The Top 8 Globally Speaking Radio Episodes of 2020


2021-01-19 08:25 RWS Moravia Insights


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Globally Speaking Radio, sponsored by RWS Moravia, is the industry-leading podcast for localization professionals, hosted by localization professionals. In 2020, our podcast featured insightful and interesting conversations with industry leaders who shared their thoughts on many things related to being global. From Microsoft to Pinterest and Slack to Kaleidoscope, we’ve dived into a wide range of topics over the past 12 months and heard insights that were sometimes controversial but always enlightening that will help any brand or business with their globalization strategy. Here are our picks for the best of 2020. Episode 98: How Translators without Borders Is Fighting COVID-19 Stella Paris, Head of Language Services at Translators without Borders, offers a detailed account of the ‘infodemic’ that sprung out of the COVID-19 crisis. Paris also talks about various projects that Translators without Borders is driving to translate and disseminate critical information worldwide. Episode 99: A Comprehensive Approach to Culturalization with Chui Chui Tan of Beyo Global Chui Chui Tan, Founder and Director of Beyo Global, dives deep into culturalization and its role in developing global business strategies. She illustrates the value of understanding more than just an audience’s language or content needs to provide local users with the best possible customer experiences. Episode 103: Pinterest Has Localization Pinned Down Head of the localization program at Pinterest, Francesca Di Marco, a 15-year veteran of the industry, shares how she built Pinterest’s localization program from scratch. She discusses how her localization team has continuously refined processes to combine translation, transcreation and in-market copywriting to achieve an optimum blend of global messaging and local relevance. Episode 105: A CIO on Digital Transformation and Cultural Change Jim DuBois, former CIO of Microsoft, published author and adviser to Fortune 500 companies and startups, shares some interesting stories about his time at Microsoft, the steps to digital transformation and the important role that corporate culture plays in growing a business. Jim spent 25 years at Microsoft and played an integral role in driving their digital transformation. Episode 106: How Video Localization Is All Wrong (and How to Fix It) Andre Hemker, the CEO of translation technology company Wordbee and the Founder and CEO of the German-based language service provider Wordcraft, shares his forward-thinking ideas about video localization, the future of translation technology and more. Episode 108: The Importance of Terminology Work in Machine Translation and Search Engine Optimization Klaus Fleischmann, a leading terminology expert, the CEO of Eurocom Translation Services and Founder and CEO of Kaleidoscope, shares his 25 years of expertise in the translation, localization and terminology industry. Fleischmann gives great insights into how to effectively use terminology in artificial intelligence (AI), machine translation (MT) and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Episode 109: Applying Google’s E-A-T Guidelines to Your SEO Program Lily Ray, the SEO Director at award-winning digital agency Path Interactive, shares her thought leadership on why Google prioritizes expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (E-A-T) when ranking web pages in their search results. Ray explains what E-A-T is and how search engine optimization (SEO) is evolving. Episode 110: Choosing and Implementing a Translation Management System (TMS) at Slack Mike Harris, Senior Business Systems Developer for Localization at Slack, talks to us about how he recently guided the company through their migration to a new translation management system (TMS). Harris shares what features and functions Slack considered, their migration process and the subsequent benefits to the business. As we head into our sixth year, we’re lining up more top-notch contributors, thought leaders and globalization game-changers. We’d love to know what you think about our 2020 episodes, who you’d like us to speak to in the next 12 months and any other thoughts you have on the Globally Speaking Radio podcast. Thanks for tuning in!
全球广播节目(Global Speaking Radio)由RWS Moravia赞助,是业界领先的本地化专业播客,由本地化专业人士主持。在2020年,我们的播客与业界领袖们进行了富有洞察力和趣味性的对话,他们就许多与全球化相关的话题分享了自己的看法。 从微软( Microsoft)到美国图库网(Pinterest),从Slack软件公司到初创公司万花筒(Kaleidoscope),在过去的12个月里,我们深入探讨了广泛的话题,这些话题有时会引起争议,但总是富有启发性的见解,这些见解将有助于任何品牌或企业的全球化战略的拓展。 以下是我们选出的2020年最佳节目。 第98集:无国界翻译家如何对抗新型冠状病毒(COVID-19) 无国界翻译组织的语言服务主管斯特拉·帕里斯(Stella Paris)详细描述了新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)危机引发的“信息危机”。帕里斯(Paris)还谈到了国界翻译组织正在推动的的,在全球范围内的翻译和传播关键信息的各种项目。 第九十九集:与Beyo Global公司的谭垂垂(Chui Chui Tan)共同探讨关于文化产业的看法 Beyo Global的创始人兼董事长谭垂垂(Chui Chui Tan)深入研究文化产业及其在发展全球商业战略中的作用。她阐明了理解文化的意义是为当地用户提供尽可能好的客户体验,而不仅仅只是转化成受众的语言或内容。 第103集:Pinterest已锁定本地化 Pinterest本地化项目负责人Francesca Di Marco,一位有着15年经验的行业资深人士,分享了她是如何从头开始构建Pinterests本地化项目的。她讨论了她的本地化团队如何不断改进流程,将翻译,转换和市场内文案结合起来,以实现全球信息传递和本地相关性的最佳融合。 第105集:CIO谈数字化转型与文化创新 Jim DuBois,微软前CIO,作家,《财富》500强公司和创业公司的顾问,分享了他在微软工作期间的一些有趣故事,数字化转型的步骤,以及企业文化在企业成长中的重要作用。Jim在微软工作了25年,在推动他们的数字化转型中扮演了不可或缺的角色。 第106集:视频定位是如何出错的(以及如何修复) Andre Hemker是翻译技术公司Wordbee的首席执行官,也是德国语言服务提供商Wordcraft的创始人和首席执行官,他就视频本地化,翻译技术的未来等问题分享了自己的具前瞻性看法。 第108集:术语在机器翻译和搜索引擎优化中的重要性 Klaus Fleischmann,一位著名的术语专家,Eurocom翻译服务公司的首席执行官及Kaleidoscope公司的创始人和首席执行官,分享了他在翻译,本地化和术语行业25年的专业经验。Fleischmann对如何在人工智能(AI),机器翻译(MT)和搜索引擎优化(SEO)策略中有效地使用术语提出了深刻的见解。 第109集:将Googles E-A-T指南应用到SEO程序 屡获殊荣的数字营销机构Path Interactive的SEO主管莉莉·雷(Lily Ray)分享了她的独特见解,阐述了为什么谷歌在对搜索结果中的网页进行排名时,会优先考虑专业知识,权威性和可信赖性(E-A-T)。雷(Ray)也解释了什么是E-A-T及搜索引擎优化(SEO)的发展历程。 第110集:Slack翻译管理系统的选择与应用 Slack公司本地化的高级业务系统开发人员MikeHarris,向我们讲述了他最近如何指导公司从现有系统转换到一个新的翻译管理系统(TMS)。Harris分享了Slack所包含的特性和功能,系统转换过程以及随后给公司业务带来的好处。 这是我们创办这个节目的第六个年头,我们将迎来更多顶尖的贡献者,有独特观点的商业领袖和全球化行业规则的改变者。欢迎和我们交流您对我们2020年的节目的看法,您希望我们在未来12个月里和谁对话,以及您对全球广播播客节目有什么其它的想法。 感谢收听!

