Memsource Mobile UI Now Available in 17 Languages

Memsource Mobile UI现已提供17种语言版本

2020-12-10 21:30 Memsource


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Memsource Mobile UI Now Available in 17 Languages Memsource Mobile, the only fully-featured mobile localization app available on the market, now supports 16 new user interface languages. With this update, more translators and project managers all over the world will be able to take their projects anywhere they go, on their mobile and tablet devices In addition to English, users can now easily change the language of their UI to Simplified Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Turkish. With the addition of these languages, Memsource Mobile can be accessed by over half of the world’s population in their native language. David Canek, Founder and CEO of Memsource, said: “We have always been dedicated to making the Memsource platform as accessible as possible for all our users. Our internal usage data shows that in the past year Memsource Mobile has been used in over 150 countries. It seemed logical to us to extend the language options already available in our web and desktop applications to the mobile app. ” Since its launch in 2019, Memsource Mobile has been continuously updated and improved, to make sure that project managers and translators have the best possible experience. Project Managers can create projects, run analyses, and pre-translate jobs directly from the app, while translators can take advantage of the recently added undo, redo, and autocomplete functionality. Memsource Mobile is fully integrated with the Memsource Editor for Web and Desktop and is available for free on all Android and iOS devices.
Memsource Mobile UI现已提供17种语言版本 Memsource Mobile是市场上唯一一款功能齐全的移动本地化应用程序,目前支持16种新的用户界面语言。通过这一更新,世界各地更多的翻译人员和项目经理将能够在任何地方利用移动和平板设备进行他们的项目。 除了英语之外,用户现在还可以轻松地将UI语言更改为简体中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、芬兰语、法语、德语、希腊语、意大利语、日语、韩语、巴西葡萄牙语、俄语、斯洛伐克语、西班牙语和土耳其语。 更新扩展这些语言后,Memsource Mobile可以使全球半数以上的用户使用他们的母语进行访问。 Memsource公司创始人兼首席执行官大卫·卡内克说:“我们一直致力于使Memsource平台尽可能地服务于我们的所有用户。我们的内部使用数据显示,在过去的一年中,Memsource Mobile已经在150多个国家和地区得到使用。在我们看来,将web和桌面应用程序中已经可用的语言选项扩展到移动应用程序是合乎逻辑的。“ 自2019年推出以来,Memsource Mobile一直在不断更新和完善,以确保项目经理和翻译人员拥有尽可能好的体验。项目经理可以直接从应用程序创建项目,运行分析和预翻译任务,而翻译人员可以利用最近添加的撤消,重置和自动完成功能。 Memsource Mobile完全集成了Web版和桌面版Memsource Editor,可在所有Android和iOS设备上免费使用。

