Video-Fix: Weird phonemes


2021-01-31 19:50 terminology Coordination


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What comes to your mind when you see the acronym IPA? It doesn’t only represent the beer India Pale Ale, but also the International Phonetic Alphabet containing all phonemes. This is an alphabetic system based primarily on the Latin script. Every linguist has to learn phonetics, a branch of linguistics, at the beginning of his or her studies. You learn how to transcribe a written text into a phonetic transcription. What is a phoneme? Have you heard the term phoneme before? A phoneme is a unit of sound in a language that can distinguish one word from another. For instance, the phonemes /c/ and /b/ as in the English words cat and bat. All phonemes can be found in the IPA.We distinguish consonant sounds and vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u). Our speech doesn’t start in our lungs, it starts in our brains. In short, we create a message and give it a lexico-grammatical structure in our mind. After this, we use our speech organs to produce an utterance.Every language in the world has its very distinct speech sounds such as the sound in German, the in English or the unique sound in Welsh.Watch the video to learn more about rare sounds such as clicks and labial-velars from Africa, pharyngeals found in Arabic, the sounds in English and many more. Enjoy! Written by Victoria Milhan, Schuman Communication Trainee Terminology Coordination Unit. She holds master’s degrees in English Language (linguistics) and Medieval English Literature, Newer English Literature and Celtic Studies. Victoria is enrolled as a PhD student at Bonn University in Germany.
当你看到首字母缩写IPA时,你会想到什么?它不仅代表啤酒印度淡麦芽,也是包含所有音素的国际音标。该体系主要基于拉丁文。每个语言学家在研究之初都要学习语音学,即语言学的一个分支。通过这篇文章,你将学习如何将书面文本转写成音素。 什么是音素? 你以前听过音素这个词吗?音素是一种语言中可以区分一个单词和另一个单词的声音单位。例如,英语单词cat和bat中的音素/c/和/b/。所有的音素都可以在IPA中找到,并且有辅音和元音(a,e,i,o,u)之分。语言始于大脑,而非肺。简而言之,我们先创造了一个信息,并在头脑中赋予它词汇语法结构。此后,我们会用发声器官赋予其声音。世界上每一种语言都有其独特的发音,例如德语、英语或威尔士语。通过这个视频,你可以了解更多罕见的声音,非洲的敲打声和唇瓣声,阿拉伯语中的咽声,英语中的发音等等。观影愉快! 作者:舒曼通信见习术语协调单位维多利亚·米尔汉,拥有英语语言(语言学)和中世纪英语文学,较新的英国文学和凯尔特研究的硕士学位。是德国波恩大学的博士生。

