Weekly Shorts | January 8, 2021


2021-01-13 09:00 multilingual


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As covid vaccines begin to be distributed across the United States, more non-language professionals are learning to appreciate the role medical interpreters play. In Baltimore, Maryland, newspaper Baltimore Sun profiled Elsa Aguilar Bustos, who interprets for Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Reporter Stephanie Garcia writes, “When the pandemic began, the hospital was pushing for interpreters to work from home, as a way to minimize exposure and accommodate for the lack of personal protective equipment. Bustos said that was out of the question for her,” working the 11 pm to 8 am shift where she interpreted for as many as ten Spanish-speaking patients at a time.
随着covid疫苗开始在美国各地分发,更多的非语言专业人士正在学习欣赏医疗翻译所扮演的角色。在马里兰州巴尔的摩,《巴尔的摩太阳报》报道了约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的翻译埃尔莎·阿吉拉尔·布斯托斯。记者Stephanie Garcia写道:“当大流行开始的时候,医院一直在推动翻译在家工作,作为一种最小化暴露和适应个人防护设备缺乏的方式。布斯托斯说,这对她来说是不可能的,“她从晚上11点工作到早上8点,在那里她一次为多达10名讲西班牙语的病人翻译。

