Cat translation? Meowtalk App claims it can translate your cat’s meows

猫语翻译?喵语(Meowtalk) APP 据称能翻译猫咪的喵喵叫声

2020-12-03 22:00 insight video interpreting


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A former Amazon Alexa developer has created an app that claims to translate your cat’s meows. The app ‘Meowtalk’ is available to download on the Apple Store or via the Google Play Store. Meowtalk records the audio from your cat and then attempts to identify the meaning, despite research suggesting that cats do not have their own language like their human companions. The user can then help to label the translation which contributes towards creating a database for the AI software to learn from. However, rather than having a shared database for the cat sounds, each cat’s meow is unique and tailored to its owner, with some more vocal than others. Therefore, the app’s translation differs with each individual profile. The more sounds that the user labels, the better the artificial intelligence software can understand each individual cat’s voice. The database is currently still under development and only has 13 phrases so far which include “feed me”, “leave me alone” and “i’m angry”. According to Javier Sanchez, the group technical program manager at app developer Akvelon, the long term goal is to bring out a smart collar where the technology would translate your cat’s meows instantly. This means a human voice would speak the translation through a speaker in the collar. We can’t help but be reminded of the Disney movie Up with this idea… “I think this is especially important now because, with all the social distancing that’s happening, you have people that are confined at home with… a significant other – this feline,” Mr Sanchez added. “This will enable them to communicate with their cat, or at least understand their cat’s intent, and build a very important connection.” Mixed reviews The app is still in its early stages so there has been some mixed reviews about its translation capabilities. One user stated “I’m getting quite irritated, I just downloaded it and haven’t even been able to use it because it just keeps telling me there is a wifi/connection error.” whilst another review stated “I was getting the translation ‘I’m in love!’ 90% of the time, while it’s nice to think that my cats love me so much, I’d caught one of my cats hissing and growling during play – and it said she was in love then too.” Despite some negative reviews, the ratings for the app on the Google Store are 4.3 stars and some claim the app is great if it isn’t taken too seriously. “For now, if you don’t take it too seriously, it’s a really fun app,” one review said. “And, who knows, maybe in time, it will really learn my cat’s true meow in all instances. It surely looks promising.” We are excited to see what becomes of the Meowtalk app, even if it is only used as a bit of fun, and we would love to hear your feedback if you’ve downloaded the app and tried it for yourself. For more information about Meowtalk please click here.
一位前亚马逊智能音箱开发者开发了一款应用,据称可以翻译猫咪的喵喵叫声。这款名为“喵语(MeowTalk)”的APP现在可以在苹果商店或谷歌Play商店下载。喵语会记录下猫咪发出的声音,然后试图识别出声音的意思,尽管研究表明猫咪并不像它们的人类同伴那样拥有自己的语言。 然后,用户可以帮助标记翻译,这有助于创建供AI软件学习的数据库。然而,实际上并不存在一个共享的猫咪声音数据库,因为每只猫咪的叫声都是独特的,个性化的,比如有些猫咪的叫声要比其他猫咪的叫声响亮。因此,喵语APP的翻译会因用户资料而异。用户标注的声音越多,人工智能软件就越能理解每只猫的声音。该数据库现在仍在开发中,目前只囊括了13个短语,包括“喂我”,“别管我”和“我很生气”。 APP开发商Akvelon的集团技术项目经理哈维尔·桑切斯表示,公司的长远目标是推出一款智能项圈,这种项圈中的技术可以立即转换猫咪的喵喵叫声,这意味着项圈上的扬声器会有人声直接说出翻译。这一设想不禁使我们回忆起迪士尼电影《飞屋环游记》。 桑切斯补充说:“我认为喵语APP现在显得尤为重要,因为目前要求保持社交距离,人们只能和另一重要的个体——他们的猫一起呆在家里。” “喵语APP将使他们能够与猫沟通,或者至少理解猫的意图,并建立起非常重要的联系。” 褒贬不一的评论 该APP仍处于早期阶段,因此对其翻译功能的评价褒贬不一。一位用户说:“我感到非常恼火,我刚下载这个APP,却一直无法正常使用,因为它一直告诉我有WiFi/连接错误。”而另一个用户评论说:“我一直得到翻译'我正爱着你'!大部分时候,我很高兴我的猫咪这么爱我,但有次我发现我的一只猫咪在玩耍时嘶嘶咆哮——APP显示说它当时也正爱着我。” 尽管有一些负面评价,但谷歌商店对这款应用的评分仍为4.3星,一些人声称,如果不那么较真,这款应用还是很棒的。 “如果你不太较真,这是一个非常有趣的应用,”一个用户评论说,“而且,谁知道呢,也许有一天,它真的能够学会辨认我的猫在任何情况下的真实喵喵叫声。这个应用看起来十分有潜力。“ 我们很高兴看到喵语APP的发展,即使它只是作为一个小玩意使用,如果你下载了该APP并亲自尝体验了一番,我们也很乐意听到你的反馈。有关喵语的更多信息,请点击这里。

