10 Fun Facts about Honduras, the Country of Natural Wonders


2021-02-09 17:25 GALA


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Rosario Traducciones continues the tour of Latin America in another edition of #ElEspañolEnElMundo. The seventh destination is one of the Central American countries with the greatest biodiversity in the region. Do you need to communicate with a Latin American audience? Are you exporting or selling your products and services to Spanish-speaking countries? Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA invites you on a virtual linguistic tour through the different countries of Latin America, as we explore their diversity and cultural richness. In this edition, we travel to Honduras, a land of mountains whose flora and fauna is one of the great attractions of a country that treasures a rich and varied biodiversity. According to local folklore, lluvia de peces (lit. raining fish) is an extraordinary meteorological phenomenon that occurs in the city of Yoro, in the Honduran region with the same name. Since there is no scientific evidence, many experts have concluded that this is just a folk tale. According to the Yoro inhabitants, this particular downpour has been occurring in this area for more than a century. Witnesses have pointed out that the phenomenon begins with a darkening of the sky caused by dense clouds, followed by lightning and thunder, strong winds and a heavy rain that lasts for 2 to 3 hours. Once the rain stops, the inhabitants find hundreds of live fish scattered on the ground. Since 1998, a festival known as Lluvia de Peces Festival is held every year. "Punta" is a typical dance native of Honduras This dance was created by the Garifuna ethnic group and has spread throughout Honduras, even crossing the country's borders into surrounding countries. The upbeat rhythms that emanate from the musical instruments and the dance’s broad cultural value, prompted UNESCO to declare “punta” as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This dance style can be considered as a musical genre because of the diversity of rhythms and varied uses in daily life. It is played with some percussion instruments such as drums and snail-like trumpets among others. Tilapia is a fish native to Africa which belongs to the family of cichlids. It was initially farmed in Kenya in the 1920s, and then taken to Asia and the American continent after the Second World War. Tilapia are farmed along the main coastal areas of Honduras. There are 1,589 farms that generate 19,000 direct jobs and 50,000 indirect jobs, with an annual production of 10,000 tons in an area of 557 hectares. Honduras ranks first in tilapia exports to the United States, which is the world's largest consumer of fresh tilapia. The Archaeological Park of Copan houses a Hieroglyphic Staircase that contains the largest written text in the world. This majestic and unique building was built in 755 AD. Although the text has not yet been completely deciphered, researchers have carried out several studies and determined that the text tells the history of the city dynasty and relevant facts about its monarchical ancestors. Although the nationality term for those born in Honduras is "hondureño" (Honduran), the inhabitants of this country prefer the colloquial qualifier "catracho." This nickname derives from General Florencio Xatruch, a Honduran soldier who fought William Walker and his pirates in 1855, when the filibuster invaded Nicaragua in his attempt to overthrow President Chamorro. The heads of state of neighboring countries joined forces in solidarity with Nicaragua and sent their troops to counterattack Walker and defend the sovereignty of their brotherly republics. General Xatruch led the fight commanding 600 Hondurans. His troops were known as the "xatruches." Because many people couldn't pronounce the general's last name, they began calling his soldiers "catruches." Over time the word has morphed into the version widely used today: "catrachos". The city of Comayagua holds the oldest cathedral and clock in the American continent. This historical monument was built in 1634 and inaugurated on December 8, 1711. The cathedral houses the oldest working clock in the American continent: an antique that has been in operation for more than 900 years. The Maya were the most advanced pre-Columbian culture in the current territory of Honduras, but by the time the Spanish conquerors arrived, that magnificent culture had already disappeared. The Mayan inhabitants did not actually disappear, of course. Their culture had reverted to lower levels of development. Whether this was due to natural causes or the collapse of their social organization is unknown. The ruins of Copan are the most important Mayan ruins in Honduras. According to the 2018 Health Report of the Mesoamerican Reef, the Caribbean Sea of Honduras holds the healthiest reef system in the world. The reef ecosystem is the second largest in the world, and includes the coasts of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and Mexico. This fact makes Honduras a great tourist destination for divers and nature lovers. With the large number of coral reefs around Bay Islands, Honduras is the country with the second largest reef area in the world after Australia. While most names of cities and towns in Honduras are of indigenous origin, this does not apply to the Roatán archipelago. The name comes from foreign languages, either from those who occupied the lands or from the interpretation by those who did not understand the language. It is said that, after evicting the colonial guards, the first English pirates who occupied the island were surprised to see other species as invasive as them. Seeing the large number of rats that invaded the territory, the pirates allegedly called it ‘Rat land,’ which eventually became "Roatán." In Honduras you can find numerous natural treasures, whether in flora and fauna, not found anywhere else in the world. Such is the case of the Guayas cichlid fish, also known as Harlequin Cichlid, which is only found in the Chotuleca river basin. Because theirs scales are yellow, they are recognized by their black stripes on a golden background, with red and orange highlights.
罗萨里奥-特拉杜克尼斯在另一期的《#elespañolenelmundo》中继续拉丁美洲之旅。第七个目的地是该地区生物多样性最丰富的中美洲国家之一。 你需要与拉丁美洲的受众沟通吗?你是否向西班牙语国家出口或销售你的产品和服务?Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA邀请您参加一次虚拟语言之旅,穿越拉丁美洲的不同国家,探索它们的多样性和文化的丰富性。在本期节目中,我们将前往洪都拉斯,这是一片山地,其动植物群是这个珍惜丰富多样的生物多样性的国家的一大亮点。 根据当地的民间传说,鱼雨(lluvia de peces)是发生在洪都拉斯同名地区的约罗市的一种特殊气象现象。由于没有科学证据,许多专家认为这只是一个民间传说。根据约罗居民的说法,这种特殊的大雨在这个地区已经发生了一个多世纪。目击者指出,这种现象开始时,浓密的云层导致天空变暗,随后是闪电和雷鸣,强风和持续2至3小时的大雨。一旦雨停,居民就会发现数百条活鱼散落在地上。自1998年以来,每年都会举办一个被称为Lluvia de Peces节的节日。 "蓬塔 "是洪都拉斯本土的一种典型舞蹈,这种舞蹈由加里富纳族人创造,并在洪都拉斯各地传播,甚至越过该国边界进入周边国家。乐器发出的欢快节奏和舞蹈广泛的文化价值,促使联合国教科文组织宣布 "蓬塔 "为人类非物质文化遗产。 这种舞蹈风格可以被视为一种音乐流派,因为其节奏的多样性和在日常生活中的不同用途。 罗非鱼是一种原产于非洲的鱼类,属于慈鲷科。它最初于20世纪20年代在肯尼亚养殖,然后在第二次世界大战后被带到亚洲和美洲大陆。罗非鱼沿着洪都拉斯的主要沿海地区进行养殖。有1,589个农场,创造了19,000个直接就业机会和50,000个间接就业机会,在557公顷的面积上,年产量为10,000吨。洪都拉斯在向美国出口罗非鱼方面排名第一,美国是世界上最大的新鲜罗非鱼消费者。 科潘考古公园内有一个象形文字楼梯,其中包含了世界上最大的书面文字。这座雄伟而独特的建筑建于公元755年。虽然文本尚未完全破译,但研究人员已经进行了一些研究,并确定文本讲述了城市王朝的历史和关于其君主祖先的相关事实。 虽然在洪都拉斯出生的人的国籍术语是 "hondureño"(洪都拉斯人),但这个国家的居民更喜欢使用口语修饰词 "catracho"。这个绰号源于弗洛伦西奥-夏特鲁奇将军,他是一名洪都拉斯士兵,在1855年与威廉-沃克和他的海盗作战,当时这个长舌妇入侵尼加拉瓜,企图推翻查莫罗总统。 邻国的国家元首联合起来声援尼加拉瓜,并派军队反击沃克,捍卫他们兄弟共和国的主权。夏特鲁奇将军领导了这场战斗,指挥600名洪都拉斯人。他的部队被称为 "Xatruches"。由于许多人无法读出将军的姓氏,他们开始称他的士兵为 "catruches"。随着时间的推移,这个词已经演变成今天广泛使用的版本。"catrachos"。 科马亚瓜市拥有美洲大陆上最古老的大教堂和时钟。这座历史遗迹建于1634年,并于1711年12月8日举行落成典礼。大教堂里有美洲大陆上最古老的工作钟:一个已经运行了900多年的古董。 玛雅人是目前洪都拉斯领土上最先进的哥伦布前文化,但当西班牙征服者到达时,这种宏伟的文化已经消失了。当然,玛雅居民并没有真正消失。他们的文化已经恢复到了较低的发展水平。这究竟是由于自然原因还是由于他们的社会组织的崩溃,我们不得而知。科潘遗址是洪都拉斯最重要的玛雅遗址。 根据《2018年中美洲珊瑚礁健康报告》,洪都拉斯的加勒比海拥有世界上最健康的珊瑚礁系统。该珊瑚礁生态系统是世界第二大,包括洪都拉斯、危地马拉、伯利兹和墨西哥的海岸。这一事实使洪都拉斯成为潜水员和自然爱好者的绝佳旅游目的地。由于海湾群岛周围有大量的珊瑚礁,洪都拉斯是继澳大利亚之后世界上拥有第二大珊瑚礁面积的国家。 虽然洪都拉斯的大多数城市和城镇的名字都是源自土著,但这并不适用于罗阿坦群岛。名称来自于外国语言,或者来自于占领这些土地的人,或者来自于不懂语言的人的解释。据说,在驱逐了殖民时期的守卫后,第一批占领该岛的英国海盗惊讶地发现,其他物种也像他们一样具有侵略性。看到大量的老鼠入侵,据说海盗们把它叫做 "老鼠地",最后变成了 "罗阿坦"。 在洪都拉斯,你可以找到许多自然宝藏,无论是植物群还是动物群,都是世界上其他地方所没有的。瓜亚斯比目鱼就是如此,它也被称为哈雷克比目鱼,只在乔图莱卡河流域发现。因为它们的鳞片是黄色的,它们可以通过金色背景上的黑色条纹来识别,并有红色和橙色的亮点。

