shorter, more traditional localization processes often struggle to keep up. It’s become clear that localizing digital products is not a project with a clear-cut end date. After all, software, app and website updates are now weekly, daily or even minute-to-minute. That means you have new content that needs to be localized all the time — even if it’s just a few strings. And of course, you don’t want to have this constant need for small batches of translations hinder your planned releases. Because every delay could mean lost market share and less revenue. In this world of ever-shorter development cycles, applying the latest development methods to localization has been the next logical step. Tools to improve automation and efficiency can sync localization to your product development cycle in such a way that localization actually becomes a crucial part of development. To give you a clearer picture about the different approaches, let’s look at the localization timeline for the average cycle of different methodologies. Methodologies influence the timeline for getting to market with localized content. What we see here is the influence of the development methodology on the localization timeline, and ultimately, the timeline for getting your product to market. Automation, Automation, Automation It is said that with continuous localization, a product is always ready for release. So, how does this work? Let’s take a closer look at the tools that have evolved to support the automation required to accomplish continuous localization: plugins, API integrations, CMS Connectors, middleware and various TMSs (Translation Management Systems). A variety of connectors, integrations and plugins help connect your content management system with the translation interface of a TMS – which automates the process to “pull” source content for translation and “push” translated content back into your CMS. These tools can help you to keep your content aligned across platforms and languages at all times while nearly eliminating manual processes and delays. Note that there may be some tradeoffs. While TMSs have superior connectors over server-based CAT tools for pushing and pulling content, CAT tools likely have better engineering and linguistic QA checks. With that said, a wide range of technology and TMS tools enable continuous localization by: Connecting your repository to a TMS Automating as many steps as possible, such as: diff detection, project creation, system notifications to stakeholders, syncing of files or exporting strings in a given file format Feeding back the translated content into the repository Blurred Lines & Close Collaboration The nature of the changing development and technological landscape brings Language Service Providers (LSP) closer to and effectively a part of the development process. With continuous localization, localization experts play an important role on the development team. Product development and localization teams both aim for a high-quality end result and a speedy release. Just five years ago, the two rarely worked together. But as continuous localization has gained traction, collaboration between developers and localization experts is now a must. Localization teams often work within the client’s TMS platform. Collaborating through a TMS allows for cross-functional performance of tasks between development and localization teams. Additionally, the searchable commenting inside the TMS platform enables teams to move away from email and makes communication between all stakeholders more efficient. Challenges and Advantages of Continuous Localization Aligning your localization process with your development cycle brings many advantages, like faster translation turnaround times and faster product releases. And since getting to market faster helps you increase revenue and delight your customers, it’s well worth it to consider continuous localization as a part of your localization strategy. And while the benefits of continuous localization are many, there are certainly challenges. One such challenge for many is the minimum fees that LSPs charge to cover overhead costs. Because the continuous localization process often involves short string updates, the size of projects drastically decreases. A project that used to be 10,000 words is now five words (or even two), and the ratio of overhead costs to revenue can skyrocket. A translation provider who has the tools and expertise necessary to automate translation workflows can adjust to provide these services at more reasonable cost. As we look at the future of localization, there will be trained neural machine translation (NMT) engines that will undoubtedly further streamline translation processes. But whatever comes along, make sure that you partner with an LSP who empowers you with the knowledge and freedom to choose the tools to automate your translation processes that best match your needs and goals. If you’d like to learn how you can get your products to market faster, contact us today!
不应该因为本地化流程不够好而耽误产品发布,对吗?因此,如果您正在寻找有效的方法来加快您的产品开发和发布速度,那么您的工具包中应该具备持续本地化。 但什么是持续本地化?简而言之,它是一个利用尖端翻译技术具备以下功能的程序: 自动检测需要翻译的内容 创建项目 通知涉众 自动将可交付结果同步回源文件所属的代码存储库 持续本地化给开发人员带来的好处是显而易见的:该程序可以通过自动化并加速生成专业翻译所涉及的步骤,使本地化工作与开发周期保持一致。通过这种方式,开发人员可以将本地化过程无缝地集成到开发周期中。 对于公司来说,持续本地化意味着翻译的周转时间和高质量产品的发布变得更快。随之而来的结果是:其能够更快地进入国际市场,从而帮助公司获得竞争优势。 开发周期更短、更快 多年来,软件都是定期发布的,不过频率不高。当时,大多数翻译过程都采用瀑布开发模型。从本质上说,这意味着本地化工作在产品最终完成时才开始。 但是随着开发人员开始采用Agile、Scrum和持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)等新方法,手动管理翻译已经不适应新的快速开发流程。因为手动管理情况下,翻译人员尽全力完成本地化时,开发人员已经处于下一个迭代中。 这样除了会阻碍产品开发速度,这些手动控制的程序也更容易出错——最终会导致用户得不到最佳体验,比如内容未完全本地化。 周期更短、上市更快 随着开发周期越来越短,传统的本地化过程往往难以跟上。很明显,现在数字化产品本地化项目并没有一个有明确的结束日期。毕竟,现在软件、app和网站都是按周、天甚至分钟为周期更新的。 这意味着您一直有需要本地化的新内容——即使只是几个字符串。当然,您不会想让这种对少量翻译的持续需求妨碍预期的产品发布。因为每个延误都可能意味着市场份额的损失和收入的减少。 在这个开发周期越来越短的世界,下一步将最新的开发方法应用到本地化是顺理成章的。提高自动化和效率的工具可以将本地化过程与您的产品开发周期同步,这样本地化实际上已成为开发的一个至关重要的部分。 为了让您更清楚地了解其差异,让我们看看使用不同方法本地化的平均周期时间线。不同方法会影响本地化内容推向市场的时间线。 我们在这里看到的是开发方法对本地化时间线的影响,最终这是您的产品推向市场的时间线。 自动化,自动化,自动化 我们说,采用持续本地化,一款产品随时都可以发布。那么,具体是c怎么运作的呢? 让我们仔细看一看已经发展起来的支持自动化的工具,这些工具都是完成持续本地化所需要的:插件、API集成、CMS(内容管理)连接器、中间件和各种TMS(翻译管理系统)。 各种各样的连接器、集成和插件可将您的内容管理系统与TMS的翻译界面连接起来——TMS自动将源内容“提取”出来进行翻译,并将翻译后的内容“推”回您的CMS。这些工具可以帮助您始终保持内容在各个平台和语言之间一致,而几乎用不到手动操作程序且无延误。 但注意,可能需要进行一些权衡。虽然TMS比基于服务器的CAT工具有更好的连接器来推拉内容,但CAT工具的程序和语言QA(质量)检查可能更好。 因此,广泛的技术和TMS工具可以通过以下方式实现持续本地化: 将内容存储库连接到TMS 尽可能将操作步骤自动化,例如:差异检测、项目创建、给涉众的系统通知、文件同步或给定文件格式的字符串导出 将翻译后的内容反馈到存储库中 模糊的线条与紧密的协作 开发需求与技术环境的不断改变,使语言服务提供商(LSP)离开发流程更近,且实际上成为开发流程的一部分。在持续本地化中,本地化专家在开发团队中扮演着重要的角色。 产品开发团队和本地化团队都以获得高质量的最终结果和快速发布为目标。就在5年前,两者还很少协同工作。但是随着持续本地化的发展,现在开发人员和本地化专家互相协作是必须的。 本地化团队通常在客户的TMS平台内工作。通过TMS进行协作允许开发团队和本地化团队之间跨职能执行任务。此外,TMS平台内的可搜索评论使团队能够甩掉电子邮件,并使所有涉众之间的沟通更有效。 持续本地化的挑战与优势 将您的本地化过程与开发周期保持一致会带来许多优势,比如翻译周转时间更短,产品发布更快。而且,由于进入市场更快,可以帮您增加收入并使您的客户满意,因此考虑将持续本地化作为您本地化战略的一部分是非常值得的。 虽然持续本地化的好处很多,但也必然存在挑战。对许多人来说,挑战之一是LSP为支付间接费用应收取的最低费用。因为持续本地化过程通常涉及短字符串更新,所以项目规模急剧减小。以前一个项目有一万字,现在只有五个字(甚至两个字),间接费用与营收的比例急剧上升。拥有自动化翻译工作流所必需的工具和专业知识的翻译供应商可以自己进行调整,用更合理的成本提供这些服务。 在展望本地化的未来时,必然有经过训练的神经机器翻译(NMT)引擎,这无疑会进一步精简翻译过程。但无论出现什么情况,都要确保与赋予您知识和自由的LSP合作,让您能够选择最符合需要和目标的工具来自动化您的翻译过程。如果您想了解如何更快地将产品推向市场,请与我们联系!

