Looking Back on 2020 with ClickHelp


2020-12-23 18:30 clickhelp


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It is the end of December, and we are approaching the close of this atmospheric year for sure, time for some wrap-up. So what did 2020 bring us? Of course, first that pops up in one’s head is the pandemic. That event has changed the lives of the entire humanity. No person left untouched by it. People were forced to stay at home, and their focus shifted to global issues, such as climate change, and a number of those who advocate for this trend has risen drastically. Let’s Talk Numbers: Statistics on How Tech Writers Save the Lungs of the Planet We noticed that a quantity of studies concerning the environment have increased remarkably. The study made by the Association of Information and Image Management, AIIM, discovered that economy and recycling of one ton of paper allows to save 17 trees, almost 7 thousand gallons of water, three cubic meters of earth, 63,5 gal. of gasoline, and four thousand kWh of electricity. We have calculated the contribution of ClickHelp to preservation due to remote working and got the following picture: But this is not the reason our company is so eco-tuned - most offices did that resources’ saving too, working from home. The reason is that our company is the vendor of an online documentation tool. Its software is cloud-based, when using ClickHelp, you don’t need to print every document you make. Technical writers create online documents for their clients, so the clients wouldn’t need to print out volumes of PDF files, but instead they can read them from their computers, laptops, mobile phones. And we did some research of our own. Imagine, technical writers creating approximately 300 topics per year, that equals to about 1000 printed pages. Even if one topic gets one view a day, the writer saves 20 trees, imagine these readers are hundreds, I think, together we are saving a medium size forest, no less. Feel free to join us, just start using our help authoring tool. It is that simple, and if you still have doubts, we have an article on how to become eco-friendly - Who is an Environmental Writer? Contribution of Our Articles to Broadening of Outlook This year has been fruitful in terms of the content to our blog. We’ve published more than 200 pages of text to help you explore the area of online help software. But let’s not pollute your ready-to-party heads with statistics. Below we gathered the most viewed topics with strong reactions, one of our readers said: “Enjoyed reading your erudite article. As a language enthusiast, I would love to see more in the coming days. Thanks.” Refresh your memory, and in case you missed some, it’s a handy way to have a look at them: Free Resources and Subscriptions for Tech Writers to Stay Engaged. Here we shared the no-cost online resources for the techcomm community. These are not only technical writing related, but could also help you stay informed and fit and, maybe, learn something new. How SaaS will Save Your Future. After the planet has gone remote working, we were right here to help. ClickHelp, as a cloud solution, helped many documentation teams stay connected and work efficiently on user guides. Learn more on why SaaS tools are good in the new reality. ClickHelp Won Two Awards from SoftwareSuggest. This proves our company is what users are really fond of. Our help authoring tool provides the best value to the technical writing teams in the B2C segment. Want to become a tech writer? These Top 5 Books for Technical Writers are for you to start with. Tips to Write Software Manuals. Software documentation can be created in different tools, but it is important to build the right processes. Learn how to improve software manuals creation and prepare a perfect solution for your readers. Tone of Voice Strategy in Technical Documentation. The tone of voice is how you choose to speak to clients through all communication channels, this helps to connect with clients on a more personal level. Choosing Fonts for Technical Documentation. This overview covers what you should pay attention to when playing around with fonts. It will help you understand web design better for creation of more readable user manuals. Technical Documentation in the Era of IT Security. And last, but not least in this top-chart is the article about online security of documentation. Not all the documents are meant for public use, some information should always be private. A Helping Hand for Technical Writers - ClickHelp Ebooks The great majority of successful people read a lot. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg’s score is one book in two weeks, Bill Gates reads a little more - one book per week, Warren Buffet gives about 80 percent of his time to reading daily, and when a journalist from Bloomberg asked Elon Musk how he learned to build rockets the latter said, “I read books”. But you need to understand that such people do not just read anything at sight, they are extremely choiceful of what they read. Another interesting fact - it’s been proven that reading helps to reduce stress, prevent dementia risk, fight depression symptoms, and improve memory. As many as 2656 people who downloaded our ebooks know that. And do you? Technical writers know that too. They read and learn constantly. Our company helps them improve their skills. ClickHelp writes and publishes ebooks for free use. Statistics show that this year's first prize took the ebook called Technical Writer Career Guide. One of the pleased readers says the following: “Thanks for sharing. It was very informative. keep sharing.” Thank you for your involvement, we go all out for you :) And we hope to bring you joy and profit to all your initiatives further. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed on our news and events. Happy Holidays! Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
12月末悄然而至,我们即将向这不平凡的一年挥手告别,此刻也是时候对这一年来发生的事做出一些总结。2020年带给了我们一些什么?当然,首先浮现在人们脑海中的就是这场新冠病毒。这场全球流感病毒颠覆了全人类的生活。每个人都受到了它带来的切实影响。这场病毒让人们不得不待在家里,转而去关注全球问题,比如气候变化,而向关注这一问题发起倡议的人数也急剧攀升。 让我们聊聊数字方面的变化:用数据表明技术写作人员如何挽救地球之肺 我们注发现,有关环境的研究数量显著增加。由信息和图像管理协会(AIIM)所进行的一项研究发现,节约和回收一吨纸可以保护17棵树免遭砍伐,约7000加仑的水,3立方米的土,63.5加仑汽油和4000千瓦时的电力。 我们估算出了ClickHelp通过远程工作对环境保护所做出的的贡献,并获取到以下图片: 但这并不是我们公司如此注重生态环境保护的原因——大多数上班族在家办公也能够节约资源。事实上,我们公司是一个在线文档编辑工具的供应商。它的软件是基于云端的,当使用ClickHelp时,用户无需打印生成的每一份文档。技术写作人员会为他们的客户创建在线文档,如此一来客户就不需要打印出大量PDF格式的文件,而是可以通过他们的计算机,笔记本电脑,移动手机来读取这些文件。我们自己也做了一些研究。想象一下,技术编写人员每年会创作大约300个话题,这相当于约1000张打印页。即使一个话题每天仅有一次浏览量,写作人员也能保护20棵树木,我们的网站大约有好几百的读者数量,试想,如果这几百名读者能够携手共同创造浏览量,这相当于我们一起挽救了一个规模不小的森林。 欢迎加入我们开始使用我们的辅助创作工具。使用方式再简单不过,如果你还心存疑虑,可以去看看我们的一篇文章:如何与自然环境和谐相处——谁才是环保作者? 我们的文章对开阔人们视野所作出的贡献 今年,我们的博客所涵盖的内容颇为丰富。我们已经发布了超过200页的文本来帮助您探索使用在线辅助软件。但我们不会用数据来降低您准备探索这一领域的热情。我们收集了一些浏览量最多,读者反应强烈的以下话题,我们的一位读者表示: “我很喜欢阅读你们网站发布的一些高深有内涵的文章。作为一个语言爱好者,我希望未来能看到更多这样的文章。谢谢。“ 唤醒您的记忆,若您错过了一些消息,仅需一步就可轻松查看: 技术编写人员能够使用免费资源和订阅服务持续工作。我们为科技共同空间社区分享了免费的在线资源。这些资源不仅与技术写作有关,而且还能让您持续接收热点消息并参与讨论,也许还能从中学到一些新东西。 软件运营平台(SaaS)将会如何拯救您的明天。全球进入远程工作模式的时代以来,我们能够为您提供帮助。ClickHelp作为一种云解决方案,有助于许多文档编辑团队保持联系,进行用户指南高效编写。了解更多信息关于为何SaaS能成为当下炙手可热的软件运营工具。 ClickHelp获得了美国优秀软件推荐网站SoftwareSuggest授予的两个奖项。这证明我们的公司深受用户们的喜爱。我们的辅助创作工具为电商领域的技术写作团队创造了最好的价值。 想要成为一名技术写作人员?这里有5本为技术写作人员量身定制的书目可供您阅读。 编写软件手册的小技巧。软件文档可以在不同的工具中创建,但是建立正确的程序至关重要。了解如何改进软件手册的创建流程,并为您的读者准备一种完美的解决方案。 技术文档中的语调策略。您在通过各种沟通渠道与客户交流时需要注意语调的选择,这有助于您与客户以一种更加人性化的方式进行联系。 为技术文档选择字体。本概述涵盖了您在使用字体时应注意的事项。它将帮助您更好地理解网页设计,以创建更易读的用户手册。 信息技术(IT)安全时代的技术文档。最后也是非重要的一点,这个置顶图表包含一篇关于在线文档安全的文章。并不是所有的文件都能供公众使用,有些信息应具备永久私密性。 技术写作人员的援助之手——ClickHelp电子书 大多数成功人士的阅读量十分丰富。比如,马克·扎克伯格(Mark·Zuckerberg)每两周会读完一本书,比尔·盖茨(Bill·Gates)则读得更多一点——他每周读完一本书,沃伦·巴菲特(Warren·Buffet)每天会花80%的时间来阅读,彭博社的一名记者问埃隆·马斯克(Elon·Musk)是如何学会造火箭的,后者回答:“我通过阅读学会的”。但您需要明白一点,这些成功人士并不是随心所欲地阅读,他们对阅读的资料十分挑剔。 我们还发现了另一个有趣的现象——事实证明,阅读有助于减轻压力,预防痴呆,抵抗抑郁症状,和提高记忆力。 在下载过我们电子书的读者群中,有多达2656名读者都了解这一点。 那您时候否知晓这一点呢?技术写作人员也都知道这一点。他们从不间断地阅读和学习。我们公司能够帮助他们提升自身技能。ClickHelp编写和出版电子书供用户免费使用。数据表明,一本名为《技术写作人员职业指南》的电子书荣获今年用户心中最佳书目。 其中一位对我们网站感到满意的读者这样表示: “感谢分享。这些信息很有帮助。请继续分享此类信息。“ 感谢您的参与,我们将全心全意为您提供服务:)我们希望为您开展的所有活动增添满意度,令您获取更多利益。订阅我们的时事咨询以持续关注我们的消息和活动。 祝您节日快乐! 祝您的技术写作之路一切顺利! ClickHelp团队 跨平台、跨设备编写,托管和交付文档

