Integrate Wordbee with WoodWing to streamline content localization & publication


2020-11-26 15:50 Wordbee Translator


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Wordbee can be connected to numerous third-party tools which allows clients to smoothly integrate our end-to-end translation management system (TMS) into their existing workflows. One of these tools is WoodWing, a Content Orchestration solution that helps brands and publishers create and manage content across teams and publish to different channels. Connecting Wordbee to WoodWing allows for seamless integration of translation management processes into the overall publishing workflow, which could look like the following: Copywriters and editors write and edit text in Adobe InCopy while designers carry out their work in Adobe InDesign. Both Adobe InCopy and Adobe InDesign are integrated into your WoodWing platform. Once the content piece is finalized, a package with all relevant materials gets sent straight to Wordbee Translator where your localization team takes care of translating the file. These requests can be issued for a single or several languages and may require the participation of different stakeholders taking care of the linguistic process. During localization, assignments can involve a translator or a team of translators to use customized workflows, such as translation, revision, proof-reading, or even back-translation and reconciliation. Moreover, for those who require additional flexibility in their global strategy, all aspects of the project can be language dependent, allowing a wide range of localization processes. Making use of translation memories and terminology databases within your TMS guarantees consistency and efficiency across all projects. After finalizing the translation work, the localized deliverable(s) are automatically sent back to WoodWing where designers review and if necessary, adapt the localized file in InDesign, before handing it over to the publishers. Since each requested language will have its own lifecycle, the handover to Woodwing can also be dependent on their status. Transferring the individual deliverables or the whole set in one go is a matter of team preferences. With a custom connector between WoodWing and Wordbee all stakeholders involved – writers, editors, designers, translators, reviewers, etc. - can easily collaborate and automate their workflows, without sending emails and files back and forth. The whole content creation part happens in WoodWing and is then moved over to Wordbee for localization. In order for everyone to be aware of the work status, both systems provide an overview for stakeholders to know exactly in which phase of the project they are in at all times. Clients who have integrated Wordbee into their WoodWing platform are benefitting from a tailored solution that provides the best of both worlds – powerful digital asset management combined with first class translation management for all their online and offline publications.
Wordbee可与许多第三方工具进行连接,使客户能够顺利将我们的端到端翻译管理系统(TMS)整合到他们现有的工作流程当中。其中一个工具便是WoodWing,这是一个内容编排解决方案,可以帮助品牌和出版商跨团队创建和管理内容,并发布到不同的渠道。 将Wordbee与WoodWing进行连接,可以将翻译管理流程完美整合到整个出版工作流程当中,如下所示: 撰稿人和编辑在Adobe InCopy中撰写和编辑文本,而设计师则在Adobe InDesign中完成他们的工作。Adobe InCopy和Adobe InDesign都会被整合到您的WoodWing平台上。内容部分一旦完成,一个包含所有相关材料的文件将直接发送到Wordbee Translator,然后您的本地化团队将负责翻译这一文件。这些请求可以针对一种或多种语言发出,可能需要不同的利益相关者参与语言行为。 在本地化过程中,任务可能涉及一名翻译或一个翻译团队,使用定制的工作流程,如翻译、修订、校对,甚至是回译、和合。此外,对于那些在全球战略中要求更大灵活性的人而言,项目的所有方面都可能依赖于语言,从而导致广泛的本地化过程。在您的翻译管理系统(TMS)中利用翻译记忆库和术语库,可以保证所有项目的一致性和效率。 在完成翻译工作后,已本地化的可交付文件会自动发回WoodWing,设计师会进行审查,必要时还会在InDesign中修改已本地化的文件,然后再将其交给出版商。由于每种被请求的语言都有自己的生命周期,因此已本地化的可交付文件发回WoodWing也取决于文件的进展状况。是一次只移交一个可交付文件,还是一次性移交一整套可交付文件,这取决于团队的偏好。 有了WoodWing和Wordbee之间的定制连接器,所有的利益相关者——作者、编辑、设计师、翻译、审校等,都可以轻松地协作并自动化他们的工作流程,而无需来回发送电子邮件和文件。整个内容创建部分在WoodWing中完成,然后移交到Wordbee进行本地化。为了让每个人都能了解工作进展,这两个系统都提供了一个概览,让利益相关者在整个过程中随时都能知道自己处于项目的哪一阶段。 将Wordbee整合到WoodWing平台的客户正从一个定制解决方案中受益,该解决方案提供了两者最佳的服务——强大的数字资产管理与一流的翻译管理相结合,适用于所有在线和离线出版物。

