I-ATE Term of the Week: Khachapuri


2021-02-06 21:50 terminology Coordination


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Khachapuri is one of the most famous Georgian dishes. In 2010, the National Intellectual Property Centre of Georgia developed a legislative draft to protect khachapuri’s trade name. The national centre proposes the introduction of the European protection system for national trademarks TSG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) in Georgia. According to this law, manufacturers in other countries are not allowed to name the product “khachapuri” unless it is baked using the methods and ingredients specified in the document. In September 2011, the Georgian authorities issued a patent for khachapuri amongst several other national dishes. Furthermore, in January 2019, the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia officially recognised khachapuri as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Georgia. There are various legends about the origin of the name “khachapuri”. According to one of them, a person named Khacha made it for the first time and, after that, khachapuri spread throughout Georgia. According to another source, a slightly more convincing version, the name “khachapuri” comes from the Georgian words “khach” – cheese and “puri” – bread. The origin of the recipe is not certain either. However, historians agree that khachapuri was first made in the Middle Ages, when herders were often away from home for long lengths of time to graze cattle, covering long distances, and needed an easy-to-pack and nourishing food that would not spoil easily. They could not carry a lot of food with them nor were they able to cook on the road. The solution to this problem was a new dish: what is simpler than mixing water and flour, putting a piece of cheese in the dough and baking it? For the dough:• milk – 125 ml,• drinking water – 125 ml,• dry yeast – 7 g,• salt – 1 teaspoon,• sugar – 2 teaspoons,• vegetable oil – 1-2 tablespoons,• egg – 1 PC.,• flour – approx. 400 g. For the stuffing:• cheese – 500 g,• butter – 100 g,• eggs – 4-5 PCs. Dough:1) Mix milk and water.2) Heat (but don’t boil).3) Add sugar and yeast.4) Mix.5) Let stand for 10 minutes.6) Pour in the oil.7) Add salt and the egg.8) Mix.9) Gradually add the sifted flour.10) Knead the dough (which should be elastic and very soft). You may need to add more (or less) flour depending on the dough’s consistency: as soon as the dough stops sticking to your hands, put it in a large bowl, cover with a towel and keep warm for 2 hours until its size will have doubled. Stuffing:1) Grate the cheese (large shavings).2) Add the melted butter.3) Knead. Cooking:1) Divide the dough into 4-5 equal parts (depending on the desired size for each khachapuri).2) Stretch out forming large, thin ovals.3) Spread some cheese on the sides.4) Wrap the parallel sides so that the cheese is incorporated.5) Press the edges, giving the dough the shape of a boat.6) Fill the formed “canoe” with the stuffing.7) Transfer the “khachapuri” on a baking sheet.8) Smear beaten egg, or yolk, mixed with water (1 tablespoon) on the sides (optional).9) Bake khachapuri in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 15-25 minutes.10) Remove from oven.11) Dig a bit in the cheese stuffing with a spoon.12) Pour a raw egg into each “canoe”.13) Bake in the oven for another 4-6 minutes (the egg white should slightly fasten, the yolk should remain zliquidly).14) Grease the side crusts of the finished khachapuri with butter.15) Add a small piece of butter to the stuffing. Georgians eat khachapuri only with their hands. 1) Tear off the pointed ends of the “canoe”: these toasted side crusts will serve as a fork.2) Mix the stuffing (cheese and the egg, or other) using the dough pieces as a fork.3) Use the dough pieces to pick up the stuffing.4) Eat the dough pieces with the stuffing. Apart from the classical Adjaran khachapuri with cheese and eggs, there are many different kinds of khachapuri, for example stuffed with spinach, beans or meat. Which one is your favourite? Depo UA. 2020. История на тарелке: Грузинский символ – хачапури. [ONLINE]Available at: https://www.depo.ua/rus/life/istoriya-na-tariltsi-gruzinskiy-simvol-khachapuri-202002151113243.[Accessed 4 February 2021]. Gruzinskaya Kuhnya. 2020. Ачарули — аджарские хачапури. [ONLINE] Available at: https://gruzinskaya-kuhnya.ru/acharuli-adzharskie-hachapuri/. [Accessed 4 February 2021]. Gruzinskaya Kuhnya. 2020. Рецепт теста для ХАЧАПУРИ. [ONLINE] Available at: https://gruzinskaya-kuhnya.ru/acharuli-adzharskie-hachapuri/. [Accessed 4 February 2021]. Insta Food. 2021. История хачапури: когда, где и как? Полный обзор от INSTAFOOD. [ONLINE] Available at: https://instafood.com.ua/istoriya-blyuda-khachapuri-traditsionnoy-gruzinskoy-kukhni. [Accessed 4 February 2021]. Ivona. 2012. Хачапури: История, основные виды и советы по приготовлению. [ONLINE]Available at: http://ivona.bigmir.net/cooking/toowners/342586-Hachapuri–Istorija–osnovnye-vidy-i-sovety-po-prigotovleniju.[Accessed 4 February 2021]. Written by Giulia Dal Fabbro. Schuman Trainees’ Committee Career Coordinator and Trainee at DG TRAD – Planning Unit – Presidency and Plenary Translation Request Service. She holds a binational German-Italian Bachelor’s in Applied Interlinguistic Communication and German-Italian Studies, a Master’s in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting and a Master’s in Global Marketing, Communication and Made in Italy.
格鲁吉亚奶酪面包(Khachapuri)是格鲁吉亚最负有盛名的菜肴之一。 2010年,格鲁吉亚国家知识产权中心制定了保护格鲁吉亚奶酪面包商号的立法草案。国家中心建议在格鲁吉亚采用欧洲国家商标保护制度TSG(传统专业保证)。这项法律明确规定,其他国家的制造商不得将其产品命名为“格鲁吉亚奶酪面包”,除非它是使用文件所规定的方法和成分烘烤制成的。 2011年9月,格鲁吉亚政府为格鲁吉亚奶酪面包和本国的其他几种菜肴颁发了专利。 此外,2019年1月,格鲁吉亚国家文化遗产保护署正式认证格鲁吉亚奶酪面包是格鲁吉亚非物质文化遗产的一部分。 关于“格鲁吉亚奶酪面包”名字的由来,有各种各样的传说。 有人表示,格鲁吉亚奶酪面包在起初是一个名叫Khacha的人制造的,之后格鲁吉亚奶酪面包(khachapuri)就传遍了整个格鲁吉亚。 另一种消息来源则讲述了一个更有说服力的版本——“Khachapuri”这个名字来自格鲁吉亚语中的“Khach”(奶酪)和“Puri”(面包)。 食谱的来源也不确定。但是,历史学家一致认为,格鲁吉亚奶酪面包的制作最早起源于中世纪。当时牧民常因放牧而离家很长时间、走很远的路,他们需要一种易于包装、营养又不易变质的食物,因为他们不能随身携带很多食物,也无法在路上做饭。解决这个问题的办法是创造一道新菜:还有什么比把水和面粉混合、在面团里放一块奶酪、然后烘烤更简单的事呢? 制作面团需要:•牛奶-125毫升,•饮用水-125毫升,•干酵母-7克,•盐-1茶匙,•糖-2茶匙,•植物油-1-2汤匙,•鸡蛋-1片,•面粉-约400克。 制作馅料需要:•奶酪-500克,•黄油-100克,•鸡蛋-4-5个。 制作生面团的步骤是:1)将牛奶和水混合。2)加热(但不要煮沸)。3)加入糖和酵母。4)混合。5)静置10分钟。6)倒入油。7)加入盐和鸡蛋。8)混合。9)逐渐加入筛好的面粉。10)揉和生面团(要有弹性,非常柔软)。 根据面团的稠度,你可能需要加入更多(或更少)面粉:当面团不再粘手,就把它放在一个大碗里,盖上毛巾,保温2小时,直到面团的大小翻倍。 制作馅料的步骤是:1)将干酪磨碎(大刨花)。2)加入融化的奶油。3)揉捏。 烹调的步骤是:1)将面团分成4-5等份(取决于你希望每个格鲁吉亚奶酪面包最后呈现的大小)。2)延展成大的、薄薄的椭圆形。3)在侧面加入一些干酪。4)将平直的侧面包裹起来,以便干酪充分吸收融入。5)压紧边缘,把面团做成小船的形状。6)把馅料填满已成形的“独木舟”。7)把“格鲁吉亚奶酪面包”放在烤盘里。8)把打好的鸡蛋涂上,或蛋黄,与水(1汤匙)混合在两旁(可选)。9)在预热的烤箱中以200°C烘烤格鲁吉亚奶酪面包约15-25分钟。10)从烤箱中取出。11)用勺子挖一点奶酪馅。12)在每个“独木舟”中倒入一个生鸡蛋。13)在烤箱中再烘烤4-6分钟(蛋清应该略微紧实,蛋黄应保持清澈)。14)在成品格鲁吉亚奶酪面包的侧面面包皮上涂上黄油。15)在馅中加入一小块黄油。 格鲁吉亚人只会徒手吃格鲁吉亚奶酪面包。 吃法如下:1)撕下“独木舟”的尖头:这些烤好的侧皮可以当叉子用。2)用面团块当叉子混合馅料(奶酪和鸡蛋或其他)。3)用面团块夹起馅料。4)把面团块和馅料一起吃。 除了经典的加奶酪和鸡蛋的阿扎兰格鲁吉亚奶酪面包,还有很多不同种类的格鲁吉亚奶酪面包,比如用菠菜,豆类或肉馅的格鲁吉亚奶酪面包。你最喜欢哪一种呢? 略 略 略 略 略 由朱利亚·达尔·法布罗撰写。舒曼受训人员委员会职业协调员和DG贸易规划股受训人员—院长会议和全体会议翻译请求服务。她拥有德意两国学士学位(应用跨语言交际和德意研究)、硕士学位(专业翻译和会议口译)(全球营销,传播和意大利制造)。

