What Happened to Wunderlist? 5 Wunderlist Alternatives for 2021


2021-02-11 04:00 project manager


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The power of a simple to-do list can take your productivity to new heights. With them you can organize all the work that needs to be done for your project and strategize a way to tackle it. That’s the value that the Wunderlist software, a well-loved cloud-based to-do list app, brought to the table. Unfortunately, Wunderlist shut down in 2020, much to the disappointment of its users. But don’t mourn! If you’re looking for a tool that does what it did, there’s hope. Read on to learn exactly what happened, and to get our recommendations on a quality task management software to replace Wunderlist. We tried each of the biggest players to find the right one for you. What Happened to Wunderlist? Why did Wunderlist shut down? You can blame it on Microsoft. The software behemoth bought out the company in 2015 as a strategic decision to drive the Wunderlist customer base into the new Microsoft To Do software. If you were already using Wunderlist, it will continue to work—but it’s no longer possible for a new user to sign up. But even the last Wunderlist holdouts are going to need to move away eventually. As of May 6, 2020 the to-do lists no longer sync, with only the option to import those lists into Microsoft To Do. For the time being, your data in Wunderlist can still be accessed, but legacy software applications only maintain support for so long. That, of course, isn’t ideal. Lovers of task management are going to need to find a Wunderlist alternative. Why Did People Use Wunderlist? People used Wunderlist because it did what it said it would do: manage your tasks. It didn’t hurt that the free version was full of features that essentially made buying the paid tool unnecessary, especially if you were just looking for a simple to-do list. The interface was also inviting and intuitive to use. The app would work as well on a desktop application or mobile apps, so it was convenient. Plus, if you wanted to collaborate with teammates, the paid version offered good collaborative tools to facilitate that effort. There was no steep learning curve—starting a list was simple. The 5 Best Wunderlist Alternatives It’s more than likely that Wunderlist will shut down soon, so it would be wise to look for a Wunderlist alternative, even if you’re happy with the tool. We researched the best task management apps out there and came back with these five. One is sure to be the right one for you. 1. ProjectManager.com ProjectManager.com is an award-winning to-do list and task management software that lets you manage your tasks to drive progress. It’s more than just a task list, though, having the tools and features to manage projects, both big and small. Best of all, it’s easy to use! Because ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based to-do list app, you can easily update your progress no matter where you are so long as you have access to an internet connection. ProjectManager.com also has advanced task management features that allow you to assign priority level and due dates to prioritize your work. You can get started quickly by importing tasks, too. As your tasks begin to add up, you can filter the task list by due date, owner, project and more. If you’re working with a team, you can collaborate by adding comments and files to each of your tasks. You can also set up in-app notifications and email alerts that will be sent when a task’s status changes. Plus, unlike Wunderlust and other Wunderlust alternatives, you can visualize your workflow with the kanban view, which displays your tasks as cards. Teams can move the cards between columns to manage their backlog and plan sprints. It also has an intuitive interface that doesn’t require any training, though they have great customer service to field any questions. With all of these fantastic task management features at a very attractive price, ProjectManager.com is the clear choice for those looking for a Wunderlist alternative. 2. Microsoft To Do Microsoft To Do is where Microsoft wants Wunderlist users to migrate and call home. It’s a task management app that is built to make you more productive. Naturally, it syncs with Outlook Tasks and other MS tools, like Microsoft Planner. Its to-do lists are basic and it’s free, so if you’re looking for a solution that just gives you lists and works with the rest of your MS tools, then this might be enough. It’s in the process of harvesting the best of Wunderlist and planting it into its app, but it’s at best a work in progress. You’re not going to fall in love with it as you did with Wunderlist, but as a Wunderlist alternative, it clears the lowest hurdles. That doesn’t mean new iterations won’t live up to the promise MS made when they acquired Wunderlist, but hopefully, you’re patient. 3. Asana Asana is more than a task management tool. It places most of its chips on collaboration and does a good job at both managing tasks and fostering collaboration. That said, it can be a bit confusing at first, but you’ll want to stick around for the flexibility and features it offers. While they don’t have a fully functional Gantt chart, they have recently added a timeline feature, which makes it easier to deal with task dependencies. As a Wunderlist alternative, it works great and does more than that app, though it’s not ideal for any graphics-intensive work you might do. 4. Trello Trello manages your tasks with a kanban board tool that lets you customize boards and manage workflows, but it falls short of an all-in-one project management tool. Its flexibility and its ability to work on desktops and mobile apps are selling points. The lack of Gantt charts, time-tracking and progress reports might turn you off. While it might be missing some features, it’s a fun app and does what it does well. It’s great for organizing and coordinating your work and is built more for teams than individuals. That and the fact that it’s easy to use are more than enough pros to make users interested in using it as a Wunderlist alternative. 5. Todoist Todoist is a productivity app that can organize all your tasks in robust to-do lists. It works with Mac, Windows and many browser extensions. It can set goals, delegate tasks and gives you a report of your daily and weekly productivity. You can even import your Wunderlist lists, capturing all your projects, tasks, reminders, notes and files. The downside is that there are some features that aren’t available for users of the free app. Otherwise, it has a fine interface, collaborative features and even offline functionality. It’s probably the closest to Wunderlist alternative that matches that defunct app’s features and even beats it at its own game. Task management requires the right tools to get the job done. ProjectManager.com is an award-winning cloud software that adds a dynamic to-do list to a full suite or project management features. No other to-do list app helps you plan, monitor and report on your work. See what it can do to boost your productivity today by taking this free 30-day trial. Best Task Management Software of 2020 4 Things Every Task Management Tool Needs Project & Task Tracking Template 5 Best Trello Alternatives in 2020
简单的待办事项清单可以让你的工作效率达到新的高度。有了这些清单,你就可以组织规划所有需要做的工作,并制定策略来处理这些工作。 这就是神童软件的价值所在,这是一款广受欢迎的基于云端的待办事项清单应用程序。 不幸的是,它在2020年下架了,这让它的用户非常失望。但不要悲伤! 如果你正在寻找一种像神童一样的工具,那还有希望。 请继续阅读,来了解到底发生了什么,并采纳我们用其他高质量的任务管理软件取代神童的建议。我们尝试了每一个大玩家,为您找到合适的一个软件。 神童怎么了? 神童为何下架?你可以将其归咎于微软。2015年,这家软件巨头做出了一项战略决策,收购了微软,将神童的客户群吸引到微软来做新的待办事项清单软件。 如果你已经注册并使用了神童,它将继续工作,但它不接受新用户注册了,即使是神童的忠实用户最终也需要停止使用该软件。截至2020年5月6日,待办事项清单不再同步列表信息,只能将这些列表导入微软的待办事项。 目前,您仍然可以访问神童上的数据,但它只能在一段时间内查看。当然,这并不理想。热爱任务管理的人需要找到一个新的软件来替代神童。 人们为什么要使用神童? 人们使用神童是因为该软件实现了它的功能:管理任务。 它是免费版的软件,其中囊括付费版的工具。当你只是在寻找一个简单的待办事项列表时,神童是不二的选择。 神童的界面使用起来十分诱人和直观。该应用程序在电脑桌面或移动设备上也能正常工作,所以十分方便。此外,如果你想与队友合作,付费工具的协作功能能够促进你们完成工作。该软件学习起来十分简单。 神童的5个替选方案 神童可能很快就会下架。即使你对该软件很满意,还是要寻找神童的替代方案,这才是明智之举。 我们调查研究了目前最好的任务管理应用程序,选出了以下五个软件。其中,肯定有一个是适合你的。 第一,ProjectManager.com ProjectManager.com是一个备受称赞的待办事项清单和任务管理软件。您可以用来管理任务,推动任务进展。它不仅仅是一个任务列表,还具有管理大大小小项目的工具和功能。最棒的是,它简单易上手! ProjectManager.com是一个基于云端的待办事项清单应用程序。无论你在哪里,只要有网络连接,都可以轻轻松松地更新进度。 ProjectManager.com还具有高级任务管理功能,您可以分配优先级和截止日期,以确定工作的优先级。您也可以通过导入任务快速开始。当您的任务开始增加时,您可以按截止日期,所有者,项目等筛选任务列表。 如果您与一个团队合作,则可以通过向每个任务添加注释和文件来进行协作。您还可以设置应用内通知和邮件提醒,当任务的状态发生变化时,您会收到通知。 此外,该软件与神童以及其他替选方案不同的是,您可以使用看板视图清楚的看到您的工作流。看板视图会将您的任务显示为卡片。团队人员可以在列之间移动卡片,以此来管理他们的积压和计划冲刺。 它还有一个直观的界面。用户不需要培训便会操作,不需要客服解答问题。ProjectManager.com以极具吸引力的价格提供了所有出色的任务管理功能,ProjectManager.com是那些寻找神童替选方案的人的明确选择。 第二,微软待办事项清单 微软待办事项清单是微软公司推出的,以此吸引神童用户。这是一个任务管理应用程序,旨在提高效率。当然,它可以与Outlook任务和其他MS工具(如Microsoft Planner)同步。它的待办事项列表是基本的,而且是免费的,所以如果你正在寻找一个只提供列表并可以与其他MS工具一起工作的解决方案,那么这可能就足够使用了。 它正在收获神童的精华,并将其植入自己的应用程序中,但这充其量只是一项正在进行的工作。你不会像爱上神童那样爱上它,但作为神童的替选方案,它扫清了最基本的障碍。这并不意味着新的迭代不会兑现微软收购神童时的承诺,但希望你有耐心。 第三,Asana Asana不仅仅是一个任务管理工具。它把大部分芯片放在协作上,在管理任务和促进协作方面都做得很好。也就是说,一开始它可能会有点混乱,但它有灵活性和特性,你会坚持使用下去。 虽然他们没有功能齐全的Gantt表格,但最近他们添加了一个时间轴功能,处理任务依赖关系变得更加容易。尽管它做图形密集型工作不是很理想,但作为神童的替选方案,它工作完成的很好,甚至比神童完成的还要好。 第四,Trello Trello使用看板板工具管理您的任务。您可以自定义板和管理工作流,但它不是一个多合一的项目管理工具。它的卖点是其灵活性以及在台式机和移动应用程序上工作的能力。它缺少Gantt表格,时间追踪和进度报告,你可能会因此望而却步。 虽然它可能缺少一些功能,但它仍是一个有趣的应用程序,并且实现了应有的功能。它非常适合组织和协调工作,更适合团队工作。基于此特点和其简单易上手的特点,用户在挑选神童替选方案时,Trello深受喜爱。 第五,Todoist Todoist是一个高效的应用程序,它可以将所有的任务组织在健全的待办事项列表中。它可以与Mac、Windows和许多浏览器一起工作。它可以设定目标,委派任务,并且生成日报告和周报告。您也可以导入神童列表,获取所有项目、任务、提醒、注释和文件。 它的缺点是,有一些功能是付费的,普通用户无法使用。它的优点是,有良好的界面,协作特性和离线功能。这可能是最接近神童的替代方案,与该应用程序的功能匹配,甚至在自己的游戏中击败它。 任务管理需要正确的工具来完成工作。ProjectManager.com是一款备受称赞的云计算软件,它可以将动态待办事项清单添加到完整的套件或项目管理功能中。其他待办事项清单应用程序做不到帮助你计划、监控和报告你的工作。快来免费试用30天,看看它是如何提高成产力的吧! 2020年度最佳任务管理软件 任务管理工具需要的4样东西 项目和任务跟踪模板 2020年5种最佳Trello替选方案

