10 Most Viewed GALA Webinars of 2020


2021-01-05 18:10 GALA


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The first week of January is usually the moment when organizations plan new strategies and actions that set the tone for how the rest of the year will unfold. With this in mind, we looked at the stats to learn which topics the GALA community finds most relevant and made a list of the 10 most viewed webinars in 2020. Consider them as nuggets of inspiration for your 2021 business strategy, while getting ready for GALA Connected 2021. International expansion and growth are major goals for any business. How do you prepare and, most importantly, plan your globalization strategy? Consider watching Enterprise Globalization Strategy and Getting (Really) Prepared to Expand Your Online Business Internationally for suggestions on how to run a thorough analysis and develop a global expansion strategy from the outset. To localize for the world, language companies need to leverage talent from around the world. So, why are many companies resistant to recruit employees to work virtually? To find out, watch Nurturing a Remote Workforce: The Peaks, the Pits and Some Tips for Leveraging Global Talent. Marketing to a global audience is about finding the sweet spot between consistent messaging and local flavor, the right balance between translation, copywriting, marketing, and cultural sensitivity. Transcreation – When every word counts can help you set up transcreation best practices. Do you think that inefficient localization processes and lackluster global customer experience are caused at least in part by the inherent disconnect between content creation and the localization process? If you answered yes, then watch Towards a Global Collaboration Platform to find an answer to your questions. Integrate this with focus on users experience: Using Sentiment Analysis to Advocate for Global Users discusses how to build a program around sentiment analysis for international markets, and how to capitalize on their feedback to advocate for global users with developers. The research in the field of artificial intelligence and machine translation has skyrocketed, and many ground-breaking achievements continue to be made. This fast-evolving technology field is changing the way people work, play, and understand data. Revisit Artificial Intelligence and Machine Translation: 2020 and Beyond for some insights, and complement it with Scaling Localization With Artificial Intelligence and Automation to discover how your company can use the latest progress in artificial intelligence and automation to do more with less, to drive higher ROI, and reduce operational complexity. We cannot talk about machine translation and not consider post-editing. If you need to zero in on how to build the role of the post-editor, define the post-editing process, and set accurate expectations for productivity and quality, we invite you to watch The Management and Training Challenges of Post-Editing Part 1 and Part 2. Translation quality is dynamic and efficient LQA programs should address this aspect. They should enable efficient and focused definition, management, measurement, and cultivation of target content quality. In LQA Programs as a Tool to Manage (Not Only) the Target Content Quality you’ll find examples of typical challenges, important decision-making points, and possible solutions or best practices. For other topics, please visit the GALA Knowledge Center or consider joining one of GALA Special Interest Groups to share information and experience with your peers.
一月的第一周通常是组织计划新战略和行动的时刻,这些新战略和行动为今年余下的时间将如何展开定下基调。考虑到这一点,我们查看了数据,以了解GALA社区认为哪些主题最相关,并列出了2020年观看次数最多的10个网络研讨会。在为“互联2021”晚会做好准备的同时,将它们视为你2021年商业战略的灵感源泉。 国际扩张和增长是任何企业的主要目标。你如何准备,最重要的是,如何规划你的全球化战略?考虑关注企业全球化战略,并准备好在国际范围内拓展你的在线业务,以获得关于如何从一开始就进行全面分析和制定全球拓展战略的建议。 为了面向世界进行本地化,语言公司需要利用来自世界各地的人才。那么,为什么很多公司对招聘员工虚拟上岗持抵触态度呢?想要找到答案,请看《培养远程劳动力:顶峰,坑和利用全球人才的一些技巧》。 面向全球受众的营销就是要在一致的信息传递和当地风味之间找到最佳平衡点,在翻译,文案,营销和文化敏感度之间找到正确的平衡。当每一个字都很重要的时候,你就能建立起最佳的创作实践。 您是否认为低效的本地化过程和乏味的全球客户体验至少部分是由内容创建和本地化过程之间固有的脱节造成的?如果你的答案是肯定的,那么看看全球协作平台,为你的问题找到答案。 将此与“关注用户体验:使用情绪分析为全球用户进行宣传”结合起来,讨论了如何围绕情绪分析为国际市场构建一个程序,以及如何利用他们的反馈与开发人员一起为全球用户进行宣传。 人工智能和机器翻译领域的研究突飞猛进,不断有许多开创性的成果问世。这个快速发展的技术领域正在改变人们工作,娱乐和理解数据的方式。重温《人工智能和机器翻译:2020年及以后》以获取一些见解,并辅以人工智能和自动化的缩放本地化,以发现您的公司如何利用人工智能和自动化的最新进展,以更少的资源做更多的事,驱动更高的ROI,并降低运营复杂性。 我们不能谈机器翻译,不考虑后期编辑。如果您需要集中精力于如何构建后期编辑的角色,定义后期编辑流程,并为生产力和质量设定准确的期望,我们邀请您观看后期编辑第1部分和第2部分的管理和培训挑战。 翻译质量是动态的,有效的LQA程序应该解决这方面的问题。它们应该能够有效和集中地定义,管理,测量和培养目标内容质量。在LQA程序中,作为管理(不仅仅是)目标内容质量的工具,您将会发现典型挑战的例子,重要的决策要点,以及可能的解决方案或最佳实践。 对于其他主题,请访问GALA知识中心或考虑加入其中一个GALA特别兴趣小组,与您的同龄人分享信息和经验。

