Managing Your Localization Career: QA Compliance/Testing


2020-12-03 00:40 GALA


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“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” Due to the complex nature of the localization process, establishing a way to ensure quality of the finished product is vitally important. If we stand back and take a look at what is expected of localization, we might be pretty surprised at the challenge. A group of people, sometimes large but sometimes small, are often scattered around the world trying to work together. They pull apart different files to reach the content and information in order to translate and adapt everything for international markets. Then the team members reassemble everything and deliver a final program, never really knowing for sure if everything turned out to be correct or not. People who manage and participate in localization projects can can’t read everything that is being produced because of the language differences, and rarely see a fully assembled end program at all. This is where quality assurance comes in. Quality assurance (QA) is the practice that tasks professionals with various skills and areas of expertise to closely review information, materials, products, content or other assets in the localization project to find errors that need fixing before a final delivery. There are different focus areas for QA in the localization lifecycle. First is Linguistic QA. Once a translation has more or less been finalized and a program has been reassembled, a linguistic QA professional can perform a review to try to identify or catch any errors that may have been missed along the way. Linguistic QA does not look to change the translation or offer alternatives. Instead they look to find blatant errors. These errors could include things like misspellings, missed or wrong punctuation, missing or corrupted characters or fonts, errors related to concatenated strings in software code, cut off text due to expansion, awkward or mistranslations due to lack of contextual information in the source translation files. Linguistic QA can allow a professional to perform a final review of the program or content right before it is to be delivered to ensure the quality of the translation and localization efforts. Another type of QA is technical in nature. Since most localization programs have a strong technical component, and the localization process requires that files are processed and reprocessed several times, a Technical QA review is required. As anyone who has ever worked in software development can attest, software code is finicky and can break or error easily. If there was an accidental deletion of a colon or comma, for example, a technical feature might break or disappear from the final product potentially causing major issues. A technical QA review will allow a professional tester to compare the source to the localized end products to ensure technical integrity. If errors are found, they can be reported to the teams and fixed. In some industries like life sciences and healthcare, translation and localization must adhere to strict compliance requirements. These may be to ensure safety like when a company localizes the instructions for a prescription medication or the operations manual for a surgical instrument. There is absolutely no room for error. In these situations, QA takes on an extra level of seriousness where compliance measures are followed and built into the process. QA can be performed in at any time during the localization lifecycle but is commonly done toward the end of the program when everything is close to being completed. QA professionals will perform their review according to a test plan and report errors as they are discovered. The reporting will be recorded in some type of tracking system like a database or list. The errors are then passed along to people on the team who would be responsible for addressing and fixing them. Depending on time restrictions or the severity of the errors, the problems may not be fixed but might be deferred to another time or accepted as is. Frequently there are discussions to see what is best for the product and the program overall when deciding what to fix and not fix during testing. QA professionals will be best suited for people who have strong attention to detail and can focus for long periods of time. QA positions require patience, diligence, and meticulous sensibility. Working with structure and having everything be perfect will work well in this role. QA work by its nature can be solitary so people who like to work on teams or in groups may find it isolating. QA also requires the work to be uniform, clean and in a predefined structure. That way the QA team will remain consistent in its process when identifying errors. To that end, people who have a lot of creative ideas or like to build new things from scratch may not find QA work to be a comfortable fit.
“成功非偶然, 你的态度决定了产品的质量。” 由于本地化过程十分复杂,建立一个流程以保证成品质量是至关重要的。 如果我们退后一步,看看人们对本地化的期待,我们可能会对这一挑战感到相当惊讶。一群人,有时成员很多,有时很少,往往分散在世界各地,试着一起工作。他们将不同的文件拆开从而获取内容和信息,以便为国际市场翻译和调整所有的内容。然后,团队成员重新组合所有的内容并提交最终的成果。然而,这些成员并不知道是否所有的东西都是正确的。由于语言差异,管理和参与本地化项目的人无法了解所有正在制作的内容,而且也很少能看到完整组装好的最终程序。 这就是质量保证的意义所在。 质量保证(Quality assurance/QA)是指要求具备各种技能的各个领域的专业人员密切审查本地化项目中的信息、材料、产品、内容或其他资产,以便在最终交付之前发现需要修复的错误。 在本地化生命周期中,质量保证关注的领域有所不同。 首先是语言质量保证。一旦翻译或多或少已经定稿,程序已经重新组装,语言质量保证的专业人员就可以执行一次审查,以识别或捕捉任何可能在过程中遗漏的错误。语言质量保证并不试图改变翻译或提供替代译本。相反,他们希望发现明显的错误。这些错误可能包括诸如拼写错误、遗漏或错误的标点符号、缺失或损坏的字符或字体、与软件代码中的串联字符串有关的错误、因扩展而被切断的文本或由于在源翻译文件中缺少上下文信息而造成的笨拙或错误翻译。语言质量保证允许专业人员在交付程序或内容之前对其进行最终审查,以确保翻译和本地化工作的质量。 另一种质量保证类型从本质上说是技术性的。由于大多数本地化程序都有很强的技术成分,并且本地化过程中需要对各文件进行多次处理和再处理,因此需要进行技术性质量保证审查。从事过软件开发工作的人都知道,软件代码是很脆弱的,很容易崩溃或出错。例如,如果不小心删除了一个冒号或逗号,则最终产品中的某个技术功能可能会崩溃或消失,从而可能导致重大问题。技术性质量保证审查将允许专业测试人员将源产品与本地化的最终产品进行比较,以确保技术完整性。如果发现错误,可以向团队报告并修复。 在生命科学和医疗保健等领域,翻译和本地化必须严格遵守合规要求。这可能是为了确保安全。例如,当一家公司将处方药的说明书或外科手术器械的操作手册进行翻译本地化时,绝对不允许出现错误。在这些情况下,质量保证需要更高的严肃性,在流程中纳入并遵循合规措施。 质量保证可以在本地化生命周期中的任何时间进行,但通常在程序接近尾声时进行,此时一切工作都已接近完成。质量保证专业人员将根据测试计划进行评审,并在发现错误时进行报告。报告将被记录在某种类型的跟踪系统中,如数据库或列表。然后,这些错误会被传递给团队中负责处理和修复错误的人员。根据时间限制或错误的严重程度,有的问题可能无法解决,但可能会推迟到另一个时间解决,或按原样接受。在测试期间决定修复和不修复什么时,测试人员经常会进行讨论,看看什么对产品和整个程序是最好的。 那些强烈关注细节并能长时间保持专注的人最适合质量保证工作。质量保证岗位的职员需要勤奋,并且有耐心和细致的敏感性。如果能够做到有条理地工作,且事事追求完美,就能在这个岗位上发挥很好的作用。 质量保证工作的本质是孤独的,所以喜欢团队或小组工作的人可能会发现它是孤立的。质量保证还要求工作要统一、干净,并在预定的结构中进行。这样,在识别错误时,质量保证团队才能在过程中保持一致。因此,那些有很多创造性想法或喜欢从头开始建立新事物的人可能会发现质量保证工作并不适合自己。

