I-ATE Term of The Week: Crostata


2021-01-30 19:00 terminology Coordination


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The crostata: a typical Italian dessert The crostata is a baked tart similar to a fruit-filled pie, composed of a base of short pastry, called pasta frolla, topped with a lattice crust, that is filled with jam, cream, fresh fruit or ricotta cheese. Because of its particular shape, it has been described as «a triumph of shells filled with jams, preserves and creams». It is traditionally consumed at breakfast, but it may be eaten at any time of the day, served as a dessert; moreover, this cake is usually homemade and baked in characteristic round moulds with knurled sides. Its name derives from the Latin crustata, which means crust; the French term croustade, as well asthe English custard,derived from it.This word appeared in the earliest Italian dictionaries, included in the Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, and its earliest mentions can be found in old cookbooks, such as Libro de Arte Coquinaria («Book of the Art of Cooking») by Martino da Como, published in 1465, and in Cuoco Napolitano («Neapolitan Cook»), published in the late 15th century, containing a recipe titled Crostata de Caso, Pane, etc, that is «cheese crostata », «bread crostata», etc. In the past, as a matter of fact, it was a meat or fish dish, baked in the oven in the form of a cake. In fact, in a well-known collection of Tuscan short stories, dating back to the last twenty years of the 13th century, the Novellino, written by an anonymous author, there is a reference to an «eel crostata» that a woman placed in a cupboard, but a mouse crawled in, so she cunningly thought of having her cat catch him and closed it inside. It happened, though, that when she opened the cupboard, the mouse jumped out running away, while the cat remained motionless, unable to move with its swollen belly, having eaten the whole hash! A savoury pie is still the focus of another literary work in which the two protagonists, a courtier and a parson, put on the table for their dinner a cat tart and a mice tart respectively, out of spite. Actually, we have to wait until the year 1000 AD to find in Venice the first sweet recipe, with cane sugar that finally came from the Middle East, even if it seems that the cake has also Neapolitan origins, since many attribute this tasty dish to a nun from the convent of San Gregorio Armeno, in Naples: the strips of short pastry on the top remind the grates through which cloistered nuns attended religious services. Notwithstanding its humble beginnings, this dessert was a success and was even served to the royal Bourbons afterwards. The crostata is very common not only in Italy but in many other countries, too, the recipes being quite similar and, most importantly, having in common the main ingredient, namely the shortcrust pastry. Some famous variants include the Austrian Linzer torte, the Spanish tart and the South American Pasta Frola de Dulce de Membrillo; the French Galette, too, could be somehow comparable to the crostata, even though the top is not covered with a lattice crust but with a series of concentric curved lines. Although nowadays confectioners are constantly striving to experiment with different and original cakes, the crostata remains a classic of Italian pastry, much loved by children and adults alike, and the increasing number of variations proves, along with its high versatility, that this recipe is simply everlasting. Some well-known variations include peach, apricot, cherry or berries filling, and recently also Nutella. Then, it is not surprising that an initiative was taken to create the National Crostata Day, which takes place every year on 9th September, in order to celebrate this delicacy. Before concluding, it is worth mentioning the great French writer famous for his «search of lost time», Marcel Proust, because, in one of his works, he recalled the snacks he used to eat during picnics. Unlike his friends who preferred sandwiches, he used to eat only cakes and apricot crostate, and these latter, according to the author, had the peculiarity of being «chatty»: they talked about fresh fruit! ATS Italia Editrice, 2008. Italian cooking… what passion! Beaulieu, L., 2005. The Providence and Rhode Island Cookbook: Big Recipes from the Smallest State. Globe Pequot. Carducci G., and Brilli U., 1887. Letture italiane: scelte e annotate, a uso delle scuole secondarie inferiori, Zanichelli. Cerruti, F., 1871. Il Novellino ossia fiore di parlar gentile: emandato ed annotato ad uso della gioventù, Torino, Tip. dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales. Crawford, E., A. 2010. Flavors of Friuli: A Culinary Journey Through Northeastern Italy, Atlasbooks Dist Serv. Della Noce, L., 1859. Nuovo vocabolario italiano-latino compilato ad uso delle scuole, Tip. F. Favale. Everyday Cooks. 2020. Swiss Tarts. [ONLINE] Available at: https://everydaycooks.co.uk/swiss-tarts. [Accessed 28 January 2021]. Glebb Miroglio, L., 2008. Alla ricerca della madeleine, Il Leone Verde. Harmon Jenkins, N., 2012. The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: A Delicious Alternative for Lifelong Health, Random House Publishing Group. Jonath, L. and Ray, M., 2014. Aggiungi un dolce a tavola, Newton Compton Editori. La Cucina Italiana. 2015. Crostata ricetta classica. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.lacucinaitaliana.it/ricetta/dolci-e-dessert/crostata-ricetta-classica/?. [Accessed 28 January 2021]. Mantovani, M., 2013. Le Crostate – Guida pratica, Quado’ Editrice Srl. Pasta Frola de Dulce de Membrillo Quince Tart. 2019. The Spruce Eats. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.thespruceeats.com/pasta-frola-de-dulce-de-membrillo-3029100. [Accessed 28 January 2021]. Scully, T., 2000.The Neapolitan Recipe Collection. Cuoco Napoletano, University of Michigan Press. Scully, T., 2011. The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570): L’arte et prudenza d’un maestro cuoco, University of Toronto Press. Stander-Horel, L., and Horel, T.2013. Nosh On This: Gluten-Free Baking from a Jewish-American Kitchen, The Experiment. Scully, T., 1988. The Viandier of Taillevent: An Edition of All Extant Manuscripts, University of Ottawa Press. Stamperia del vocabolario e dei testi di lingua, 1859. Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana. Accademia della Crusca. Taste Atlas. 2020. Crostata. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.tasteatlas.com/crostata/recipe. [Accessed 28 January 2021]. Treccani. 2021. Enciclopedìa. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/enciclopedia.[Accessed 28 January 2021]. Valastro, B., 2020. Cake Boss: Stories and Recipes from Mia Famiglia, Simon and Schuster. Written by Lucia Golino. Lucia is a PhD student in “Euro(pean) Languages and Specialized Terminologies” at “Parthenope” University of Naples (Italy).
Crostata是一种典型的意大利甜点。 crostata是一种类似于水果馅料的烤馅饼。它由一种叫做意大利面的短面团做底层,上面有一层格子状的外壳,里面填满了各种各样的果酱,奶油,新鲜水果或乳清干酪。由于这种烤馅饼特殊的形状,它被描述为“被果酱,蜜饯和奶油的占据胜利的贝壳”。在传统中,它是在早餐时食用的,而且它还可以在一天中的任何时间作为甜点来食用;而且,这种蛋糕通常是自制的,它会用有特色的圆形模具烤制而成,侧面印有滚花。 这种烤馅饼的名字来源于拉丁语crustata,就是地壳的意思;法语术语croustade和英语custard都源于拉丁语crostade。这个词最早出现在意大利词典中,收录在Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca中。它最早的提及见于古老的烹饪书,例如Martino da Como于1465年出版的《烹饪艺术之书》和15世纪晚期出版的《那不勒斯厨师》。其中包括出现在了一种名为Crostata de Caso,Pane等的食谱中,即“奶酪Crostata”,“面包Crostata”等。 事实上,在过去这种考馅饼是一种肉或鱼菜,在烤箱中烤成蛋糕的形式。本来,出现在一本著名的托斯卡纳短篇小说集中,这可以追溯到13世纪的最后二十年,由一位匿名作者写的《诺维利诺》中曾经提到:一个女人把一条“鳗鱼crostata”放在一个柜子里,但是一只老鼠却爬了进来。于是,她机智地想到了让她的猫来抓这只偷吃的老鼠,所以她把柜子门关上了。然而,当她打开碗橱时,老鼠却跳了出来跑开了,而猫却一动不动的,因为它吃了一大堆乱七八糟的大小,导致肚子肿胀,所以这只猫动弹不得!美味的馅饼仍然出在另一部文学作品的焦点中,在这部作品中,两个主人公,分别是一个朝臣和一个牧师。他们俩人由于互相怨恨,分别把一个猫馅饼和一个老鼠馅饼放在餐桌上作为他们当日的晚餐。 事实上,我们要追溯到公元1000年才能在威尼斯找到第一种甜点的食谱--那就是最后来自中东的蔗糖。尽管这种蛋糕似乎确实是起源于那不勒斯,但是许多人却认为这道美味佳肴是那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥·阿美诺修道院的一位修女做出的:上面的一条条短糕让人想起了修女们参加宗教仪式时用的炉栅。尽管这道甜点的开始是卑微的,但却是成功的。以至于后来甚至被供应给了王室的波旁王朝。 由于crostata的食谱在多个地区惊人地相似,所以导致它不仅在意大利很常见,而且在许多其他国家也很常见。最重要的是,它们都有共同的主要成分,也就是短皮糕点。一些著名的变体,包括了奥地利的Linzer torte,西班牙的tart和南美的Pasta Frola de Dulce de membrillo在内;法国的盖莱特,也可以在某种程度上与crostata相提并论。尽管顶部没有覆盖格子外壳,但它们却有一系列同心曲线。 如今,尽管糖果商们在不断创新不同的原创的糕点,但crostata仍然是意大利糕点的经典。它深受儿童和成人的喜爱,并且目前已经有越来越多的馅料证明了这种配方是永恒的,同时它也具有很高的通用性。一些著名的馅料包括桃子,杏,樱桃或浆果馅,最近也出现了胡桃做馅料的情况。 因此,为了庆祝这一佳节,当地的政府采取了一项举措。那就是将每年9月9日设立为全国Crostata日,也就显得不足为奇了。 在结束之前,其中值得一提的是:以《寻找逝去的时光》而闻名于世的法国伟大作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特。说他闻名于世是因为在他的一部作品中,他回忆了自己野餐时常吃的点心。他不像他的朋友们一样喜欢吃三明治。他过去只吃蛋糕和杏仁鱼肉。而据提交人说,后者有一个“闲聊”的特点:那就是他们喜欢谈论新鲜水果馅料! 2008年的意大利统计局指出:意大利料理…特别地有激情! 出现于2005年的Beaulieu,L.。在普罗维登斯和罗德岛食谱中展示了:来自全国最小的州的食谱----全球佩克特。 1887年的Carducci G.和Brilli U.。意大利文:意大利文注释,意大利文附注。 “切瑞蒂,F。,1871。另外,我们还要求您提供以下网址:gioventù,都灵,Tip。圣弗朗西斯科的清唱剧。 2010年的克劳福德,E.。Friuli风味:意大利东北部美食之旅,Atlasbooks Dist Serv。 德拉·诺斯(1859年)新vocabolario意大利-拉丁裔汇编aduso delle scuole, Tip。f . Favale。 2020年在瑞士达的日常烹饪。[在线]:https://everydaycooks.co.uk/swiss-tarts。[于2021年1月28日访问]。 Glebb Miroglio,L.,2008年。Alla ricerca della madeleine,Il Leone Verde。 2012年在北卡罗来纳州的哈蒙詹金斯。《新地中海风格饮食食谱:终身健康的美味替代》,兰登书屋出版集团。 2014年的Jonath,L.和Ray,M.。《Aggiungiundolce a tavola》,牛顿·康普顿编辑。 2015年度的意大利Cucina Italiana。普通十字花藻。[在线]网址为:https://www.lacucinaitaliana.it/ricetta/dolci-e-dessert/crostata-ricetta-classica/?。[于2021年1月28日查阅]。 曼托瓦尼,M.,2013年。Crostate-Guida pratica,Quado'Editrice Srl。 2019年的木瓜果馅饼,Pasta Frola de Dulce de Membrillo。云杉吃东西。[在线]网址为:https://www.thespruceeats.com/pasta-frola-de-dulce-de-membrillo-3029100。[于2021年1月28日查阅]。 2000年的斯卡利,T。那不勒斯食谱收集。作者:库奥科·纳波莱塔诺,出版于密歇根大学出版社。 出版于2011年的史高丽,T.。《巴托洛米奥·斯卡皮的歌剧》(1570):《库奥科大师的艺术与谨慎》,出版于多伦多大学出版社。 出版于2013年的Stander-Horel,L.和Horel,T.。这方面的小点心:是来自犹太裔美国人厨房的无麸质烘焙实验的。 出版于1988年的史高丽,T.。Taillevent的Viandier:所有现存手稿的版本,出版于渥太华大学出版社。 出版于1859年的Stamperia del vocabolario e dei testi di lingua(法语)。意大利语。破碎学院。 出版于2020年的品尝阿特拉斯。克罗斯塔塔。[在线]网址为:https://www.tasteatlas.com/crostata/recipe。[于2021年1月28日查阅]。 出版于2021年的特雷卡尼。括起来的是。[在线]网址为:https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/enciclopedia。 出啊宾语2020年的瓦拉斯特罗,B.。蛋糕老板:来自米娅·法米利亚,西来自蒙和舒斯特的故事和食谱。 作者是:露西亚·戈利诺。Lucia为意大利那不勒斯“Parthenope”大学“欧洲语言和专业术语”的博士生。

