A Look into the Future with Wordbee’s new CEO


2021-01-11 20:50 Wordbee Translator


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As you’ve read elsewhere on this blog, Wordbee recently appointed a new CEO. Wordbee’s co-founder and former CEO José Vega is not going to rest on well-deserved laurels, though. He will continue as chair of the company’s Board of Directors, playing an advisory role and overseeing the actions taken by the executives. Wordbee’s new CEO is Andre Hemker, founder and CEO of Wordcraft, a language service provider based in Germany, a trusted partner and client of Wordbee for many years. Andre is described as a big-picture thinker. He is an expert in language technology with a broad understanding of the language industry and its needs, as well as a deep knowledge of the Wordbee technologies. Towards the end of 2020, I had the pleasure to (virtually) sit down with him to take stock of the situation within the translation industry and cast a brief look into the future of the company. Services & Technology: A Case of Either-Or? Q.: In the last few years we’ve seen some clear trends in the “make or buy” approach when it comes to translation services and technology. A number of companies have developed (or are developing) technologies for their own operational needs, and in some case they end up marketing them to other organizations. Is this a direction that Wordbee is contemplating, taking advantage of your experience in running a language service provider? A: “One thing I’ve always believed is that if you start to develop your software as a language service company, you become a software company. You don’t just make software. If you make software, you have to provide support, update and improve it. You will stop being a service company only. It is, of course, a strategic decision, and one of the worst, I believe. In order to keep up with the best, the investments (both financial and HR) are high, you have to be a thought leader and so on…. It’s so much cheaper, more ­­­­efficient AND effective to choose a technology that best suits your needs and criteria and maybe adapt it slightly.” Q: So, I take it there are no plans within Wordbee to offer a combination of services and technology. A: “Actually, we do have a plan in the work, but it’s a very sui generis plan. It’s going to be a combination that doesn’t take anything away from our existing customers. We are going to use our tech to get to parts of the market that are almost unattainable. Of course, right now, we are still keeping our cards close to our chests. All I am going to say is.… watch this space.” Crisis, What Crisis? Q: Experts in the industry keep saying that the translation industry is impervious to crisis, and that the growth is uninterrupted. What do you think when you look around the translation community and talk to your peers? A: “Of course, there is a crisis. Airlines are in crisis, as are the tourism industry, the art world, the fashion industry, and many others. This notion of the translation industry not being in a crisis is such a generalized statement. Some industries thrive, e-commerce and the medical sector for example; other sectors are in the dumps. Depending on the sectors your company serves, you might very well find yourself facing a crisis.” Q: So, for the translation industry itself, how can we move past this situation? And how can technology help? A: “I’ve been evangelizing for SaaS solutions for the best part of the last ten years. I think this crisis showed everyone why this idea of the cloud not being secure is totally wrong. This belief is something I really want to challenge… and change. This crisis is a chance for language service providers and translation departments to discover the benefits of moving operations to the cloud. Just think: What changed for Wordbee users with this pandemic? Well, they don’t see their colleagues in person anymore (or not so often), but otherwise their work just continues uninterrupted. They type their login, and it doesn’t matter where they are. Every single file is right there where they need it. One box for all, and everybody takes out information and puts back information into that box. In the early 1980s, it was normal for companies to have UNIX systems. You had a single server and many terminals connected to it. You could share files and work on the same files. Then personal computers arrived, and, of course, at that time they were powerful. Because we all had our own computer, we also had to have our own software. The main benefit from the old system was that everybody was sharing the same data. SaaS is, for me, just the logical next step to go back to the advantage we had in those days when we had 40 people and one computer.” Outlook on the Future Q: Within the wide AI field, NLP (Natural Language Processing) is the most up-and-coming technology, and its applications look very promising for the translation industry as well. What’s your take on this? And does Wordbee have any plans in this direction? A: “At Wordcraft we’ve been working with machine translation (MT) for some 10 years now. Machine translation is already an integral part of our translation workflow. Keep in mind, Wordbee users have already access to over 40 MT engines, especially now via the new Intento connector. Recently, I’ve had the chance to talk with Jim Compton of RWS Moravia and told him that, instead of developing MT system n. 41, I find it more interesting at this point to focus on many adjacent tasks that we do manually and that can effectively and efficiently be powered by machine learning (ML). So, we’re going to use ML to power multilingual term extraction, a new type of spellchecker, and predictive writing. To me, these functions are way more attractive than just another machine translation system. And another thing we at Wordbee are going to focus on is enabling really holistic workflows with direct integration of our TMS in many different applications. For example, integration with a game engine or Adobe InDesign. This way, we are going to make Wordbee an even more powerful tool to be used not just for translation or localization, but for every single step of content creation. There are going to be massive changes in our plans, both short and long term, to offer our user a more efficient and engaging platform as well as a more resilient business future. We’re ready.”
正如你在这个博客别处读到的,Wordbee最近任命了一位新的CEO。不过,WordBee的联合创始人兼前CEO何塞·维加(Jose Vega)并不打算坐等这实至名归的头衔。他将继续担任公司董事会主席,担任顾问一职,并监督高管们采取了的行动。 Wordbee的新任CEO安德烈·亨克(Andre Hemker)是Wordcraft的创始人兼首席执行官。Wordcraft是一家总部在德国的语言服务提供商,也是Wordbee多年来值得信赖的合作伙伴和客户。安德烈被描述为一个拥有大局观的思想家。他是语言技术方面的专家,对语言行业及其需求有广泛的了解,同时对Wordbee技术也有着深厚的知识。在2020年底,我有幸(实际上)与他会谈,对翻译行业的现状进行了评估,并对公司的未来做了简单的展望。 服务和技术:非此即彼? 问:在过去的几年里,当涉及到翻译服务和技术方面时,“制造或购买”的趋势愈发明显。许多公司已经开发(或正在开发)一些技术,用于满足自身运营需要,所以在某些情况下,它们最终会将这些技术推销给其他组织。利用您在运营语言服务提供商方面的经验来看,这是否是Wordbee正在考虑的一个方向? 答:我一直相信的一件事是来如果你开始作为一家语言服务公司开发软件,你就会成为一家软件公司,那么你不只是做软件。如果你做软件,你必须对其提供支持、更新和改进,所以你将不再只是一家服务公司。 当然,这是一个战略决策,我相信也是最糟糕的决策之一。为了做到最好,投入(包括财务和人力资源)是很高的,而且你必须是一个思想的引领者等等。选择一种最符合你需求和标准的方案,或许稍加修改,这样成本更低,效率更高,效果更好。 问:那么,我可以理解为Wordbee没有提供服务和技术结合的计划。 答:实际上,我们的工作中确实有一个计划,但这个计划很独特。这将是一个联合,不会从我们现有的客户身上带走任何东西。 我们将利用我们的技术进入几乎无法进入的市场。当然,现在,我们还把底牌藏在心里。我要说的就是……注意这个地方。 危机?什么危机? 问:业内专家一直说,翻译行业是不受危机影响的,而且发展也是不间断的。所以当你洞察翻译界并与同行交谈时,你是怎么想的? 答:当然有危机。航空公司正处于危机之中,旅游业,艺术界,时尚业以及其他许多行业也会处于危机之中。这种翻译行业不会有危机的观点只是一种概括的说法。 有些行业正在蓬勃发展,例如电子商务和医疗行业,而其他一些行业则陷入危机之中。根据你的公司所服务的行业,你很可能就会发现自己正面临危机。 问:那么,对于翻译行业本身来说,我们如何才能走出这种危机呢?技术对于我们而言又有什么帮助呢? 答:在过去十年间的大部分时间里,我一直在宣传SaaS解决方案。我认为这次危机向所有人解释了云数据不安全的想法为什么是完全错误的。这种想法是我真正想要挑战和改变的。 对语言服务提供商和翻译部门来说,这场危机为他们提供了一个选择,让他们发现将业务转移到云端的好处。 试想一下,这场流行给Wordbee用户带来了什么变化?嗯,他们不再亲自去见同事(或者不那么经常见),但他们的工作仍然不受干扰地继续着。不管他们在哪里,只需输入自己的登录名,因为每个文件都能在他们需要的地方找到。每个人都有一个盒子,每个人都拿出信息,然后把信息储存到盒子里。 在20世纪80年代早期,公司拥有UNIX系统是很正常的。你有一台服务器,许多终端和它相连。你可以共享文件并处理相同的文件。然后个人电脑出现了,当然,在那个时候,他们是强大的。因为我们都有自己的电脑,所以我们也必须有自己的软件。旧系统的主要好处是每个人共享相同的数据。对我来说,SaaS只是一个合理的下一步,我们可以回到过去40个人拥有一台电脑的时代。 展望未来 问:在广泛的人工智能领域中,自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是一门新兴的技术,在翻译行业有广阔的应用前景。对此您有何看法?Wordbee在这方面有什么打算吗? 答:在Wordcraft,我们已经与机器翻译(MT)合作了大约10年。机器翻译已经是我们翻译工作流程中不可或缺的一部分。请记住,Wordbee用户已经可以访问超过40个MT引擎,特别是现在通过新的Intento连接器。 最近,我有机会与RWS Moravia的吉姆·康普顿交谈,并告诉他与其开发机器翻译系统n.41,我发现在这一点上更有趣的是把注意力集中在许多相邻的任务上,这些任务是我们可以手动完成的,并且可以高效地由机器学习(ML)来驱动。因此,我们将使用ML来支持多语言术语的提取和一种新的拼写检查器和预测性写作。对我来说,这些功能比其他机器翻译系统更有吸引力。 Wordbee的另一个重点是在许多不同的应用程序中直接集成TMS,从而实现真正的整体工作流。例如,与游戏引擎或Adobe InDesign的集成。通过这种方式,我们将使Wordbee成为一个更强大的工具,不仅可以用于翻译或文本定位,还可以用于内容创建的每一个步骤。 无论是短期还是长期,我们的计划都将发生巨大变化,可以为用户提供一个更高效,更有吸引力的平台,以及一个更有弹性的商业未来。我们已经准备好了。

