Interpretation Versus Translation: What’s the Difference?


2021-02-09 08:50 United Language Group


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With 67.3 million U.S. residents speaking a language other than English at home, the question isn’t whether language access or meeting the multicultural healthcare requirements of patients and members with limited English proficiency (LEP) is necessary. The key questions are which services should you make available, and how should you provide them? Offering language solutions to members and patients with LEP is much more than checking boxes. It makes a difference in the health of the population you serve and in your organization’s bottom line. It’s well documented that those with limited English proficiency have greater risk of infections, falls, longer hospital stays, surgical delays, and readmissions, all of which can compromise service quality and increase costs. Interpretation Versus Translation The two most basic language solutions that help healthcare practitioners and those with LEP communicate with each other are interpretation and translation. But, what’s the difference? You might have even used the terms interchangeably, perhaps saying “I need a translator,” when you really meant, “I need an interpreter.” Interpretation Interpreters help people who speak different languages communicate in person or via the phone or technology, like video. From emergency medical calls to business transactions, clear and precise oral communication is vital. For interpreting, you’ll need a team who can handle the most prevalent languages spoken in your area. Some metropolitan areas require proficiency in dozens -- if not hundreds – of major languages. Additionally, for something as unpredictable as healthcare, interpreters should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over-the-phone, simultaneous, video-remote and in-person interpreting services. The latest interpreting technology isn’t just an invaluable patient service, it helps your team meet industry compliance standards and allows you to expand your reach. Translation Oftentimes when we think of a language barrier, speaking and oral communication comes to mind. But what about all the written communications that are a part of the member and patient experience? That’s where translation comes into the picture. Language translation refers to converting the written word from one language to another. In healthcare, it includes after-visit summaries, prescriptions, Estimation of Benefits (EOB), Annual Notice of Change (ANOC), doctors’ notes, patient instructions and any other document used to communicate during a member or patient’s journey. Accurate language translation is key to ensuring medicines are taken as prescribed, care instructions are followed and follow-up visits are scheduled. Effective translation starts with language experts who understand your industry. Look for a company who requires their linguists to undergo rigorous training to meet medical qualifications, to make sure they consistently deliver the quality of work you deserve and are proficient in cutting-edge translation technology. Language Solutions for Healthcare A language barrier impacts patient or member’s comprehension of medical condition, treatment plan, discharge instructions, medication compliance, adequate preparation for tests and procedures, and reliable informed consent. Reliable, easy-to-use interpretation and translation services can make a huge difference and result in LEP patients getting the care and outcomes they deserve. To learn more about how Language Solutions can enhance your practice, Contact us for a free, no obligation business analysis. ULG: Your Language Resource. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, '5fc0c96b-2193-4e6d-b710-16c0775e18bc', {});
美国有6730万居民在家讲英语以外的语言,问题不在于是否有必要满足英语能力有限(LEP)的患者和成员的多元文化医疗需求,而在于你应该提供哪些服务,以及你应该如何提供这些服务? 为会员和LEP患者提供语言解决方案远不止是勾选框。它对你所服务的人群的健康和你的组织的底线都有影响。有证据表明,英语能力有限的人感染、跌倒、住院时间延长、手术延误和重新入院的风险更大,所有这些都可能影响服务质量并增加成本。 口译与笔译 帮助医护人员和LEP患者相互交流的最基本的语言解决方案是口译和笔译。但是,有什么区别呢?你甚至可能会互换使用这两个术语,可能会说“我需要一个笔译员”,而实际上你的意思是“我需要一个口译员”。 口译 口译员帮助说不同语言的人进行面对面交流,或者通过电话或视频等技术进行交流。从紧急医疗呼叫到商业交易,清晰准确的口头交流至关重要。 对于口译,你需要一个能处理你所在地区最流行语言的团队。一些大都市地区要求熟练掌握数十种(如果不是数百种)主要语言。 此外,对于像医疗保健这样不可预测的事情,口译员应该一周7天、一天24小时提供电话、同传、远程视频和个人口译服务。最新的口译技术不仅仅是为病人提供一项宝贵的服务,还能帮助您的团队达到行业标准,并使您扩展服务范围。 笔译 想到语言障碍时,口语和口头交流就会经常浮现在我们的脑海中。但是,关于服务对象和患者的所有书面交流,这就联系到笔译了。 语言笔译是指把文字从一种语言转换成另一种语言。在医疗保健方面,它包括减少就诊后总结、处方、效益评估(EOB)、年度变更通知(ANOC)、医生笔记、患者说明和任何其他用于在服务对象或患者旅途中进行交流的文件。 准确的语言笔译是确保药物按处方服用、护理说明得到遵守和随访安排的关键。有效的翻译从了解你所在行业的语言专家开始。寻找一家公司,要求他们语言学家经过严格的培训,以符合医学资格,以确保他们始终如一地提供您应得的工作质量,并精通边缘翻译技术。 医疗保健语言解决方案 语言障碍影响患者或服务对象对医疗状况、治疗计划、出院指示、服药依从性、测试和程序的充分准备以及可靠的知情同意的理解。可靠方便的口译和笔译服务可以使LEP患者得到他们应得的护理和结果。 要了解更多关于语言解决方案,请联系我们,以获得免费、无义务的业务分析。ULG:你的语言资源。 hbspt.cta._relativeurls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907,'5FC0C96B-2193-4E6D-B710-16C0775E18BC',{});

