Data Security When Working from Home


2021-01-12 23:00 Across


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Are you wondering what working from home has to do with a translation memory system (TMS) provider’s blog? Quite a lot, as a matter of fact! Below you will find out why it is important to carefully examine the data security situation of those working from home. You can also see where the pitfalls lie specifically in your translation processes and how you can optimize them so that your company can reliably share data even when so many employees are working from home. March 2020. The world still seemed to be in order – no one could have imagined the degree to which everything would change within just a few weeks. Then the big shock came: COVID-19. In the very same month, the world’s office workers began working from home. It was a situation that raised many questions: Can we continue to function in the new reality? What devices can employees use when working from home? How secure are the internet connections? How can an employer ensure that their employees install all the necessary software updates? Many are able to take their company laptop home with them and continue working without interruption, but not all of them. It was necessary to find ad hoc solutions, with sensitive company data suddenly being sent via private computers. That was okay at first, as there was no real alternative. Nevertheless, it was a fiasco in terms of data security. In the meantime, many employers and employees adapted to the new situation, and work continued almost like before the pandemic, only everything moved online. At the same time, it became apparent that more people would be working from home on an ongoing basis. And that is precisely why now is the right time to ask yourself: As an employer, have I already done everything to ensure data security for employees working from home? To safeguard data security over the long run, companies need to draft a security plan and stick to it. The question of information security should be posed with regard to all processes in the company – including those relating to translation. Even before the pandemic, many companies paid too little heed to the issue of data security in translation processes. Texts continued to be sent to the translation service provider by e-mail, after which they were also e-mailed back in translated form by the agreed deadline. But what happened to the data in the meantime? It’s something you don’t really know – out of sight, out of mind, so to speak. However, it is precisely these security vulnerabilities, as they can only be appropriately designated, that can quickly get a company into dangerous territory. The first weak point in the translation process seems harmless at first glance: trusty old e-mail. However, looks can be deceiving. Here’s a small example to illustrate the point: Shortly before heading home for the day, you send out an important text to be translated and enter the wrong recipient’s address by mistyping their name and accidentally accepting an automatically suggested entry. The text does not get sent as intended to Melanie Schmidt, a project manager at the translation agency of your choice, but to Melanie Schmieder, a sales manager at a competitor with whom you exchanged e-mails some time ago. Now what do you do? The text contains sensitive customer data that should definitely not fall into the hands of a competitor. If you are lucky and notice the error in time, you can recall the e-mail, but this feature is not available on all popular e-mail providers. During the coronavirus pandemic, many ad hoc solutions that compromise data security were being used by the many employees who were suddenly working out of their own homes. When work is done over private internet connections without any protective measures, there is a high risk of data unintentionally being disclosed to third parties, mostly as a result of phishing attacks or ransomware. Data storage in the cloud represents another security vulnerability. While cloud solutions have many advantages, they are also associated with risks if used in an uncontrolled manner. Perhaps an employee wants to quickly save a report on the server of a commercial cloud provider in order to continue working on it later from home or on the go and then send it for translation when it is finished. Unfortunately, his password was stolen during a cyber attack a few months ago, and sensitive information ended up unprotected on the net. Keep in mind: If you give your employees the option to store data in the cloud, you should first review and approve the cloud provider as a company. Without a proper translation process and the necessary measures to protect corporate data, it is easy to forward and disclose translation texts to others. This point is tightly linked with the first two but nevertheless distinct from them. Why is this the case? Even if your e-mail service functions as it should and the home Internet connection is secure, if you don’t have the right system infrastructure for translations, the translations are nothing more than ordinary files that can be forwarded and disclosed to others in the usual way – whether by e-mail, by sharing in the cloud, by saving the files to a USB stick, or even by forwarding via WhatsApp. In this blog, we have already discussed the advantages and disadvantages of machine translation in detail. Those interested in the topic will find information in the articles “Machine Translation for Companies” and “Machine Translation for Translators”. Whether the use of machine translation makes sense is something each company must carefully consider for itself. On one basis or another, you should determine whether or not machine translation may be used in your supply chain. However, it is again important to note that without a system for processing translations, it’s not really possible to monitor how machine translation is used. All machine translation systems process the imported data with the goal of improving quality. In the worst-case scenario, content that is entered into machine translation engines is made available on the net in unprotected form. By integrating machine translation into your translation management system in a controlled manner, you can deliberately set boundaries for the use of machine translation, thereby reducing uncontrolled use of machine translation by your employees or language service providers as shadow software. Last but not least, we also need to briefly discuss the Privacy Shield and its invalidity. After rollout of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union agreed the EU-US Privacy Shield with the United States, which gave the international transfer of personal information between the two continents the same protection as in the European Union. This is also relevant for translations, as European companies often use translation service providers in the USA. After the umbrella agreement for the Privacy Shield was overturned in August 2020, it became necessary for companies to use standard contractual clauses to ensure data security. This is all the more reason to scrutinize data streams outside the EU as a whole. All of this may make you anxious about your data security as a whole, but we encourage you to take a deep breath. You have to take these security vulnerabilities seriously, but fortunately there is an easy solution for ensuring the data security of your translations: a translation management system (TMS). In a nutshell, a TMS is a software environment that allows all translation processes to be safely managed. It is no longer necessary to send e-mails with texts attached, translators work safely on the company’s server, and texts and translations cannot be exported from the translation environment without the company’s consent. In addition, you can specify whether machine translation may be used and, if allowed, precisely which machine translation engine can be utilized (whether DeepL, SYSTRAN, KantanMT, or Google Translate) and how. At the same time, companies can also use a TMS to overcome other challenges and sticking points, such as ensuring uniformity of translations and compliance with company-specific terminology as well as reducing the cost of translations in general. Does it sound too good to be true? If you’re new to the topic, we recommend the article “All about Translation Management Systems” for further information. If you have specific questions or are interested in our software, you can of course also contact us personally. Are you interested in information security? Download our free white paper now in order to read more about this subject. Our newsletter provides you with exclusive news about the Across Language Server, often even before the official announcement. The newsletter also provides you with early information on events, webinars, and training sessions. By means of your subscription, you expressly consent to our sending you our newsletter containing news, event information, and subjects related to our business by e-mail. For more information on the logging of the subscription, the transmission via the provider CleverReach, the statistical analysis, and information on how you can unsubscribe, please refer to our Privacy Policy. By submitting your data, you consent to our processing the data in the scope specified in the Privacy Policy for the purpose of handling your request and to our contacting you via the same communication route. Moreover, we will process the data on the basis of our legitimate interests. We will delete the data as soon as your request has obviously been completed or if you effectively object to the further processing of your data by us. For more information on this subject, please refer to our Privacy Policy. The white paper is on the way to your mailbox. ()
你想知道居家工作与翻译记忆系统供应者的博客之间存在什么样的关系吗?实际上,关系很大!接下来你就会明白仔细检查那些居家工作者的数据安全状况为什么如此重要。你还能发现尤其是在你翻译过程中的一些陷阱,并且知道该如何进行优化,以便你的公司能可靠地共享数据,即使有如此多的员工居家工作。 2020年3月,没人能想象到,短短数周内,这个看似仍井然有序的世界会发生如此大程度的改变。新冠肺炎疫情的爆发震惊了整个世界。就在同月,全世界的上班族开始居家工作。此状况引发了诸多问题: 面对新的现实,我们是否还能继续工作?哪些设备是居家办公时可以使用的?互联网连接的安全性如何?雇主如何确保他们的员工安装所有必要的软件更新?并不是所有人都能像许多人那样不受干扰,能将公司的笔记本电脑带回家继续工作。由于敏感的公司数据突然通过私人计算机传输,因此有必要寻找特殊的解决方法。因为别无选择,居家办公一开始还可以。但尽管如此,就数据安全而言还是一场惨败。 其间,许多雇主及员工都适应了新的工作方式,工作也如疫情前一样继续进行,只是把一切事物转移到线上。与此同时,更多的人将持续居家办公,这也正是为什么现在是时候反问下自己:作为雇主,我是否已经尽一切努力来确保居家办公人员的数据安全? 公司需起草一份安全计划并坚持执行,以长期维护数据安全。信息安全问题应针对包括与翻译有关的流程在内的公司所有流程提出。甚至在疫情之前,许多公司也几乎不会重视翻译过程中的数据安全问题。以电子邮件的方式将文件发送给翻译服务提供商,翻译完成后会在商定截止日期前再以电子邮件形式发回。但你真的不知道在此期间数据发生了什么?只能说是眼不见,心不烦。 然而,由于数据只能被适当地指定,因此,正是这些安全漏洞,会使公司迅速陷入危险的领域。 乍一看,可信的旧电子邮件——第一个薄弱点在翻译过程中似乎无害,但外表具有欺骗性。举个简单的例子来说明这一点:你在准备回家前,发送了一条需要翻译的重要文本,但由于无意间接受了自动提示的输入,输错了收件人的名字导致输入错误的收件人地址。因此,这篇文章并没如你所想发送给Melanie Schmidt——翻译公司的项目经理,而是发送给了Melanie Schmieder,前不久曾与你互发过电子邮件的一个竞争对手的销售经理。现在你该怎么做?包含敏感客户数据的文本绝不应落入竞争对手之手。如果你运气好,及时注意到失误,就能想起这封电子邮件,但并不是所有流行的电子邮件提供商上都有该功能。 在新冠肺炎疫情期间,许多突然居家办公的人员使用了许多临时解决方案,而这些方法会危及数据安全。如果工作是通过私人互联网连接进行的,且没有任何保护措施,那么数据无意中泄露给第三方的风险很高,这主要是网络钓鱼攻击或勒索软件带来的后果。另一个安全漏洞的代表就是云数据存储。尽管云解决方案优点颇多,但也有一定风险,如果是以不受控的方式使用的话。为方便以后在家或在路上继续对其进行工作,一名员工或许会将一份报告快速保存在商业云提供商的服务器上,完成后再将其发送给翻译。然而,不幸的是,数月前的一次网络攻击中使得他的密码被盗,最终无法保护网上的敏感信息。请记住:如果你允许员工进行数据云存储,首先,你应该把云提供商看做一个公司对其进行审查和批准。 若无恰当的翻译过程及必要措施对公司数据进行保护,那么翻译文本很容易被转发和泄漏给他人。这一点与前两点密切相关,但又有所区别。为什么会出现这种情况呢?如果你没有合适的翻译系统基础设施,那么即便你的电子邮件服务功能正常,且家庭互联网连接也很安全,但是,这些翻译文件也只不过是可以通过普通方式转发和泄漏给他人的普通文件--无论是通过电子邮件、云端共享,或将文件保存到U盘,甚至通过WhatsApp转发。 我们在此篇博客中已对机器翻译的优缺点进行了详细地讨论。对该主题感兴趣的人将在“面向公司的机器翻译”和“面向翻译人员的机器翻译”这两篇文章中找到相关信息。每个公司都必须认真考虑机器翻译的使用是否有意义。在这样或那样的基础上,你应该确定机器翻译是否能应用于你的供应链中。然而,需要重申的是,若无一个翻译处理系统,机器翻译的应用就无法真正得到监控。全部机器翻译系统在处理导入数据时都以提高质量为目标。最坏情况下,很容易能在网上得到以不受保护的形式输入机器翻译引擎的内容。通过以受控的方式将机器翻译集成到您的翻译管理系统中,您可以人为地为机器翻译的应用设置界限,从而减少员工或语言服务提供商不受控地将机器翻译用作影子软件。 最后,但同等重要重要的是,我们还需对“隐私保护”及其无效性进行简单讨论。欧盟同意了与美国的“欧盟-美国隐私保护”协议在《通用数据保护条例》推出后,该协议给予与欧盟同等的保护在两大洲之间个人信息的国际传输方面。由于欧洲公司经常使用美国的翻译服务提供商,因此,这与翻译也相关。“隐私保护”的保护伞协议于2020年8月被推翻后,公司有必要使用标准的合同条款来确保数据安全。这就更有理由仔细审查整个欧盟以外的数据流。 所有这些问题都会导致你担心自己的数据安全,然而,我们希望你不必担心。你务必要重视这些安全漏洞,但幸运的是,有一个确保你翻译数据安全的简单解决方案:翻译管理系统(TMS)。概括来说,TMS是一个软件环境,允许全部翻译过程进行安全管理。不再需要发送附带文本的电子邮件,译员可安全地在公司服务器上工作,并且未经公司允许,不可从翻译环境导出文本和译文。除此之外,你还可以抉择是否使用机器翻译,如果允许的话,还能精确地指定使用哪个机器翻译引擎(是DeepL,SYSTRAN,KantanMT还是Google Translate)以及如何使用。与此同时,企业也可以使用TMS来克服其他挑战和阻塞点,例如翻译统一性的确保,公司特定术语的遵守以及总体翻译成本的降低。 是不是听起来太好了?如果您还不熟悉该主题,我们建议您阅读一篇文章——“关于翻译管理系统的所有问题”,以获取更多信息。如果您有具体问题或对我们的软件感兴趣,当然也可以亲自与我们联系。 你是否对信息安全问题感兴趣?为便于阅读更多有关该主题的内容,现在可免费下载我们的白皮书。 甚至是在正式宣布之前,我们的时事通讯就可提供给您有关跨语言服务器的独家新闻。同时还可为您提供有关事件、网络研讨会和培训课程的早期信息。 您的订阅明确同意我们将各种通讯包括新闻、事件信息和与我们业务相关的主题通过电子邮件发送给您。想了解更多关于订阅的日志记录、通过提供商CleverReach的传输、统计分析以及如何取消订阅的信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策。 数据提交,即表示您同意我们为解决您的请求,在隐私政策规定的范围内处理数据,,并同意我们使用同一通信途径联系您。而且,我们处理数据都将基于合法利益。一完成您的要求,或者您强烈反对我们对你的数据做进一步的处理,我们就会立刻把这些数据删除。更多这方面的相关信息,请参阅我们的 隐私政策。 白皮书正发送至你的邮箱。 ()

