Announcing the State of Localization Survey 2021


2021-01-13 02:25 Lilt


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This past year has thrown the world into a new state of “normal”, with companies and employees both struggling to catch up. The localization industry has been forced to change the way it operates, with new strategies, budgets, and technologies in play. A lot has changed for localization leaders worldwide - and we want to learn more. That’s why we’re excited to launch the State of Localization Survey to help gather more data and help localization teams more effectively plan for the future. In this 7-minute survey, you will answer questions and contribute to a better understanding of localization trends, best practices, and important priorities for leaders throughout the industry. Finally - localization research that is actually about localization professionals. While we’re excited to see the results and share them over the course of the upcoming months, we also want to reward anyone that completes the survey! We’ll be sending a $5 gift card to each qualified and completed survey - and that’s not the best part. Every qualified survey respondent will also be entered for a chance to win our $1,000 grand prize. The survey will be running from today, January 12, 2021 to March 31, 2021, so keep your eyes open for more details and links to the survey so you can get started!
过去的一年让世界进入了一个全新的“正常”状态,无论是企业还是员工都在奋力追赶这种变化。本地化产业已经被迫改变其运作方式,新的战略,预算和技术正在发挥作用。 对于世界各地的本地化领导者来说,已经发生了很多变化--我们希望了解更多。这就是为什么我们如此兴奋地开展本地化现状调查,以收集更多的数据,来帮助本地化团队更有效地规划未来。 在这个7分钟的调查中,您的回答将为更好地理解本地化趋势,最佳实践以及整个行业领导者的重要优先事项做出贡献。最后--本地化研究,实际上是关于专业人士的。 尽管我们很高兴看到调查结果,并在接下来的几个月里分享这些信息,我们也想奖励所有完成调查的人!我们将向每个合格且完成的调查发送一张价值5美元的礼品卡--这还不够够。每一位合格的调查答卷者还将有机会赢得我们1,000美元的大奖。 这项调查将从今天2021年1月12日开始到2021年3月31日结束,所以请留意更多细节和调查链接,这样你就可以开始了!

