2021 Trends in Technical Writing and Software Documentation


2020-12-30 15:10 clickhelp


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As everyone says today, 2020 has drastically changed everything: our private lives, hobbies, relationships, habits, and careers. Technical writing is no exception. Unexpectedly, the pandemic has brought so much new in this sphere that we all need to figure out what is going to be a trend next year. More User Guides! Yes, in 2021, we are going to write even more user guides. Look around - everything has gone online. There are so many tools and services to buy food, study, work from home, keep in touch, etc. Software is developing as fast as never before! Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and many other technologies are here to bring our everyday routine to the next level. The thing is that recently, the quality of images has become so high that one can see even the smallest details of an item. That is amazing when you shop online. You can see the real colors, texture, and materials. Some applications even allow users to view items in 3D and rotate them. To say nothing of the quality of infographics! This year, the maps and diagrams showing the influence of the pandemic became one of the main sources of information. They are very detailed and precise. The information is updated nearly every hour. Besides, such spheres as robotics and drone production are waiting for their time to come. That could be a great solution to use them to replace humans where it is possible - for example, in delivery services - to limit contacts. All those technologies, tools, and services are created for users. And, someone has to provide them with perfect user manuals and instructions. So, technical writers are going to have a lot of work with software documentation in the nearest future. We all expect this sphere to flourish in 2021. More Cloud-Based Services and SaaS! This year, when we had to work from home a lot, we saw that cloud-based services and SaaS are a must-have for those who want to adapt to the new reality and stay productive. They allow users to work from any place and cooperate successfully with each other without losing relevant data. Only the Internet connection is required. Another trend here is simplicity. All those tools must be easy-to-use and clear to everyone. Of course, technical writers are smart enough to master any new tool, but we all appreciate, first of all, intuitive use. Thousands of technical writers have already started to use online documentation tools, and many more are coming to save and improve their workflow. In ClickHelp, we are happy to let them work efficiently. We both create a feature-rich environment to write content and make the teamwork smoother. To say nothing of review and import/export processes. Our goal is to make the tech writing routine as easy as possible. Choosing a technical documentation tool make sure it meets all your expectations and has all the features to improve your workflow. More User-Focused Documentation! At the moment, the focus has shifted to users and how they interact with a software product. First and foremost, documentation should be accessible and easy-to-find. It should have a clear structure and allow users to find what they are looking for. And, finally, the content should be focused on their pains and support the users’ decision-making. Several weeks ago, we had a good post about that - Best Tips to Create Valuable Software Documentation. With the arrival of numerous software products, this trend is going to be on top. More Standards in Documentation! This trend comes from the fact that more and more software products are aimed at the international market, not the local one. So, documentation is supposed to be written according to numerous international standards as it should be easy-to-understand for all users. The use of a specific language - Simplified Technical English (STE) will only increase as the majority of users are not native speakers. The following post will give you more information - What is Simplified Technical English. Another peculiar tendency is that help authoring tools offer users translation and localization services to speed up document creation. The ClickHelp Team is working on that too, and next year we are going to see the first results. Of course, machine translation cannot fully substitute human translation. At least, at the moment. Using the inbuilt translation services, a company will need not a translator but an editor. And, definitely, automated localization will save so much time and effort. Tech writers who create documentation for the international market know, like no one else, that even the international English language is different in different regions. The same is true when we talk about other languages. Mobile Use! This trend is only gathering pace, but I suppose, later on, we will see the results. What we see today is that mobile traffic and mobile users prevail. We do not always have enough time to use a computer. We use our mobile phones. And, almost all websites and software applications have mobile versions. Unfortunately, when we talk about the tools we use to work, not all of them are mobile-friendly. But I guess step by step the situation will change, and we will be able to use our mobile phones to write technical documentation. Conclusion This year has changed a lot. It made a start to so many new things and pushed on so many existing technologies! What we see is that the Internet can help us do almost anything. And, another vital thing is that technical writers and many other professionals should be highly adaptable. New reality - new skills. But I am sure we’ll manage that! Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
就像今天每个人说的那样,2020年已经彻底改变了一切:我们的私人生活、爱好、人际关系,习惯和职业。技术写作也不能例外。出乎意料的是,疫情给这一领域带来了这么多的新情况,所以我们都需要弄清楚明年的趋势是什么。 更多用户指南! 是的,2021年我们准备写更多的用户指南。看看周围--所有事情都可以在线进行。很多工具和服务都可以用来购买食物、学习、在家办公、保持联系等等。软件开发速度前所未有之快!人工智能、增强现实、虚拟现实,和许多其他技术使我们的日常生活更上一层楼。近来,图像质量提升很多,即使是最小的细节也可以看到。网购时,这一点真的让人觉得太赞了。你可以看到真实的颜色、纹理,和材料。一些应用程序甚至允许用户以3D方式查看物品并对其进行旋转。更不用说信息图形的质量了!今年,显示疫情发展的地图和各类图表成为主要信息来源之一。它们非常详细和精确,所有信息几乎每小时更新一次。此外,机器人和无人机生产等领域也在等待属于它们的时机。这可能会是一个很好的限制人员接触解决方案,例如配送服务中用机器人或无人机代替人类。 所有这些技术、工具和服务都是为用户创建的。而且,必须提供完善的用户手册和说明。所以,在不久的将来,技术写作者将做大量有关软件文档的工作。我们预计,这个领域在2021年将蓬勃发展。 更多云端服务和软件运营服务! 今年,当我们不得不经常在家办公时,我们看到了云端服务和软件运营服务对于那些想要适应新的现实并保持生产力的人来说是非常必要的。它们使用户可以在任何地方工作,并在不丢失相关数据的情况下成功地相互合作。这一切只需要有网络连接。另一个趋势是简单性。所有这些工具都必须易于使用,并且对每个人来说都很清楚。当然,技术写作者很聪明,能够掌握任何新工具,但我们都喜欢能直接使用的工具。 数以千计的技术写作者已经开始使用在线文档工具,还有更多的人正在用在线文档工具保存和改进他们的工作流程。在ClickHelp中,我们很乐意可以让人们高效地工作。我们创建了一个功能丰富的环境来编写内容,并使团队工作更加顺畅。更不用说审查和导入/导出进程了。我们的目标是让技术写作变得尽可能简单。选择技术文档工具时,确保它满足您的所有期望,并具有改进工作流程的所有功能。 更多以用户为中心的文档! 此刻,焦点已经转移到用户本身以及他们如何与一个软件产品交互。首先也是最重要的一点是,文档应该易于访问和查找。它应该有一个清晰的结构,并允许用户找到他们正在寻找的东西。最后,内容应该聚焦于用户的痛苦并支持用户的决策。几周前,我们有一篇关于这一点的好文章——“创建有价值的软件文档的最佳提示”。随着众多软件产品的出现,这一趋势将占据上风。 更多文档标准! 这一趋势来自于以下事实:越来越多的软件产品开始面向国际市场,而非本土市场。因此,文档应该是根据许多国际标准编写的,因为这些国际标准易于所有用户理解。使用特定语言——简化技术英语(STE)的频率只会增加,因为大多数用户都是非母语人士。下面的帖子——“什么是简化的技术英语”,会给你更多的信息。 另一个特殊的趋势是帮助创作工具为用户提供翻译和本地化服务,以加快文档的创建。ClickHelp团队也在进行这方面的工作,明年我们将看到第一批结果。当然,机器翻译不能完全替代人类翻译,至少目前是这样。使用内置的翻译服务,会使得公司不需要一个翻译,而是需要一个编辑。当然,自动本地化将节省大量的时间和精力。为国际市场创建文档的技术写作者知道,就连国际英语在不同地区也是不同的,当我们谈论其他语言时也是如此。 移动端使用! 这种趋势只是在加速,但我想以后我们会看到结果。我们今天看到的是移动流量和移动用户占上风。我们并不总是有足够的时间使用电脑。所以我们会用手机。而且,几乎所有的网站和软件应用程序都有移动版。不幸的是,当我们谈论我们用来工作的工具时,并不是所有的工具适合在移动设备上使用。但是我情况会逐渐改变,我们将能够使用我们的手机来编写技术文档。 结论 今年变化很大,开创了这么多新事物,推动了这么多现有技术!我们看到的是,互联网几乎可以帮助我们做任何事情。此外,另一个重要的问题是,技术写作者和许多其他专业人士应具有高度的适应能力,适应新的现实,掌握新的技能。但我相信我们能办到的! 祝你在技术写作上交好运! ClickHelp 团队 跨平台和设备编写、托管和交付文档

