10 Fun Facts about El Salvador: A Small Country Rich in Culture


2021-01-12 16:16 GALA


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Rosario Traducciones continues its tour of Latin America in another edition of #ElEspañolEnElMundo. The sixth destination is the most densely populated country in Central America. Do you need to communicate with a Latin American audience? Are you exporting or selling your products or services to Spanish-speaking countries? Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA invites you to join us on a virtual linguistic tour through the different countries of Latin America, as we explore their diversity and cultural richness. In this edition, we turn our attention to El Salvador, one of the countries with the highest population density in the region. San Salvador is one of the first Spanish-founded cities in historic Central America, the region that during the Hispanic conquest of America was part of the Kingdom or General Captaincy of Guatemala. The city was founded in 1524 by the conqueror Pedro de Alvarado. It is also the oldest and most long-standing capital in the region, since its transfer in 1545 to the Valle de las Hamacas, where it stands to this day, despite the earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions endured for centuries. Prudencia Ayala was a Salvadoran woman who, in 1930, despite no academic training but aware of her rights, challenged the socio-political system at the time by running as a candidate for the presidency of the republic, thus becoming the first woman in El Salvador and Latin America to pursue the highest public office. José Arturo Castellanos, a colonel from El Salvador, served as a diplomat in Geneva, Switzerland, during World War II. He saved 40,000 Jews from extermination by the Nazis, by providing them with Salvadoran identity documents. He was posthumously recognized for his efforts in July 2010 and given the “Righteous Among Nations” honor, granted to non-Jews by Yad Vashem, an institution that honors the memory of martyrs and heroes of the Holocaust. The documentary Uno. The story of a goal narrates what led up to the only time El Salvador’s national soccer team managed to score a goal in a World Cup game. The early 1980s marked the beginning of what would become a 12-year-long civil war that took the lives of more than 100,000 people. In those days, El Salvador's soccer team was the one national topic which both the left and the right parties could agree on. The national soccer team pulled off a stunning 1-0 upset against Mexico and qualified to compete in the 1982 Soccer World Cup in Spain. Unfortunately, the team's Cinderella story turned into a nightmare. A corrupt national soccer federation robbed players of their pay and equipment. The team's opening match against Hungary resulted in a 10-1 loss, the worst defeat in World Cup history. Joya de Cerén in El Salvador is recognized as one of the most important archeological sites in Mesoamerica; it showcases the way ordinary people lived in those days. Their houses consisted of three separate structures: the bedrooms, the kitchen and the cellar. This agricultural town was abandoned in the year 250 following the eruption of a volcano. It was inhabited again in the year 400. In 1993, UNESCO declared Joya de Cerén a World Heritage Site; excavations are currently underway. Suchitlán Lake is the largest body of fresh water in El Salvador. It is a reservoir when the Presa del Cerrón Grande dam was built in 1973. it covers 52 square miles, and its main attraction is a ferry which can transport up to four vehicles and up to 100 people. El Tunco is the best known beach in El Salvador, famous for its great waves and surf breaks. It is located in Libertad area and it hosts many surfing competitions from small ones to professional championships. If you’re considering taking up surfing, the best time of year to visit is from September to early March, when the waves are not very large. For professional surfers, the best time is from April through August, when the waves can reach almost 20 feet high. A stopover in Olocuilta to sample pupusas is an absolute must for tourists. This is the most traditional dish in El Salvador. Pupusa is made of corn or rice flour flatbread stuffed with chicken, cheese, fried beans or loroco (a vine flower bud native to Central America). Pupusas have been linked to the Pipil tribes who inhabited the territory now known as El Salvador and some say the name comes from the word pupusawa in the Pipil language, although there has been research that suggests that the word did not exist in that language. El Salvador, like in many other countries, celebrates the day of the Cross, a festivity whose origin is tied to pre-Hispanic times. According ACI Press (Catholic Information Agency), this local tradition was later adapted by the Spanish and gave it a Christian meaning. Celebrated every May 3, it marks the beginning of the sow and rain season in El Salvador as a custom followed by the indigenous people who have lived in the current territory of El Salvador for millennia. It is an offering for the new crops. The history of the Izalco volcano is quite unique and interesting. Up until 1770, the site where the volcano rises today was just a dark hole in the ground, with rising sulfurous and black smoke. Gradually, the hole began to expand, emerging from the ground, creating a tall cone almost 2300-feet high, crowned by a crater 820 feet in diameter. Since then, it has been an icon of Central American geography. This volcano is mostly active, displaying magnificent spectacles of lava and incandescent rocks. Because of the red sparkles that can be seen from the high seas by ships, it is also known as the 'Pacific Lighthouse.' In the 1950s, a group of businessmen decided to build a luxury hotel on the slopes of Cerro Verde, facing the majestic volcano. By the time the hotel was almost finished, Izalco stopped erupting. The hotel works were halted and the building was totally abandoned. For more resources on localization in the Spanish-speaking world, visit GALA Knowledge Center.
Rosario Traducciones在另一版《#elespañolenelmundo》中继续其拉丁美洲之旅。第六个目的地是中美洲人口最稠密的国家--萨尔瓦多。 你需要和拉美观众交流吗?您是否向西班牙语国家出口或销售您的产品或服务?Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA邀请您加入我们的虚拟语言之旅,穿越拉丁美洲的不同国家,探索它们的多样性和文化丰富性。在本版本中,我们将注意力转向该地区人口密度最高的国家之一--萨尔瓦多。 从历史上来看,萨尔瓦多是西班牙人最早在中美洲建立的城市之一。在拉美人征服美洲期间,该地区是危地马拉王国的一部分,或者说是危地马拉将军的领地。该城由征服者佩德罗·德·阿尔瓦拉多于1524年建立。它也是该地区最古老和历史最悠久的首都。1545年,首都迁往哈马卡斯山谷。尽管过去了几个世纪,经历了地震、洪水和火山爆发,它仍屹立至今。 Prudencia Ayala是萨尔瓦多的一名妇女,尽管没有接受过专业学术教育,她意识到自己应享有的权利。1930年,她对当时的社会政治制度发起了挑战,竞选共和国总统,从而成为萨尔瓦多和拉丁美洲第一位担任最高公职的妇女。 来自萨尔瓦多的上校何塞·阿图罗·卡斯特利亚诺斯(JoséArturo Castellanos)二战期间曾在瑞士日内瓦担任外交官。他为4万名犹太人办理萨尔瓦多身份证件,使他们免遭纳粹的毒手。2010年7月,他凭借其努力而被追授“国家间正义者”荣誉,这是纪念大屠杀烈士和英雄的机构Yad Vashem授予非犹太人的荣誉。 纪录片Uno。《进球的故事》讲述了萨尔瓦多国家足球队唯一一次在世界杯比赛中进球的经历。 1980年代初,一场长达12年的内战开始。这场内战夺走了10万多人的生命。当时,左派和右派在萨尔瓦多足球队这个话题上达成一致。国家足球队以1:0爆冷击败墨西哥队,获得了参加1982年西班牙世界杯足球赛的资格。不幸的是,灰姑娘的童话变成了一场噩梦。腐败的国家足球联合会抢走了球员的工资和装备。球队揭幕战对阵匈牙利,结果1比10惨败,这是世界杯历史上最惨痛的失利。 萨尔瓦多的Joya de Cerén被公认为中美洲最重要的考古遗址之一。它向我们展示了当年普通人的生活方式。他们的房子由三个独立的结构组成:卧室,厨房和地下室。这座农业城镇在250年火山爆发后被废弃了。公元400年又有人居住。1993年,教科文组织宣布Joya de Cerén为世界遗产。目前正在该地正在进行挖掘工作。 Suchitlán湖是萨尔瓦多最大的淡水湖。它是1973年Presa del Cerrón Grande大坝建成时的一座水库。这片湖占地52平方英里。最吸引人的是一艘渡船,最多可运送4辆车和100人。 El Tunco是萨尔瓦多最著名的海滩,以其巨大海浪和冲浪运动而闻名。它位于Libertad地区。该地举办了许多冲浪比赛,包括小型比赛和职业锦标赛等。如果你正在考虑冲浪,一年中最好的时间是九月到三月初,那时海浪不是很大。对于专业冲浪者来说,最好的时间是从四月到八月,那时海浪可以达到20英尺高。 在Olocuilta中途停留,品尝pupusas是游客绝对必须要做的事情。这是萨尔瓦多最传统的菜肴。Pupusa是用玉米或米粉扁面包做成,里面塞满鸡肉,奶酪,炸豆或loroco(一种原产于中美洲的藤蔓花芽)。Pupusas与现如今居住在萨尔瓦多的Pipil部落有联系。有人说这个名字来自Pipil语中的pupusawa一词,然而有研究表明Pipil语中并不存在这个词。 像许多其他国家一样,萨尔瓦多庆祝十字架日,这一节日的起源与前西班牙时代有关。据ACI Press(天主教新闻社)称,这一当地传统后来被西班牙人加以改编,赋予了基督教的含义。每年五月三日,萨尔瓦多雨季开始。这是在萨尔瓦多生活了几千年的土著人民所遵循的习俗。人们会供奉新收的庄稼。 伊扎尔科火山的历史相当独特有趣。1770年前,现如今火山所在地只是地面上的一个黑洞洞,冒着不断上升的硫磺和黑烟。 渐渐地,这个洞开始扩大,从地面冒出来,形成了一个将近2300英尺高的高圆锥,顶上是一个直径820英尺的火山口。从那时起,它就成了中美洲地理的标志。这座火山大部分是活跃的,向人们展示着熔岩和白炽岩石的壮丽奇观。由于从公海乘船可以看到红色的闪光,它也被称为“太平洋灯塔”。 20世纪50年代,一群商人决定在塞罗维德的山坡上建造一座豪华酒店,正对着雄伟的火山。等到酒店快完工的时候,伊扎尔科停止了喷发。旅馆的工程停滞,大楼完全废弃。 有关西班牙语世界的更多资源,请访问GALA知识中心。

