Localization Metrics and Return on Investment


2021-02-11 19:00 multilingual


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While humankind was still grappling with the new reality of the pandemic, LocWorldWide42 (LWW42) was presented to localization professionals and other participants attending virtually from their home offices around the world. In July 2020, I had the opportunity to attend the Bigger, Better, Faster (BBF) workshop to gain insight from my peers and engage in live discussions about global crisis management related to localization benchmarks and processes. After the LWW42-BBF session, a group of participants — myself included — expressed interest in continuing the conversation and have been conducting one-hour meetings every month since October 2020 to talk about growth management. I am highly motivated by one particular question, raised during one of our gatherings, that sparked a discussion around the topic of why localization leads should — or how they can — develop their roles and lead the practice of localization from being a logistical support function to partnership in strategic support for growth management. The question is this: how can localization leads expand their part in the decision-making process for strategic growth and not merely lead a supportive department for translation and project management workflow? Many established businesses are investing in internal localization departments and are hiring in-house localization leads. The localization leads are expected to be Renaissance people, with a practical understanding of agile solutions for translation and global user experience challenges, product development skills, geopolitical and cultural aptitude, and a grasp of international project management principles. To name but a few of the elements of this interdisciplinary skillset, the best localization leads have in-depth knowledge of: Machine translation and post editing. Terminology management. Software production cycles. Data analytics and programming. Methods for localization engineering and automation. Desktop publishing. Development and usage of Computer-Aided Tools (CAT). Functional and language testing. L10n/G11n bug management. However, when decision-makers and CEOs are concerned about international growth, especially in new markets, localization teams are not perceived as strategic partners that understand the complexities of global expansion in supplementary markets. Instead, they are expected to perform as support centers by managing the translation and internationalization demands of product development and marketing initiatives. I believe, however, that change is not an external factor, and new ideas and practices can spring forth from within. Therefore, as we prepare ourselves to evangelize for the localization department’s critical function in growth management, localization leads need to adopt a few additional knowledge areas to manifest their strategic potential with respect to global growth. I hope to further to study methods and techniques that can be utilized by localization leads. The main intention is to develop visual dashboards to present CEOs and directors with the quantifiable data needed to globally develop products with local end-users (consumers) at the center of the business flywheel strategy. During the LWW42-BBF monthly sessions, we concluded that localization leads must embrace a data-driven mindset with the ability to acquire, track, and visually present data related to localization systems. This data can be used to increase return on investment (ROI) in not only the growth phase of the global business life cycle but in the full business cycle of launch, growth, shake-out, maturity, and decline with respect to the three financial metrics used to describe each business life cycle phase — sales, profit, and cash flow (Figure 1). Figure 1: Business Life Cycle Based on this approach, we also examined the effectiveness of a well-developed business dashboard produced by localization managers as a way to make it possible for decision-makers to foresee and adopt the most efficient global growth strategy.  In the future, I’d like to explore the best answers to the following questions:  Reviewing strategic objectives. Identifying a list of potential indicators. Eliminating indicators that are not practical. Including goals and KPIs.  Determining the target. 2. How to grab, track, and maintain valuable data: Planning data collection.  Determining what tools are useful for collecting primary data. Leveraging your business’s website to track languages in demand. Analyzing data. 3. How to calculate and increase ROI:  Calculating ROI. Understanding how market development affects ROI. Quantifying hard-to-calculate ROI factors. 4. What are the best practices to evaluate risk and maintain a budget? Understanding budget risk. Understanding how risks impact cost. Best practices for developing S-curve graphs and tracking budget. 5. What are the best methods and tools to visually present localization metrics and ROI in an interactive dashboard? Best tools for creating an interactive dashboard. Deciding what data to include. Implementing your findings in a visual and straightforward story.  6. How to influence decision-makers to use and benefit from the dashboard:  Selling your ideas in the boardroom. Developing your cultural intelligence to engage international stakeholders. By conducting this research, I hope to discover best practices for leading a localization team that will be the go-to internal partner for global growth and cultural intelligence. While conducting this research, I would love to hear your comments and provide us with your practical experience with the topic. I’m looking forward to your engagement and interest! This post is inspired by the LocWorldWide42 (LWW42) workshop Bigger, Better, Faster: Navigating the Globalization Road from Startup to Enterprise. A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste.
当人类仍在努力应对这一大流行病的新现实时,向本地化专业人员和其他与会者介绍了LocWorldWide42(LWW42),这些人员实际上是从他们在世界各地的总部参加会议的。2020年7月,我有机会参加更大,更好,更快(BBF)研讨会,从同行那里获得洞察力,并参与有关本地化基准和流程的全球危机管理的现场讨论。在LWW42-BBF会议结束后,一群参与者--包括我自己--表示有兴趣继续对话,并且自2020年10月以来,每个月都举行一个小时的会议来讨论增长管理。 在我们的一次聚会上,我被一个特别的问题所激发,这个问题引发了围绕本地化领导为什么应该--或者他们如何能够--发展他们的角色,并领导本地化实践从一个后勤支持职能转变为增长管理战略支持中的伙伴关系这一主题的讨论。问题是:本地化领导如何扩大他们在战略增长决策过程中的作用,而不仅仅是领导一个支持翻译和项目管理工作流程的部门? 许多已建立的企业正在投资内部本地化部门,并正在雇用内部本地化领导。本地化领导应该是文艺复兴时期的人,对敏捷的翻译解决方案和全球用户体验挑战有实际的理解,产品开发技能,地缘政治和文化天赋,并掌握国际项目管理原则。仅举几个跨学科技能集的要素,最好的本地化领导应该对以下方面有深入的了解: 机器翻译和帖子编辑。 术语管理。 软件生产周期。 数据分析和编程。 本地化工程和自动化的方法。 桌面出版。 计算机辅助工具(CAT)的开发和使用。 功能和语言测试。 L10n/G11n缺陷管理。 然而,当决策者和首席执行官关注国际增长,特别是在新市场的增长时,本地化团队并不被视为了解补充市场全球扩张复杂性的战略伙伴。相反,他们被期望通过管理产品开发和营销活动的翻译和国际化需求来发挥支持中心的作用。然而,我认为,变革不是外部因素,新的思想和做法可以从内部产生。因此,当我们为本地化部门在增长管理中的关键职能做好准备时,本地化领导需要采用一些额外的知识领域,以显示他们在全球增长方面的战略潜力。 希望能进一步研究可供本地化引线使用的方法和技术。主要目的是开发可视化仪表板,向CEO和董事提供全球开发产品所需的可量化数据,将本地最终用户(消费者)置于业务飞轮战略的中心。 在LWW42-BBF月度会议期间,我们得出结论:本地化领导必须具有数据驱动的思维方式,具有获取,跟踪和可视化呈现本地化系统相关数据的能力。该数据不仅可以用于全球业务生命周期的增长阶段,而且可以用于在启动,增长,摆脱,成熟和衰退的整个业务周期中增加投资回报(ROI),这涉及用于描述每个业务生命周期阶段的三个财务指标--销售,利润和现金流(图1)。 图1:业务生命周期 基于这种方法,我们还考察了本地化管理人员制作的一个开发良好的业务仪表板的有效性,作为一种方式,使决策者有可能预见并采取最有效的全球增长战略。在未来,我想探索以下问题的最佳答案: 审查战略目标。 确定潜在指标清单。 消除不实用的指标。 包括目标和KPI。 确定目标。 2.如何抓取,跟踪和维护有价值的数据: 规划数据收集。 确定哪些工具对收集主要数据有用。 利用您企业的网站来跟踪需求语言。 分析数据。 3.如何计算和提高ROI: 计算ROI。 了解市场发展如何影响ROI。 量化难以计算的ROI因素。 4.评估风险和维持预算的最佳做法是什么? 理解预算风险。 了解风险如何影响成本。 开发S曲线图和跟踪预算的最佳实践。 5.在交互式仪表板中可视化呈现本地化度量和ROI的最佳方法和工具是什么? 创建交互式仪表板的最佳工具。 决定要包括哪些数据。 把你的发现用一个直观的,直截了当的故事来实现。 6.如何影响决策者使用仪表板并从中受益: 在会议室里推销你的想法。 发展你的文化智慧,让国际利益相关者参与进来。 通过进行这项研究,我希望能够发现领导本地化团队的最佳实践,该团队将成为全球增长和文化智慧的最佳内部合作伙伴。在进行这项研究的同时,我很乐意听取您的意见,并为我们提供您的实践经验。我期待着你的订婚和兴趣! 本文受到LocWorldWide42(LWW42)研讨会“更大,更好,更快:从初创企业到企业的全球化道路导航”的启发。危机是可怕的浪费。

