Guest Post: How to Make Every Leader in Your Company a Chief Customer Officer


2020-12-09 14:00 unbabel


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Unbabel occasionally features business leaders’ hot takes on the modern world of customer success. Martin Schilling, former COO of N26 Group, is a serial entrepreneur who is passionate about scaling purpose-driven tech companies, with a focus on customer experience and service operations. The blog post below is excerpted from a recent LinkedIn post in which Martin describes the fundamental principles of service excellence, and 15 practices to implement them. In today’s world of Anything-as-a-Service, building great tech products is no longer enough. From banking-as-a-service to music-as-a-service to transport-as-a-service, consumer businesses can now launch with the click of a mouse button—creating an ever-greater number of peak athletes competing in each race. Which means that your service experience will make the difference between simply joining the competition or taking home the trophy. This is why every leader on your team must become a Chief Customer Officer, turning customer experience (CX) into the lifeblood pumping through the heart of your business. Every employee needs to view exceptional customer experience as a primary goal, on par with growth, profit, revenue, and cost savings. How do you drive growth with service excellence? It requires four essential building blocks: No matter the size of your company, it’s never too early or too late to build this foundation. Start by asking yourself the four questions below. Is boosting CX among the top priorities of your executive team? In many companies, while executives may claim everything they do is to improve customer experience, each department measures success differently (i.e., new customers per month for marketing, usage rates for product, etc.). This is akin to a distance runner training their legs but ignoring their arms, rather than conditioning the entire body to compete at the highest level. By contrast, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos leaves an empty chair in his executive team meetings to symbolize the importance of the customer, while at Apple, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the hallmark of success across all organizational levels. This is because companies with the highest NPS grow by more than 2x on average compared to competitors with an industry standard NPS. Step one, then, is to make a holistic Net Promoter management approach a top priority for the executive team. This includes setting NPS goals and reporting at the customer episode level, implementing regular NPS feedback loops to the executive team, and incorporating NPS development into performance appraisals and/or bonuses. Step two involves breaking down department silos and organizing around customer episodes, which I explain in depth here. Are you preventing product-driven customer issues before they arise? The more a customer needs to contact you, the lower the NPS. In one direct bank we studied, customers who contacted the company at least once had 20% lower satisfaction scores and were 20% more likely to stop using its services. Across industries, when the customer has to contact a company even once, their customer loyalty is four times more likely to be negatively affected (see Matt Dixon, “The Effortless Experience,” 2013). This is why “the best service is no service.” Eliminating the root causes behind customer contacts should be a cornerstone of your service excellence strategy. Because 80% of contacts originate outside the service organization, they can only be avoided through cross-departmental collaboration. Working together across departments to prevent customer issues reduces the churn rate, improves the NPS, creates more referrals, and ultimately drives growth. It also saves costs. Our analysis of various industries reveals that 50–70% of routine contact volumes can be reduced through targeted investment, including in automation. For this to happen you need to embed CX and product maintenance early on during the product development. And you need to implement the ‘polluter pays principle,’ in other words product driven contacts should be allocated to product owners. Are you enabling customers to do self-service? Taking up running is as simple as hitting the road; you don’t want or need a gold medalist to show you how. Likewise, most of us have no desire to contact a service representative to download a statement or re-order a product. We want to take care of routine transactions ourselves — whenever, from any location. If customers start their journey digitally but end with a human interaction, the NPS will be 20 points lower compared to a purely digital customer episode. Hence, there is huge potential for making customers happy with seamless self-service, while simultaneously reducing costs-to-serve. You do this when you get your basics right: well-structured FAQs that you can search and an IVR are still powerful tools. In a fast-growing company you should always start with live service as default channel, but with easy breakout options to live assistance. And a machine-learning driven bot can resolve up to 60% of requests that are simple and transactional. Can your live service resolve issues efficiently while leveraging emotive episodes? Despite your best efforts to resolve product issues or enable customer self-service, some issues will still require personal resolution. At this stage, your live service teams should get you across the finish line. As the last line of defense for keeping customers happy, they need to be available across all relevant channels, resolve customer issues, and deliver moments of service delight that go viral. One place to start: by harnessing the power of self-organized teams. Take a page from T-Mobile, which was able to cut service costs by 13%, boost its NPS by 50%, and reduce attrition and absenteeism by 50% in three years under the Team of Experts Model (TEX). In this model, teams of 50 colleagues run as mini-companies serving a specific region, with a focus on customer loyalty and relationships vs. handing time. Another idea is to enable moments of service delight that are publicly and internally celebrated. Brazilian FinTech Nubank, for example, relies on its customer service reps to go off script, whether by sending customers handwritten notes, putting together a gift box for them, or even ordering a cap paid for by the company. Don’t try to do this at scale, though, as it is too expensive. You can find more ideas to let your live service reach its full potential here.And there you have it. To undergo the kind of growth that will turn heads, focus on the four building blocks outlined above. Whether you are a large corporation that has to overcome legacy processes and structure, or a scale-up still focusing almost exclusively on products and technology, find your starting point and build from there. If you can get all four in place, you’ll be sure to outstrip the competition as you head for victory. *Thanks to Nikola Glusac and the Bain & Company team for their help and input.
Unbabel偶尔会以商业领袖们对现代客户成功的热衷为特色。Martin Schilling,N26 Group前首席运营官,是一位连续创业者,他热衷于将目标驱动的科技公司规模扩大,重点关注客户体验和服务运营。下面的博客文章摘录自LinkedIn最近的一篇文章,马丁在文章中描述了卓越服务的基本原则,以及实现这些原则的15个实践。 在如今这个“任何服务都是服务”的世界里,仅仅制造伟大的科技产品已经不够了。从银行即服务,到音乐即服务,再到交通即服务,消费者企业现在只需点击鼠标按钮就可以启动--在每一场比赛中,都有越来越多的顶级运动员参赛。 这意味着你的服务经验将决定你是参加比赛还是把奖杯带回家。 这就是为什么你团队中的每一位领导者都必须成为首席客户官,将客户体验(CX)转化为贯穿你业务心脏的命脉。每个员工都需要将出色的客户体验视为首要目标,与增长,利润,收入和成本节约同等重要。 如何通过卓越的服务来推动增长?它需要四个基本组成部分: 无论你的公司规模有多大,建立这个基础永远都不会太早或太晚。从问自己下面的四个问题开始。 提升CX是否是贵公司高管团队的首要任务之一? 在许多公司中,尽管主管们可能声称他们所做的一切都是为了改善客户体验,但每个部门衡量成功的方法不同(例如,每月营销的新客户,产品的使用率等)。这就好比一个长跑运动员训练他们的腿却忽视了他们的手臂,而不是训练整个身体以达到最高水平。 相比之下,亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝索斯在高管团队会议上会留下一张空椅子,以象征客户的重要性,而在苹果,净推广人得分(NPS)则是所有组织层面成功的标志。这是因为与具有行业标准NPS的竞争对手相比,具有最高NPS的公司平均增长超过2倍。 第一步,那么,是使一个整体的网络推广管理方法的最高优先考虑的执行团队。这包括设定核动力源目标并在客户事件一级进行报告,定期向执行团队提供核动力源反馈,并将核动力源开发纳入绩效评估和/或奖金。第二步涉及到打破部门孤岛,围绕客户事件进行组织,我将在这里对此进行深入解释。 你是否在产品驱动的客户问题出现之前就阻止了它们? 客户越需要与您联系,NPS就越低。在我们研究的一家直营银行中,与该公司联系至少一次的客户满意度得分低20%,停止使用其服务的可能性也高出20%。跨行业来看,当客户不得不与一家公司接触一次时,他们的客户忠诚度受到负面影响的可能性要高出四倍(参见Matt Dixon,“the Effortless Experience”,2013)。 这就是为什么“最好的服务就是没有服务”。消除客户接触背后的根源应该是你卓越服务战略的一个基石。 因为80%的联系源于服务机构之外,只有通过跨部门协作才能避免。通过跨部门的合作来防止客户问题的发生,减少了流失率,改善了NPS,创造了更多的转介,并最终推动了增长。还节省了成本。我们对各个行业的分析显示,50-70%的常规接触量可以通过有针对性的投资来减少,包括在自动化方面。为了实现这一点,您需要在产品开发的早期嵌入CX和产品维护。而且你需要执行“污染者付费原则”,换句话说,产品驱动的联系应该分配给产品所有者。 您是否允许客户进行自助服务? 开始跑步就像上路一样简单;你不想也不需要一个金牌得主来教你怎么做。同样,我们中的大多数人也不想联系服务代表下载声明或重新订购产品。我们希望自己处理日常事务--无论何时,从任何地点。 如果顾客以数字方式开始他们的旅程,但以人类交互方式结束,那么与纯数字顾客事件相比,NPS将低20个点。因此,有巨大的潜力使客户满意的无缝自助服务,同时降低成本的服务。如果您掌握了基本知识,那么您就可以这样做:您可以搜索的结构良好的FAQ和IVR仍然是强大的工具。在一个快速发展的公司中,你应该总是以live service作为默认渠道开始,但要有简单的突破选项来提供live Assistance。一个机器学习驱动的机器人可以解决多达60%的简单和事务性请求。 你的live服务能有效地解决问题,同时利用情绪事件吗? 尽管您已尽最大努力解决产品问题或启用客户自助服务,但某些问题仍将需要个人解决。在这个阶段,你的现场服务团队应该让你越过终点线。作为让客户满意的最后一道防线,他们需要在所有相关的渠道上提供服务,解决客户的问题,并提供迅速传播的服务快感。 从一个地方开始:利用自我组织团队的力量。以T-Mobile为例,在专家团队模式(TEX)下,T-Mobile在三年内削减了13%的服务成本,提高了50%的NPS,减少了50%的自然减员和缺勤。在这个模型中,由50名同事组成的团队作为一个小型公司运行,服务于一个特定的地区,重点放在客户忠诚度和关系上,而不是处理时间上。 另一个想法是让服务的快乐时刻在公众和内部得到庆祝。例如,巴西金融科技公司Nubank就依赖其客户服务代表的出格服务,无论是向客户发送手写便条,还是为他们准备一个礼盒,甚至是订购一个由该公司支付费用的封顶。不过,不要尝试大规模地这样做,因为这太昂贵了。 你可以在这里找到更多的点子让你的live服务发挥它的全部潜力。要想获得令人回头是岸的成长,就必须把注意力集中在上面概述的四个基本要素上。无论你是一家必须克服遗留流程和结构的大公司,还是一个几乎完全专注于产品和技术的规模扩张公司,都要找到你的起点并从那里开始构建。如果你能把这四个都搞定,你就一定能超越竞争对手,走向胜利。 *感谢Nikola Glusac和贝恩公司团队的帮助和投入。

