KUDO Marketplace: Democratizing Live Interpretation


2021-01-15 03:50 multilingual


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In an exclusive interview before launching, Ewandro Magalhães, Chief Language Officer at KUDO, tells us how the new KUDO Marketplace enables service users to build a stronger relationship with its live interpreters. “This is going to change the whole discussion about quality. Because if you ask an interpreter what quality is, they will say it’s all about linguistic quality. If you ask a client, they will say it’s being on time and doing a good job. This means it’s going to democratize the process and the market is going to self-regulate.” How it works KUDO is a video collaboration platform with built in language support offering remote simultaneous translation. KUDO Marketplace is the first of three steps to roll out a mutual review based environment where users can customize their interpreter teams while interpreters have more influence on the work they choose. By using a simple button to book interpreters, the marketplace will staff any multilingual meeting from a huge raster of interpreters, based upon who is available, their expertise and language pairs. This automates the process in bypassing emails, calls and conversations with LSPs. In milliseconds, interpreters are paired up with a client. Over time, clients will be able to select the interpreters they liked or who served them before, creating a closer collaboration that will inevitably result in greater confidence going into meetings. How to customize your team of interpreters, using KUDO Marketplace. Rock star interpreters When asked if interpreters could have any influence on their rating, for example by broadcasting the hardware they use, Ewandro told us “Eventually there will be a rating system — a star system based on series of assessments made by the clients. In the same way, the users are going to be rated by the interpreters as well. It’s a two-way street.” How does the marketplace determine who gets access to that rock star interpreter? “If the demand is there there will be enough work for everyone,” according to Ewandro. The idea is to offer vetted interpreters you can rely on and empower interpreters around the world. You’ll get quality, no matter what. The same rates and same compensations are applied no matter the interpreter status or where they are based.” Currently, there are about 150 deep vetted KUDO Pro interpreters out of a network of ten thousand, and the number is being grown very carefully. Two-way client review. The next steps are still in the developing phase, but the vision is clear: KUDO is creating an environment where clients and partners have access to a huge database of interpreters and may conduct searches themselves. They can decide to hire through KUDO Marketplace or hire separately. In the end, it will look similar to Airbnb — KUDO makes a match, the user pays for access and KUDO collects a finders fee for assigning the most appropriate and vetted interpreter(s) for any meeting. The live demo this morning at 11:00 am EST was attended by more than 300 people. The Marketplace itself will be available to users on February 1, 2021.
在推出前的独家采访中,KUDO首席语言官Ewandro Magalhées告诉我们,新的KUDO市场如何使服务用户能够与其现场口译员建立更牢固的关系。 "这将改变整个关于质量的讨论。因为如果你问翻译什么是质量,他们会说这一切都与语言质量有关。如果你问客户,他们会说是按时,做得很好。这意味着它将使这个过程民主化,市场将自我调节。 工作原理 KUDO 是一个视频协作平台,内置语言支持,提供远程同声翻译。KUDO 市场是推出基于相互审查环境的三个步骤中的第一个,用户可以自定义其口译团队,而口译员对其选择的工作具有更大的影响力。通过使用简单的按钮来预订口译员,市场将根据谁可用、他们的专业知识和语言对,从一大群口译员中为任何多语种会议配备人员。这可以自动绕过电子邮件、呼叫和与 LSP 的对话。在毫秒内,口译员与客户配对。随着时间的推移,客户将能够选择他们喜欢的口译员或以前为他们服务过的人,从而建立更密切的合作,这不可避免地会增强他们进入会议的信心。 如何使用 KUDO 市场定制您的口译员团队。 摇滚明星口译员 当被问及口译员是否会对他们的评级产生任何影响时,例如通过广播他们使用的硬件,Ewandro告诉我们:"最终将有一个评级系统——一个基于客户一系列评估的明星系统。同样,口译员也会对用户进行评分。这是一条双向的街道。 市场如何确定谁可以接触到那个摇滚明星翻译?"如果需求存在,将有足够的工作给每个人,"伊万德罗说。这个想法是提供经过审查的口译员,你可以依靠和授权世界各地的口译员。不管怎样,你都会得到质量。无论口译员身份或所在地点,都适用相同的费率和相同的补偿。目前,在一万人的网络中,大约有150名经过深入审查的KUDO专业口译员,而且人数正在非常仔细地增加。 双向客户审查。 下一步仍处于发展阶段,但愿景是明确的:KUDO正在创造一种环境,让客户和合作伙伴能够访问庞大的口译员数据库,并可以自己进行搜索。他们可以决定通过 KUDO 市场租用或单独租用。最后,它将看起来类似于Airbnb KUDO 进行匹配,用户支付访问费用,KUDO 收取查找费,为任何会议指定最合适且经过审查的口译员。 今天上午11点(美国东部时间)的现场演示有300多人参加。市场本身将于2021年2月1日向用户开放。

