How to Make a Timeline in 5 Steps (Timeline Makers Included)


2020-12-25 03:40 project manager


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Timelines are the backbone of any project. They’re an incredibly useful visual tool that lays out your tasks in chronological order. This helps managers create schedules, prioritize work and organize tasks. In other words, they help you to define the duration of the project from start to finish. All your tasks must be completed within the period you allot, and the budget you agree on will finance the effort. Steps to Making a Timeline Making a project timeline is the starting point of project planning, and it’s easy to create your own. Follow the steps below to begin planning your timeline, then scroll further to see what project management tools can take your timeline to the next level. 1. What Is the Goal of the Timeline? The first step in creating your timeline is determining the scope of the project. This means outlining what deliverables you are going to produce throughout the project, and ends with the final deliverable. 2. Establish What You Need to Reach That Goal Each deliverable represents a milestone for your timeline. The points between them are the tasks that it will take to create that deliverable. In order to make sure you have a thorough list of all your tasks, use a work breakdown structure, which is a tree diagram with your final deliverable on top and all the steps leading to it. 3. Evaluate That List of Items Next, look over each of the tasks you’ve collected and ask yourself—do they achieve the goal? Are they specific enough? This is how you prioritize your work and determine what is essential, and what could be left aside if time and costs constrain your effort. 4. Add Dates to the Timeline Every task must have a duration, and together, they all have to fit within the timeframe of your timeline or project. Therefore, it’s critical that you do your best to estimate how long each task will take. There are several ways to get more accuracy, from your personal judgment to historical data and statistical analysis. 5. Create a Timeline on Paper or With Software Finally, you’re ready to map out your timeline. You have all the elements, and they can be assembled simply or digitally with software. There are pros and cons to both, but for most project managers who deal with projects that are constantly responding to changes, software is most efficient. Timeline Maker Examples If you’re looking for a software solution, there are many products of varying features, from rudimentary to complex. Here are a few to try out, some free and others paid. Preceden A free, lightweight timeline maker that works fast to make colorful timelines. This web-based tool allows you to build and share a timeline. You can create one timeline with up to 10 events on the free version, but payment is required to create more than that. Google Sheets Sheets is Google’s version of a spreadsheet. It allows you to create, edit and collaborate for free, all you need is an account. But it doesn’t lend itself to larger projects. There are four templates, but you can create custom ones if you’re willing to put in the time. TimelineMakerPro An easy-to-use timeline creator designed for business. It can attach supporting files, which is a helpful asset. You can import data and save timelines in a variety of different formats. It’s not free, but you can take a 14-day trial to see if it’s right for you. Free timelines are watermarked, though. Gantt Chart vs. Timeline Timelines are great, but they tend to be a dead end. You can set up the schedule for your project, but then have no bridge to link the schedule to your overall project management tools. Therefore, timelines feel limited no matter how many bells and whistles they offer. You may be better served by creating your timeline on a Gantt chart, which is another visual tool that has a spreadsheet on one side and a timeline on the next. It’s sort of like a timeline on steroids, which gets you over all the hurdles you might have come across when using only a timeline. The big difference between these two visual tools is the data. Both detail the sequence of tasks over time, but the Gantt can add more information, such as who is responsible for executing the tasks, whether any tasks have dependencies and even setting milestones to break up the larger project into smaller, more manageable phases. A timeline with limited information is going to frustrate anyone who is managing a project. A Gantt chart, on the other hand, is a visual tool with a timeline that was created to respond to all the needs related to building a project schedule and plan. Using to Make a Timeline on a Gantt Chart is an award-winning tool that organizes your tasks into project plans. The cloud-based software can be accessed anywhere and at any time with an internet connection. It is your one-stop-shop for all your project management needs, starting with making a timeline. There are several ways to start. You can import your list of tasks from a spreadsheet, add them directly into the Gantt chart or use one of the many industry-specific templates to give you a hand. You can create subtasks, which are smaller tasks that are part of a larger task. Once you have all your tasks collected, you need to estimate their duration. When each has a start and finish date they will populate the timeline on the right-hand side of your screen. Now you have a timeline, and you can customize it with colors to make it easy to differentiate. There’s also a milestone tool, which is used to mark the end of one phase and the beginning of another. It’s represented on your timeline by a diamond-shaped icon. Milestones can also be used to note important project due dates. Here’s where the Gantt chart leaves timelines in the rearview mirror. There is something called dependencies, which just means that some tasks will not be able to start or finish until another has started or finished, and if you don’t identify these dependent tasks they can lead to bottlenecks that block your team from being productive. But connecting dependent tasks is as easy as dragging one to the other. Now they’re linked with a dotted line on you Gantt so they won’t sneak up on you. A Gantt chart is a better timeline, but what makes it indispensable for managing a project is how it’s integrated into every other tool in our software. For example, you can assign team members to tasks from the Gantt, attaching files, adding directions, setting tags for priority and more. You can even track their progress by the amount of shading on the duration bar. Another thing timelines can’t do is update your stakeholders. A timesheet might give them an outline of what you intend to do with your schedule, but we can generate reports with one-click that are easy to filter and share, showing detailed data on progress, the overall health of the project and much more. takes your timeline and turns it into a fully loaded project management software to help you plan, monitor and report on every phase of your project. Multiple project views give teams kanban boards to visualize their workload and Gantts for managers to control schedules. Use task lists to manage your own work. There’s more, so why not take this free 30-day trial and see how all our features can save you time and money. Project Timeline Template 5 Steps to Project Closure (Checklist Included) Understanding Critical Path in Project Management (Example Included) How to Create a Project Management Schedule (Example Included)
时间轴是任何项目的主干。它们是一个非常有用的可视化工具,可以按时间顺序排列任务。这有助于管理者创建日程,确定工作的优先级和组织任务。 换句话说,它们帮助您定义项目从开始到结束的持续时间。你所有的任务都必须在你分配的时间内完成,你同意的预算将为你的努力提供资金。 制定时间轴的步骤 制定一个项目时间轴是项目规划的起点,并且很容易创建自己的时间表。按照下面的步骤开始规划您的时间轴,然后进一步滚动查看哪些项目管理工具可以将您的时间轴提升到下一个级别。 1.时间轴的目标是什么? 创建时间轴的第一步是确定项目的范围。这意味着概述在整个项目中你将要产生的可交付成果,并以最终可交付成果结束。 2.确定实现目标需要什么 每个可交付成果都代表时间轴的一个重要阶段。它们之间的要点是创建可交付成果所需的任务。为了确保你有一个完整的任务清单,使用一个工作分解结构,它是一个树状图,上面有你的最终交付成果和所有实现它的步骤。 3.评估项目清单 接下来,检查你收集到的每一项任务,问问自己它们是否达到了目标?它们够具体吗?这就是你如何安排工作的优先顺序,确定哪些是必要的,如果时间和成本限制了你的努力,哪些可以被搁置一边。 4.添加日期到时间轴 每一项任务都必须有一个持续时间,并且它们都必须符合您的时间轴或项目的时间框架。因此,最重要的是要尽你最大的努力来估计每项任务所需的时间。从你的个人判断到历史数据和统计分析中有几种方法可以获得更多的准确性。 5.在纸上或软件上创建一个时间轴 最后,准备好绘制你的时间轴了。具备了所有的元素,它们可以简单地或用软件进行数字组装。两者都有利弊,但对于大多数处理不断响应变化的项目的项目经理来说,软件是最有效的。 时间轴制作示例 如果您正在寻找一个软件解决方案,那么有许多具有不同特性的产品,从初级的到复杂的都有。这里有几个可以试一下,有些是免费的,有些是付费的。 Preceden 一个免费的、轻量级的时间轴制作工具,工作速度快,能制作丰富多彩的时间轴。这个基于Web的工具让您可以构建和共享时间轴。你可以在免费版本上创建一个最多包含10个时间的时间轴,但创建更多事件需要付费。 Google 表格 Sheets是谷歌版的电子表格。它允许你免费创建,编辑和协作,你所需要的只是一个帐户。但它并不适合更大的项目。它有四个模板,但是如果您愿意投入时间,可以创建自定义表格。 TimelineMakerPro 一个易于使用的用于商务的时间轴创建工具。它可以附加支持文件,这是一个有用的功能。您可以以各种不同的格式导入数据和保存时间轴。它不是免费的,但你可以试用14天,看看它是否适合你。不过免费时间轴是有水印的。 甘特图vs. 时间轴 时间轴很好,但往往是一个死胡同。您可以为您的项目设置时间轴,但没有桥梁将时间轴链接到您的整体项目管理工具。因此,无论他们提供了多少信息,时间轴都是有限的。 在甘特图上创建时间轴可能会更好,甘特图是另一种可视化工具,一边是电子表格,另一边是时间轴。这有点像类固醇的时间轴,它能让你克服所有的障碍,当你只使用时间轴时,你可能会遇到。 这两种可视化工具最大的区别是数据。两者都详细描述了任务随时间推移的顺序,但甘特图可以添加更多信息,例如谁负责执行任务,任何任务是否具有依赖性,甚至可以设置重要事件,将较大的项目分解为较小的,更易于管理的阶段。 信息有限的时间轴会让任何管理项目的人感到沮丧。另一方面,甘特图是一个带有时间轴的可视化工具,用于响应与构建项目进度和计划相关的所有需求。 使用ProjectManager.com在甘特图上绘制时间轴 ProjectManager.com是一个屡获殊荣的工具,它可以将您的任务组织到项目计划中。这款基于云计算的软件可以通过互联网连接在任何地方和任何时间访问。它是您所有项目管理需求的一站式服务,从制定时间轴开始。 有几种方法可以开始。您可以从电子表格中导入任务列表,将它们直接添加到甘特图中,也可以使用许多行业特定的模板来帮助您。 您可以创建子任务,子任务是较小的任务,是较大任务的一部分。一收集了所有的任务后,你需要估计它们的持续时间。当每个都有开始和完成日期时,它们将填充屏幕右侧的时间轴。 现在你有了一个时间轴,你可以自定义它的颜色,使它易于区分。还有一个最要阶段工具,用来标记一个阶段的结束和另一个阶段的开始。它在你的时间轴上由菱形图标表示。重要事件也可以用来记录重要的项目截止日期。 这就是甘特图在后视镜中留下时间轴的地方。有一种叫做依赖关系的东西,这仅仅意味着某些任务在另一个任务开始或完成之前将无法开始或完成,如果您不识别这些依赖关系的任务,它们可能导致瓶颈,从而阻碍您的团队的工作效率。 但是连接相关任务就像将一个任务拖到另一个任务一样容易。现在他们在你的甘特图上用虚线连在一起,这样他们就不会偷偷靠近你了。 甘特图是一个更好的时间轴,但它对于管理一个项目来说是必不可少的,因为它集成到我们软件中的其他工具中。例如,您可以将工作组成员分配到甘特图中的任务,附加文件,添加方向,设置优先级标记等。您甚至可以通过持续时间条上的阴影量来跟踪它们的进度。 时间轴不能做的另一件事是更新你的利益相关者。时间轴可能会给他们一个关于你计划做什么的概要,但是我们可以通过一次单击生成报告,这些报告很容易过滤和共享,显示关于进度的详细数据,项目的整体健康状况等等。 ProjectManager.com把你的时间轴变成一个完全加载的项目管理软件,以帮助你计划,监控和报告项目的每个阶段。多个项目视图为团队提供了可视化其工作负载的看板和用于管理人员控制计划的甘特图。使用任务列表管理自己的工作。还有更多,所以为什么不采取这个免费的30天试用,看看如何我们的所有功能可以节省您的时间和金钱。 项目时间轴模板 项目结束的5个步骤(包括检查表) 理解项目管理中的关键路径(包括示例) 如何创建项目管理进度表(包括示例)

