IATE Term of the Week: Right to Disconnect


2021-02-12 19:50 terminology Coordination


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As the global health crisis, caused by the coronavirus outbreak, keeps changing the ways we live and work, the European Parliament stands up for remote workers’ rights. COVID-19 forced both public and private sectors to quickly overcome the technological and cultural barriers regarding remote work. According to Eurofound’s survey from July 2020, 48% of employees experienced teleworking, and over a third of them performed their duties exclusively from home.1 Although remote work may be a positive experience, it poses many risks for mental and physical well-being. Parents with young children, people without a suitable workspace, and those doing overtime have found themselves in a challenging situation. The emotional overload and feelings of isolation and anxiety often lead to burnout and depression. Teleworkers are also in danger of specific health conditions like eyestrain, ergonomic injuries, muscle tension, headaches, and sleep disorders. The topics of healthy work-life balance and the employee’s right to uninterrupted time off are not new. The discussion on the right to disconnect, fostered by the developments in communication technologies, has also been present in public debates before. How do we define it? According to Eurofound, the right to disconnect is ‘a worker’s right to be able to disengage from work and refrain from engaging in work-related electronic communications, such as emails or other messages, during non-work hours’. Some member states’ legal systems had already considered this issue, but in pandemic times, the need for general European legislation arose. It initiated the legislative process behind the new right to disconnect – a regulation adjusted precisely to current social and technological circumstances. The initiative had been discussed in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs in December 2020 and approved by the Parliament in a vote at the last plenary session. During the debates, politicians underlined the negative aspects of remote working. MEP Alex Agius Saliba, the main rapporteur behind the legislative, said: ‘The pressure to be always “on”, always reachable, is growing as the boundaries between private life and work-life are increasingly becoming blurred’.2 MEP Sara Matthieu added, that ‘the pressure of permanent availability brings mental and physical suffering’.3 What specific measures did the Parliament call for? Employers should not require workers to be available outside their working time and co-workers should refrain from contacting colleagues for work purposes. EU countries should ensure that workers who invoke their right to disconnect are protected from victimisation and other repercussions and that there are mechanisms in place to deal with complaints or breaches of the right to disconnect. Remote professional learning and training activities must be counted as work activity and must not take place during overtime or days off without adequate compensation.4 It is now up to the Commission to introduce standards for remote work in Europe. Eurofound. 2021. COVID-19 unleashed the potential for telework – How are workers coping? [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/blog/covid-19-unleashed-the-potential-for-telework-how-are-workers-coping. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. Eurofound. 2021. Right to disconnect | Eurofound. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/industrial-relations-dictionary/right-to-disconnect. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. Eurofound. 2021. Living, working and COVID-19 | Eurofound. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/report/2020/living-working-and-covid-19. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. European Parliament. 2021. Parliament wants to ensure the right to disconnect from work [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20210121STO96103/parliament-wants-to-ensure-the-right-to-disconnect-from-work. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. EUobserver. 2021. MEPs call for workers to have ‘right to disconnect’. [ONLINE] Available at: https://euobserver.com/social/150701. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. Newsbook. 2021. MEP Agius Saliba’s report on the right to disconnect approved by EP committee. [ONLINE] Available at: https://newsbook.com.mt/en/mep-agius-salibas-report-on-the-right-to-disconnect-approved-by-ep-committee/. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. The Brussels Times. 2021. MEPs to vote on workers’ right to disconnect. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/eu-affairs/150509/meps-to-vote-on-workers-right-to-disconnect-employment-social-rights/. [Accessed 10 February 2021]. Written by Magdalena Sikorska. She holds a Bachelor in Italian Language and Literature as well as master’s degrees in Journalism and Social Communication and Polish Philology
由于冠状病毒爆发引起的全球健康危机不断改变着我们的生活和工作方式,欧洲议会为偏远地区工人的权利挺身而出。 COVID-19迫使公共和私营部门迅速克服有关远程工作的技术和文化障碍。根据Eurofound从2020年7月开始的调查,48%的员工经历过远程工作,其中超过三分之一的员工完全在家履行职责。1虽然远程工作可能是一种积极的体验,但它会给身心健康带来许多风险。有年幼子女的父母,没有合适工作空间的人,以及加班的人发现自己处于一个充满挑战的境地。情绪过载,孤独和焦虑的感觉常常导致倦怠和抑郁。远程工作者还面临着特殊健康状况的危险,如眼睛疲劳,人体工程学损伤,肌肉紧张,头痛和睡眠障碍。 健康的工作与生活平衡以及雇员有权不受干扰地休假等话题并不新鲜。通信技术的发展促进了关于断开连接权的讨论,以前也曾在公开辩论中出现过。我们如何定义它?据Eurofound称,断开连接的权利是“工人有权脱离工作,在非工作时间不参与与工作有关的电子通信,如电子邮件或其他信息”。一些成员国的法律制度已经考虑了这一问题,但在大流行时期,需要制定一般性的欧洲立法。它启动了新的断开权背后的立法进程----一项完全适应当前社会和技术环境的法规。 2020年12月,就业和社会事务委员会讨论了该倡议,议会在上次全体会议上表决通过了该倡议。在辩论中,政治家们强调了远程工作的消极方面。议会议员Alex Agius Saliba是这项立法的主要报告员,他说:“随着私人生活和工作生活之间的界限越来越模糊,总是‘开着’,总是能接触到的压力越来越大。”2议会议员Sara Matthieu补充说,“永远能接触到的压力会带来精神和身体上的痛苦。”3议会要求采取哪些具体措施? 雇主不应要求工人在工作时间以外随时待命,而同事亦应避免为工作目的与同事联络。 欧盟国家应确保援引其中断联系权利的工人受到保护,不受伤害和其他影响,并建立机制处理申诉或中断联系权利受到侵犯的情况。 远程专业学习和培训活动必须算作工作活动,不得在加班或没有适当补偿的休息日期间进行。4 现在应由委员会在欧洲引入远程工作的标准。 欧洲发现。2021年。COVID-19释放了远程工作的潜力--员工如何应对?[在线]见:https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/blog/covid-19-unleashed-the-potential-for-telework-how-are-workers-copleing。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 欧洲发现。2021年。断开Eurofound的权利。[在线]见:https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/industrial-relations-dictionary/right-to-disconnect。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 欧洲发现。2021年。生活,工作和生活-19欧洲发现。[在线]可查阅:https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/report/2020/living-working-and-covid-19。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 欧洲议会。2021年。议会希望确保脱离工作的权利[在线]见:https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20210121sto96103/placement-want-to-confection-the-right-to-disconnect-of-work。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 欧盟观察员。2021年。欧洲议会议员呼吁工人有“断开连接的权利”。[在线]网址:https://euobserver.com/social/150701。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 新闻手册。2021年。MEP Agius Saliba关于断开权的报告获得EP委员会的批准。[在线]见:https://newsbook.com.mt/en/mep-agius-Salibas-report-on-th-right-to-disconnect-approved-by-ep-committe/。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 布鲁塞尔时报。2021年。欧洲议会议员将投票决定工人的断电权。[在线]见:https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/eu-affairs/150509/meps-to-vote-on-workers-right-to-disconnect-employment-social-rights/。[2021年2月10日查阅]。 马格达莱娜·西科尔斯卡写的。她拥有意大利语言和文学学士学位,新闻和社会传播以及波兰语文字学硕士学位

