The Top 10 Blog Posts of 2020


2021-01-26 08:00 RWS Moravia Insights


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In our industry-leading blog, we talk about everything to do with linguistics and language, taking your business global and the ins and outs of localization. Along with providing you with educational and informative materials, we get expert opinions from some of the best thought-leaders and industry veterans week after week. In case you missed them, we picked out our top ten blog posts of 2020. Top Ten Translation Myths In today’s digital society, information, both true and false, spreads like wildfire, so it can be difficult to get correct, factual content. The same rings true for the localization and translation industry, which is largely misunderstood by anyone not involved in it. In this post, we debunk the top ten translation myths we’ve come across. Anecdotes of a Localization Veteran Solutions Architect Stuart Sklair looks back on his 30 years in the localization industry and shares some of the most interesting experiences of his career. Stuart’s memorable moments are part comical, part instructional, always interesting and could only come from having been on the front lines of an industry that has gone through major change over the past three decades. How Terminology Impacts SEO, MT and Social Media Renowned terminology expert Klaus Fleischmann talks to us about what terminology is and how to use it to your advantage in localization, machine translation (MT), artificial intelligence (AI) and search engine optimization (SEO). A New Way to Localize Video Content By 2022, an estimated 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be people viewing video content. It’s clear that any brand not producing video for their worldwide audiences is going to be left far behind. Brands seeking to expand their influence around the globe must create video content that is specific to each target market. In this post, we get insights on how to successfully localize video with an expert on the subject—Andre Hemker, the new CEO of Wordbee. Why American English Content Should Be Adapted for the British Market There are only a few American terms that cause confusion for a British audience, thanks to the global domination of American popular culture through music, movies and TV shows. However, it’s still important that American and British English be looked at independently as you move across the Atlantic, and in this blog, we look at the main reasons why. What You Need to Know About Onboarding a Localization Vendor A successful onboarding process allows localization vendors and clients to collect important information, define expectations and objectives, understand risks, establish efficient workflows and help all stakeholders get to know one another. We look at the key considerations when onboarding a localization partner. Doing Business in Australia: A Case for English-English Translation Businesses looking to expand into Australia may want to consider localization into the Australian dialect of English. We look at the many differences and nuances of Australian English and how to maintain your brand integrity while remaining relatable to the local population Down Under. Understanding the Brazilian Consumer In the last two years, this developing country’s ecommerce market and mobile infrastructure have grown steadily. Businesses certainly don’t want to dismiss the opportunity to be a part of this growth. This blog post explores what you need to know about Brazil’s consumers to enter the market successfully. What You Need to Know About Localizing for India India’s internet economy has been expanding rapidly for the past few years and is becoming a hub of ecommerce activity. In fact, India is the fastest-growing ecommerce market in the world. We shed some light on what companies seeking to operate in India need to understand about its diversity, languages and localization challenges. Everything You Need to Know About Machine Translation for Sign Language Most of us have not heard of machine translation for sign language, but it’s an exciting technological development that helps people who are deaf or hard of hearing communicate with the hearing population, most of whom do not know sign language. As the world seeks to become more inclusive, we take a look at this fascinating area. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy all the interesting posts we have coming up in 2021!
在我们业界领先的博客中,我们谈论与语言学和语言有关的一切,将您的业务全球化和输入与输出本地化。除了为您提供教育和信息材料外,我们每周都从一些最佳的思想领袖和行业资深人士那里获得专家意见。 以防你错过,我们选出了2020年的十大博客文章。 十大翻译谬见 当今是数字社会,不管是真的还是假的信息,都会像野火一样迅速传播,因此很难获得正确的事实内容。本地化和翻译行业也是如此,任何不参与其中的人都会对其产生误解。在这篇文章中,我们揭露了我们遇到的十大翻译谬见。 一位本地化老手的轶事 解决方案架构师斯图尔特·斯克莱尔(Stuart Sklair)回顾了他在本地化行业的30年,并分享了他职业生涯中一些最有趣的经历。斯图尔特的难忘时刻部分是滑稽的,部分是指导性的,总是很有趣,而且只有在过去 30 年中经历了重大变革的行业的第一线才会有这样的经历。 术语如何影响搜索引擎优化(SEO),机器翻译(MT)和社交媒体 著名术语专家克劳斯·弗莱施曼(Klaus Fleischmann)为我们讲述了什么是术语以及如何在本地化、机器翻译(MT)、人工智能(AI)和搜索引擎优化(SEO)中利用术语的优势。 一种新的视频内容本地化方法 到2022年,预计82%的互联网消费流量将是人们观看视频内容。很明显,任何不为其全球受众制作视频的品牌都将被远远抛在后面。寻求在全球范围内扩大影响力的品牌必须针对每个目标市场制作视频内容。我们将与该领域的专家安德烈·汉莫克Andre Hemker (Wordbee的新任首席执行官)一起探讨如何成功地将视频本地化。 为什么美国英语内容应该适应英国市场 通过音乐、电影和电视节目,美国流行文化在全球占据主导地位,所以只有少数美式术语会会给英国观众带来困惑。然而,当你跨越大西洋时,独立地看待美式英语和英式英语仍然很重要,在这篇博客中,我们将探讨其中的主要原因。 关于本地化供应商,你需要知道什么 成功的入职流程可以让本地化供应商和客户收集重要信息,确定预期和目标,了解风险,建立高效的工作流程,并帮助所有利益相关者相互了解。我们将探讨入职本地化合作伙伴时的主要考虑因素。 在澳大利亚经商:英译英案例 想要拓展到澳大利亚的企业可能需要考虑将澳大利亚方言英语本地化。我们着眼于澳大利亚英语的许多差异和细微差别,以及如何在保持与澳大利亚当地居民联系的同时保持品牌的完整性。 了解巴西消费者 在过去两年中,这个发展中国家的电子商务市场和移动基础设施稳步增长。企业当然不想错过参与这种增长的机会。这篇博文探讨了要想成功进入巴西市场,你需要了解巴西消费者的哪些方面。 关于印度本地化你需要知道什么 过去几年,印度的互联网经济一直在迅速扩张,并正在成为电子商务活动的中心。事实上,印度是全球增长最快的电子商务市场。我们就寻求在印度运营的公司需要了解其多样性、语言和本地化挑战的问题进行了一些说明。 关于手语机器翻译你需要知道的一切 我们大多数人都没有听说过手语机器翻译,但这是一项激动人心的技术发展,它可以帮助聋人或听力有障碍的人与听力正常的人交流,而听力正常的人大多不懂手语。世界正在寻求变得更加包容,而让我们也会不断关注这个令人着迷的领域。 感谢您的阅读,希望您喜欢我们在2021年发布的所有有趣的帖子!

