Continuous localization of Google Docs: How we do it at Smartcat, and how you can do it too

Google Docs(谷歌文档)的本地化升级:我们在Smartcat是如何实现的,以及用户自身是如何操作的

2020-12-09 21:10 Smartcat


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Google Docs is the go-to tool for a massive number of businesses worldwide. The ease of use, collaboration, and sharing make it perfect for remote teams, especially with COVID-19 restrictions still in place. When it comes to using it for translating your docs, though, the process can become frustrating. That’s not surprising — Google Docs weren’t designed with that purpose in mind. You would have to manually download the docs, send them to translators, get the translations back, upload them somewhere, etc. Alternatively, you can have them add versions in their language to the same doc, which ultimately gets bloated and hard to follow. There is another crucial problem: What will you do if the document receives changes afterwards? That happens all the time during active collaboration and WIP project delivery. In this article, we’ll show you how we ourselves overcome these challenges in Smartcat through a continuous localization flow, and how you can do that for your own Google docs. How we do it at Smartcat Behold our Google Drive folder where we store all the source documents in English: The Google docs themselves are stored in the subfolders. For example, here’s a snippet of the “guides” folder, used for storing various guides, whitepapers, and so on. (To be clear — the folder directory structure is entirely up to you, it should be whatever suits your needs best.) Each folder contains both the source and translated variations of a document, identified by language-based suffixes: (src) = the source (e.g. English) document, authored by copywriters (ru), or any other language code = the translated variation, automatically uploaded by our localization automation tool (keys) = a special rendering of the document that enables in-context preview for linguists (more on this later) Inside every document, you would see a normal Google doc, with one difference: there’s a special line in the very beginning that “tells” our plugin the languages this document should be translated to: Every hour, our synchronization plugin sends all source texts from all files across all subfolders in the shared folder to a pre-configured Smartcat project: The real beauty of it is the synchronization. Say you’ve got a translated Google doc sitting around, and you or the copywriter made a couple of edits here and there. The document is then updated in Smartcat, and translators working on it get updates to the translation file. Basically, copywriters can continue to work on the document while linguists are translating it. So even if there was a change in any document already sent to linguists to work with, they will be able to continue their work without any problem. (The file is updated at the beginning of every next hour, e.g 17:00, 18:00, etc. so as to not make the changes too frequent to be comfortable to work with.) But here’s our favorite part: When linguists are working on the translation, they can reference each specific segment of the text in the source document by using the In-context preview panel: (Right now only the source text is visible and not the translation, but we’re working on implementing this in one of the future releases. You also might have noticed that the text segments are per paragraph and not per sentence. It’s intentional: translations of marketing texts sentence-by-sentence may lead to poor results. That way we give more creative freedom and context to our translators.) Now, once the document is translated, the plugin puts it back to your Google Drive during the next synchronization: One important thing to avoid adding any changes to the target Google doc itself, as the changes will be discarded during the next sync. There are two ways the sync can be done: The better way: make the changes in the Smartcat document. This will make sure all your translation memories stay up-to-date with relevant translations The easier way: Create a copy of the target Google doc, move it to another folder for convenience, and continue your work there How you can configure it for yourself We’re still preparing a full-fledged instruction so you can bootstrap your own Google Docs localization process with Smartcat, so stay tuned for updates to this article. That said, we love creating advanced localization workflows for our customers. So if you don’t want to wait, just get in touch with us, and we’ll help you out!
Google Docs是全球许多企业办公的首选工具。它操作简单,协作率高,以及支持实时共享的特性使得它非常适合团队远程合作,特别是在COVID-19(2019冠状病毒病)仍然限制社交距离的情况下。 然而,在用Google Docs翻译文档时,你会发现其实它也也有不足之处。这不足为奇,因为谷歌文档的开发人员设计之初并没有考虑到翻译功能。所以你必须手动下载文档,然后发送给译员们,收回译文后,再将这些译文上传至某个地方进行统一,等等。或者,你也可以让译员们把自己的译文添加到某个相同的文档中,但这样操作最终会让文档变得冗长不堪,且难以实时追踪每个译员的编辑痕迹。 还有一个至关重要的问题:如果所有人的文档整合完统一上传后,又有人想要更改,你会怎么做?在多人协作以及在制品(WIP)项目交付过程中,这种情况时常发生。 在本文中,我们将通过一连串本地化流程来展示我们如何在Smartcat中解决以上问题,并为大家演示如何在自己的Google Docs完成这些操作。 Smartcat演示步骤 打开Google Drive文件夹,我们可以看到所有的英文源文档: 谷歌文档本身存储在子文件夹中。例如,这里是“guides”文件夹的一个片段,用于存储各种指南,白皮书等。(要明确一点——文件夹目录结构可以完全根据你的需要来调整。) 每个文件夹包含文档的源和翻译变体,可通过语言后缀进行识别。 (src)=由文档编辑者编写的源文档(如英文文档) (ru),或任何其他语言代码=翻译后的变体,由本地化工具自动上传 (keys)=文档的一种特殊呈现方式,可为译员提供上下文预览功能(稍后将详细介绍) 每个Goolge文档都大致相同,但也不尽相同。每个文档开头都会有一行特殊的文字提示插件应该将此文档翻译成什么语言。 每隔一小时,我们的同步插件都会将共享文件夹中所有子文件夹下的源文本发送到一个预先配置好的Smartcat项目中去。 Smartcat最大的特点在于同步性。比如你或文档编辑人员在一个翻译过的谷歌文档中修改了几处,Smartcat就会自动更新文档,译员们也会同步得到文档更新的消息。 也就是说,文档编辑者和译员基本可以同步工作。因此,即使编辑人员在已经发送给译员的文档中有任何更改,译员也能够毫无问题地继续工作。(文档每隔一个小时更新一次,例如17:00,18:00等,以避免更新太频繁而影响工作效率。) 但这里才是我们最喜欢的部分:当译员在翻译时,他们可以通过上下文预览面板,参考源文档中文本的每个特定片段。 (目前只有源文本可实现上下文预览,但我们认为翻译文本的可预览功能也指日可待。你可能也注意到了,文本片段是按段落而不是按句子进行的,这是有意为之的。因为脱离上下文语境的逐句翻译会使市场营销文本失去原本的宣传效果,而按段落进行翻译会在无形中给予译者更多的创作空间和联系上下文语境的自由。) 文档一翻译完毕,插件就会在下一次同步时将文档自动上传至Google Drive中。 值得注意的一点是:要避免对目标Google文档本身进行任何更改,因为这些更改将在下一次同步时被删除。有两种方式可以实现同步: 较好的方法是:在Smartcat文档中进行更改。这将确保你所有的翻译记忆都与相关的翻译保持同步。 更简单的方法是:创建一个目标Google文档的副本,为了方便起见将其移动到另一个文件夹,然后在那里继续工作。 自己该如何配置Google Docs 我们仍在不断完善操作指导流程,以便用户可以使用Smartcat引导自己的Google Docs实现本地化工作,请继续关注本文的更新。换言之,我们将不断致力于为客户创建更加高级的本地化工作流。如果你还在为实现工作本地化而烦恼,那就赶快联系我们吧!

