What You Need to Know About Selecting Glossary Terms


2021-02-09 05:50 RWS Moravia Insights


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It’s simple: if a term has any level of ambiguity, it should be included in your corporate glossary or termbase. There, blog post done. Or not, since that very statement is itself shrouded in ambiguity. Terminology management is an important element of any content creation and localization workflow, so establishing a solid glossary of your company’s key terms should be well thought out and easily accessible. Let’s take a closer look at how to set up a glossary and select the right terms. What is a glossary? A glossary is a record of terms and additional information about them. It can be formatted in a variety of ways, from a simple list to multi-column Excel sheets. It houses your terms and the guidelines on how to use them—their context, spelling and proper capitalization, whether any terms are forbidden, rules on synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, etc. It can be as robust or as simple as you want. A termbase is a type of glossary that is more formally structured like a database for use with authoring or translation tools. Termbase fields are usually customizable and contain a good amount of data about each term. Why term selection matters Having a good glossary or termbase is critical because it creates consistency. It gets language out of people's heads and into a central place with guidelines. When terms are clear and concise, there are many benefits: Client-facing content and products have agreed, consistent and clear language; User experience and product usability are enhanced; Brand is strengthened globally with clearer messaging; Research time is reduced due to consistent definitions and metadata; Legal and security issues from inconsistent or unintended language can be avoided; Content can be created more quickly and get to market faster; Search engine rankings are enhanced; and When using machine translation (MT), outputs are improved. So, how do you decide what to put in your glossary or termbase? Selecting a series of terms suddenly sounds like a daunting prospect, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Important? Yes. Impossible? No. Concepts: the foundation of a glossary or termbase Before we get into the process, we need to introduce what a concept is, because when a word becomes a term, it has to be attached to a concept when it enters the glossary. The best way to show what a concept is to use an example. Let’s take the term “resource”. When talking about people, it might not be the right term to use; it’s a pretty cold way of referring to people you work with. So, the term would be forbidden in this context, and we would be heavily encouraged to use more thoughtful words like “professionals” or “people” (after all, that’s what they are). But “resource” isn’t a dirty word in other contexts, so it can still make it into the glossary; it just has to be tied to the right concept. Therefore, it could be used in non-human terms: “natural resource”, “financial resource”, “material resource” and so on. So, terms chosen for your glossary or termbase have to be tied to a usage, an idea, a context—a concept. Making the cut—the selection process Selection criteria revolve around looking at things in a certain way. It boils down to asking the right questions of each term candidate. If we answer “yes” to any of these questions, then almost certainly the term should be included: Is the term unclear or confusing to translators, users or anyone else? Is the term often used incorrectly? Are there multiple synonyms for the term? Does the concept belong to technical language related to your product and not to general speech? Is the concept specific to your target audience? Is the concept complex? So, now you understand the importance of managing terminology and you’ve selected the terms you want to use in all your materials. But there are other use cases for term selection that enterprises don’t think of at first. Finding terms for SEO and social media Up to this point, the process has been about refining terms so that we reduce similar word and synonym usage in order to get to a consistent, single term. But SEO is where things get flipped on their heads. With SEO, you want to cast the net as wide as possible and find all the terms that people are using to describe a concept. You may ask, “what are the most generic terms for this concept? What is it that people are searching for?” and there will be several answers because you are looking for multiple, high-ranking keywords. Unlike traditional terminology work, which is one concept to one term, SEO work is about one concept to several words (which may be, in fact, terms). A blended approach applies to hashtags (which are really just keywords) in social media when trying to join trending conversations. You have to use what people are searching for in order to be found, but at the same time, you may want to bring them back to how you want to refer to things so that you have a consistent brand voice. With hashtags, it’s a marketing balancing act between casting a wide net with a lot of terms and choosing a very specific term related to your brand that your audience may or may not be using yet. Just do it So, will the world end if you don’t select terms properly? Probably not. Will your business be negatively impacted? If you’re in manufacturing, financial services, pharma, tech or any business that wants to go global, then maybe. Simply put, good terminology reduces miscommunication, not to mention additional cost when fixes are required. But term selection doesn’t have to be hard. Get a system in place and define the rules for what term gets used when. Ask questions about every word you’re not sure of and document the results in the glossary. And above all—do it now. Your business depends on it. If this blog post has piqued your interest in the terminology process, you can read more about it in our ebook, The Basics of Terminology Management.
很简单:如果一个术语有任何程度的歧义,您的公司术语表或术语库就该添上它。 好了,博文写完了,不过以上说法本身就模糊不清。术语管理是任何内容创建和本地化工作流程的一个重要元素,因此建立一个公司关键术语的坚实词汇表应该经过深思熟虑并易于访问。让我们仔细了解下如何设置术语表并选择正确的术语。 什么是术语表? 术语表是术语及其他信息的记录。它可以以多种方式格式化,从一个简单的列表到多个Excel表单。它包含了你的术语和如何使用它们的指导方针——上下文、拼写和适当的大写,是否有任何被禁止的术语,同义词、反义词和同音异义词的规则等等。它可以是庞大的,也可以是简单的,都由你定。 termbase是一种结构更正式的术语表,就像数据库一样,用于创作或翻译工具。termbase字段通常是可自定义的,且包含关于每个术语的大量数据。 为什么术语选择很重要 拥有一个好的术语表或术语库是至关重要的,因为它可以有助于一致性。它从人们的头脑中提取语言,借助指导方针将语言放进一个中心位置。当术语清晰简洁时,益处很多: 面向客户的内容和产品有一致明确的语言; 用户体验和产品使用性提升; 由于更清晰的信息传递,品牌在全球知名度提高; 由于定义和元数据一致,研究时间减少; 可避免因语言不一致或非本意而产生的法律和安全问题; 内容可以更快创建,更快进入市场; 搜索引擎排名增强;…… 使用机器翻译(MT)时,输出得到改善。 那么,如何决定将什么放入术语表或术语库呢?选择一系列术语突然听起来令你望而生畏?其实也不用怕。术语库重要么?当然。不可能实现么?不是的。 概念:术语表或术语库的基础 在开始创建术语之前,我们需要介绍什么是概念,因为当一个词变成一个术语时,它进入术语表时就得附在一个概念上。展示一个概念的最好方法是使用一个例子。 让我们以术语“资源”为例。在谈论人的时候,这个词可能不太合适;这是对同事相当冷酷的称呼。因此,在这种情况下,这个词将被禁止使用,我们将被大力鼓励使用更多体贴的词汇,比如“专业人士”或“人民”(毕竟,他们就是这样)。但是“资源”在其他上下文中并不是一个肮脏的词,因此它仍然可以进入词汇表;它必须与正确的概念相联系。因此,它可以用非人类的术语:“自然资源”、“金融资源”、“物质资源”等等。 因此,为您的词汇表或术语库选择的术语必须与一个用法、一个想法、一个上下文以及一个概念相联系。 删繁就简——选择过程 选择标准视看待事物的特定方式而定。归根结底,就是向每一位候选术语提出正确的问题。如果我们对这些问题中的任何一个问题回答“是”,那么几乎可以肯定的是,这个术语应该放进术语库里: 这个术语对译者、使用者或其他任何人来说是否不清楚或令人混淆? 这个术语经常被错误地使用吗? 这个术语有多个同义词吗? 该概念是否属于与您的产品相关的技术语言,而不属于一般的言语? 这个概念是针对你的目标受众的吗? 概念复杂吗? 所以,现在你明白了管理术语的重要性,你已经选择了你想在所有材料中使用的术语。但是对于术语选择,还有其他一些企业一开始没有想到的用例。 搜索搜索引擎优化(SEO)和社交媒体术语 到目前为止,术语创建的过程一直是关于精炼术语,以便我们减少近义词和同义词的使用,以获得一个一致单一的术语。但SEO发生了翻天覆地的变化。使用SEO,您希望撒网的范围尽可能广,并找到所有人们正在使用来描述一个概念的术语。你可能会问:“这个概念最通用的术语是什么?人们正在搜索的是什么?”因为你正在寻找很多排名高的关键词,你会得到很多个答案。不同于传统的术语工作,这是一个概念到一个术语,SEO工作是关于一个概念到几个词(这可能是,事实上,术语)。 一种混合方法适用于社交媒体中的hashtag(实际上只是关键字),当尝试加入热门对话时。你必须使用人们正在搜索的东西,以便被发现,但同时,你可能想把他们带回到你想要指代事物的方式,这样你就有了一致的品牌声音。使用hashtags,这是一个营销平衡的行为,一方面撒下一张大网,用大量的术语,另一方面选择一个与你的品牌相关的非常具体的术语,这个术语你的受众可能会使用,也可能不会使用。 照做就行了 那么,如果选词不当,是不是就完了?可能不会。你的生意会受到负面影响吗?如果你在制造业、金融服务、制药、科技或任何想要走向全球的企业,那么也许。 简单地说,良好的术语减少了错误沟通,更不用说需要修复时的额外成本了。 但是术语的选择并不是很难。建立一个系统,并定义什么时候使用什么术语的规则。对每个你不确定的单词提出问题,并将结果记录在术语表中。最重要的是——现在就做。你的生意就靠它了。 如果这篇博文激起了你对术语创建的兴趣,你可以在我们的电子书《术语管理基础》中读到更多相关内容。

