TermCoord at the Conference “Ciencia y Traducción”


2021-01-25 23:00 terminology Coordination


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On the 15th of January 2021, TermCoord was invited by the University of Cordoba to close the Conference “Ciencia y Traducción” with a two hours presentation given by Rodolfo Maslias, Marina Niceforo and Diandra Falchieri on the Terminology management in the European Parliament and the EU Institutions, on the database IATE and on the cooperation with universities, among them the University of Cordoba, for the projects Terminology without Borders. You can access the presentation in Spanish here.
2021年1月15日,TermCoord应科尔多瓦大学的邀请在“Ciencia y Traducción”会议上闭幕,Rodolfo Maslias,Marina Niceforo和Diandra Falchieri就欧洲议会和欧盟机构的术语管理,数据库IATE以及与包括科尔多瓦大学在内的各大学就术语无国界项目开展的合作作了两个小时的发言。您可以在此处访问西班牙语演示文稿。

