TMS, client portal, business intelligence: Top Smartcat highlights in 2020


2020-12-17 20:40 Smartcat


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The wild ride that is 2020 is almost behind us, and the promise of a more stable 2021 is something all of us can hope for. The pandemic annihilated a considerable portion of SMBs out there, yet many SaaS vendors experienced a surge in usage. Smartcat is no exception. Many companies and teams in the localization industry were looking for more affordable and cloud-based solutions, so we did our best to make our offering more all-inclusive. Here are the main highlights. 1. TMS features The first thing we concentrated on was adding more features that would allow both translation agencies and in-house teams to manage the whole translation/localization workflow in Smartcat. During the summer, we added several features that made it possible to use Smartcat as a TMS tool even if you don’t use it as a CAT. For example, we made it possible for linguists to work on assignments outside Smartcat, added several work types that could be used as workflow stages, and allowed users to upload non-text files and assign them to non-linguist suppliers. We also stepped up our game in the document flow department, allowing subscribed users to create customized quotations and invoices. By using a special language, you can configure any design or structure for your invoices and quotes, just like this: Finally, there are some quality of life improvements, like importing and filtering client-specific price lists, adding different service unit types, and creating custom fields for projects, clients, and vendors. 2. Client portal Client portals are a key tool for a tech-savvy LSP: It’s no secret customers don’t want to exchange endless email chains and lose track of the project details. They want to submit an order and be able to track it until completion. That’s exactly what Smartcat’s Client Portal does. Even for in-house teams, Client Portal can be a great way to structurize all the translation requests from across the organization. This year, we did our best to make Client Portal more efficient and easier to use. We went as far as redesigning the portal’s UI from scratch in late summer. A few weeks ago we also added a mobile layout, so your customers can stay in touch with you even when they are on the go. We’ve also added machine translation, OCR and DTP support to the portal, thus diversifying the services your customers can request from you through it. Finally, something a lot of you have been waiting for: Your customers can now pay you straight via the portal with a bank card or PayPal. That’s a great boost to the potential conversion, especially for new customers. 3. Business Intelligence “Who controls the data controls the future” (paraphrasing G. Orwell) During turbulent years like 2020 (it’s not over yet!), it’s crucial to see how well you and your team perform. Sometimes you might go for months before discovering a bottleneck that’s been robbing you of hard-earned revenue. That’s why we added a whole variety of business intelligence tools for our subscribed users. We started with the two most important aspects: money and productivity. In the money department, we added comprehensive reports, including revenue, ROI, COGS, and other sophisticated abbreviations ? Here’s a short GIF showcasing most of them: And right before we wrap this year up, we introduced long-awaited team performance reports. What’s in store for 2021? There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but we can’t tell you what just yet. What we can do is reveal the main directions we will be taking in 2021: Doubling project management productivity, backed by data. We are going to improve our project distribution capabilities even more, making it up to 50% faster compared to now (which is already 30% faster than alternatives). And we are going to back it with concrete data, so you can check the effect from your BI dashboard. Automating the PM assignment part in addition to the translation part. We know sometimes one PM is not enough, and finding a new one — let alone someone who knows how to do all the Smartcat magic — can be challenging. That’s why we’re dead-set to automate this process in 2021. Continuous, continuous, continuous. For the most tech-savvy of LSPs, and for the vast majority of customers in the IT industry, we’re going to vastly improve our continuous localization approaches. This is perhaps where you can expect the most drastic and game-changing improvements — so stay tuned! We thank you for being with us during the challenging year of 2020, and looking forward to seeing you back on Smartcat in 2021!
2020狂飙之年即将过去,而一个更加稳定的2021年成为我们所有人的期待。这场大流行病造成相当大一部分中小企业破产,但许多SaaS供应商在使用量方面出现了激增,Smartcat也不例外。 许多本地化行业的公司和团队过去一直在寻找更实惠、更基于云端的解决方案,所以我们也在竭尽全力使我们的产品更加包罗万象,以下是主要亮点。 1. TMS特色功能 我们关注的首件事就是添加更多的特色功能,允许翻译公司和公司内部团队在Smartcat中管理整个翻译或本地化工作流。 在今年夏天,我们添加了几个特色功能,使得即使不把Smartcat当作CAT工具来使用,也可以把它当作TMS工具来使用成为可能。例如,我们使语言学家可以在Smartcat之外进行工作分派成为可能,增加了几种可以用作工作流阶段的工作类型,并允许用户上传非文本文件并将其分派给非语言学家供应商们。 此外,我们在文档流部门表现更佳,即允许订阅用户创建定制化报价和发票。通过使用一种特殊的语言,您可以为您的发票和报价设定任何图样或结构,就像这样: 最后,还有一些工作质量的改进,如导入和过滤特定客户的价目表,添加不同的服务单元类型,以及为项目、客户和供应商创建自定义字段。 2. 客户端门户 对于精通技术的语言服务提供商(LSP)而言,客户端门户是一个关键工具:客户不想交换无休止的电子邮件链以及不能及时了解到项目的细节,这并不是什么秘密。他们希望提交一个订单,并能够一直跟踪直到订单完成。这正是Smartcat的客户端门户所能够提供的。即使对于公司内部团队,客户端门户也可以成为将来自整个机构的所有翻译请求进行结构化的绝佳方法。 今年,我们竭尽全力使客户端门户运行更高效、更易于使用。今年夏末,我们从头开始重新设计了门户的用户界面(UI)。几周前,我们还增加了移动布局,这样你的客户即使忙得不可开交也能与你保持联系。我们还为门户添加了机器翻译、OCR和DTP支持,从而使您的客户可以通过它向您要求的服务多样化。 最后,一件久负期待实现的事:你的客户现在可以通过门户网站用银行卡或PayPal直接向你付款了。这极大促进了客户的潜在转化,特别是那些新客户。 3. 商业智能 “谁掌握了数据,谁就掌握了未来” (套用自G.奥威尔:He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.) 在像2020年(还没有结束!)这样动荡的年代,研究你和你的团队的业绩是至关重要的。有时你可能花上数月才发现一个瓶颈,而该瓶颈一直在剥夺你辛苦挣来的收入。这就是为什么我们为我们的订阅用户添加了各种各样的商业智能工具的原因。 让我们从两个最重要的方面入手:金钱和生产力。 在货币部门,我们增加了综合报告,包括收入、ROI、COGS以及其他复杂的缩写形式。 以下是一个简短的GIF,展示了其中大部分的内容: 就在今年结束之前,我们发布了期待已久的团队绩效报告。 2021年会发生什么呢? 幕后将会有很多事情发生,但我们现在还不能告诉你。我们所能做的就是揭示2021年我们将采取的主要方向: 以数据为后盾,实现项目管理生产率倍增。我们将进一步提高项目分派能力,使其与现在相比达到50%(与替代方案相比,已提高30%)。此外,我们将用具体的数据来展示,因此您可以从BI仪表盘查看这一数据展示。 除翻译部分外,实现PM任务分派部分的自动化。我们知道,有时一个PM是不够的,需要再找一个—更不用说找一个了解所有Smartcat操作流程的PM,所以这可能充满了挑战。这就是为什么我们下定决心要在2021年实现这一过程自动化的原因。 保持初心,砥砺前行。对于那些最精通技术的LSP和IT行业的绝大多数客户而言,我们将大力改进我们的持续本地化方法。这也许是你可以期待的最巨大和最具颠覆性的改进之处,所以请继续关注! 在充满挑战的2020年,感谢您一直相伴我们左右,并期待您在2021年继续相约Smartcat!

