What You Need to Know About the Types of Interpretation


2021-02-02 02:25 RWS Moravia Insights


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On the surface, interpretation seems pretty simple. You listen to someone speaking in one language and relay it to an audience in another language. Like for like, just in different languages. The interpreter is the conduit between the two. They are the one ultimately reflecting the message because interpreting isn’t an exact science; it’s open to...well, interpretation. Maybe you need interpreting services for a business meeting, a client visit, a court proceeding, training, a presentation, a conference…the list is potentially endless when there are groups of people speaking different languages involved. The one thing you’ll always need is accuracy, even though the interpreter will not provide an exact rendering of the original spoken content. Remember, all languages have different ways of saying the same thing. A good interpreter will also have a feeling for the setting, how formal their analysis of the spoken word should be and how you prefer to present yourself, so they will tailor their choice of language and grammar accordingly. However, although there are some similarities, there are many types of interpretation, and different ones should be chosen depending on your situation. Here are the main types and the nuances between them. Consecutive (liaison) interpretation This is where an interpreter works with the speaker to set the pace and make sure the interpretation is accurate. After every few sentences, the speaker stops and allows the interpreter to speak. This is usually how interpretation occurs in very controlled environments, such as one-to-one meetings, interviews, small group discussions and court proceedings. Simultaneous interpretation In this type of interpretation, speakers can speak at their own relaxed pace, without stopping, and an interpreter interprets in real-time, keeping pace with the speaker with just a few seconds of lag. This is common at conferences or multilingual business meetings at which the interpreters are listening in a booth and interpreting into a microphone. The audience listens to the relevant language through headphones so that the speaker isn’t interrupted. If you’ve ever seen a meeting at the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations in New York, this is a good example of simultaneous interpreting. Whispered interpretation This is a form of simultaneous interpreting, with the difference being that whispered interpreting, as you’ve probably guessed, is when the interpreter whispers to their person without the involvement of technology like microphones and headphones. This could take place in a large business meeting, the gallery in a court room or whenever only one person needs to hear a simultaneous interpretation to follow the proceedings. Over the phone interpretation (OPI) OPI is consecutive interpretation, but it has an added level of difficulty because the interpreter can’t see the speaker. They cannot read the speaker's body language or get any other visual cues from them, which typically better inform an interpreter. OPI is commonly used by call centres or medical and legal institutions that need interpretation on an ad-hoc basis that might be difficult to schedule in advance. Remote simultaneous interpretation This is exactly the same as simultaneous interpretation, but in an online meeting. The interpreters provide simultaneous interpretation via the online platform and multiple audio lines are simultaneously available, so participants choose which language they want to listen to. Relay interpretation This involves multiple interpreters. The first one interprets the speaker’s words from the source language into a pivot language, and a second one interprets from the pivot language into the final target language. This is applicable to both continuous and simultaneous interpreting and is often used at large, multilingual events. For example, if you had a South African speaker at an international conference who was speaking in Xhosa, this might be first interpreted into English, and then the English is used as the source language by various interpreters as they relay the speech to their audiences in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and so on. It’s not one-size-fits-all When seeking the right interpreter, it’s important to look for one who can not only interpret the spoken language, but who also has an understanding of the subject matter. Knowing the environment you need the interpreter for and having a bit of knowledge about the different types of interpretation will give you a better chance of finding the one who will give you greater accuracy in the interpretation. For more information, check out our other posts on interpreting: What You Need to Know About Onsite Interpretation Five Things to Consider When Your Event Requires Interpretation Translators Versus Interpreters, Explained
从表面来看,口译似乎很简单。你听别人用一种语言讲话,然后用另一种语言转述给听众。口译员是两者之间的通道,通过不同的语言反映最终信息。因为口译不是一门具体的科学,它是开放型的 也许你为商务会议,客户访问,法庭诉讼,培训,演示,大型会议等提供口译服务,当涉及到讲不同语言的人群时,口译场景是各式各样的。 您始终需要的一件事是准确性,即使口译员并不能提供和原语一样精确的内容。丹有一点永恒不变的是,所有的语言都有不同的表达方式。一个好的口译员也会对翻译设定有一种感觉,关于他们分析口语是否应该正式化,以及原语者喜欢如何表达自己,所以他们会相应地调整对于语言和语法的选择。 不过,口译的类型很多,虽然有一些相似之处,但要根据不同情况选择适合的类型。以下是主要类型和它们之间的细微差别。 交替传译 这是一个口译员与讲者一起把握说话节奏,来确保口译准确的方式。每过几句话,讲者就会停下来,让译员翻译。这种口译方式通常适用于可受控的环境,例如一对一的会议,面谈,小组讨论或者法庭诉讼等。 同声传译 在这种类型的口译中,演讲者说话时可以用他们自己的节奏,不加停顿。而译员与演讲者保持同步,只需几秒钟的滞后时间,对讲者进行实时翻译。同传在多语种商务会议上很常见,听会时,口译员在展台侧边听,并对着麦克风进行口译。听众通过耳机听转述的语言,这样演讲者就不会被打断。纽约联合国大会堂举行的会议,就是同声传译的一个很好的例子。 耳语同传 这是同声传译的一种形式,不同之处在于,正如你可能猜到的那样,耳语传译是指口译员在没有麦克风和耳机等设备的情况下与对方耳语。这种翻译类型适用于大型商务会议上,法庭旁听席上,或者只有一个人需要听同声传译来跟进会议进程。 电话口译(OPI) OPI是交替传译,但它上升了一个难度等级,因为口译员看不到讲者。他们无法读到说话人的肢体语言,也无法从中获得任何其他有利于翻译的视觉提示。OPI通常由呼叫中心或医疗和法律机构使用,这些机构需要临时口译员应对突发情况,因为很难提前安排。 远距离同声传译 这与同声传译有些类似,只不过是出现在网络会议中。口译员通过在线平台提供同声传译,多条音频线路同时可用,因此参会者可以任选他们的目标语言。 接续口译(接传) 接传涉及到多个口译员。第一个译员把讲者源语转换成支点语,第二个把支点语翻译成最终的目标语。这既适用于连续传译,也适用于同声传译,经常用于大型多边活动。 例如,在一个国际会议上,如果一位南非演讲者用科萨语发言,译员可能会先将其译成英语。然后英语作为源语,由其他的译员用法语,西班牙语,德语,葡萄牙语等向听众延迟转述。 但这不是万能的 在寻找合适的译员时,重要的是找一个不仅能翻译语言,更能理解主题的译员。了解翻译所在的环境,并且对不同类型的翻译有一点了解,就有更好的机会找到合适的口译员。 欲知更多信息,请查看我们其他关于口译的帖子 关于现场口译您一定要了解的内容 大型活动需要口译员,考虑这五件事 笔译员与口译员,所写

