Agile and Scrum: What do these terms really mean?


2020-11-24 16:30 Wordbee Translator


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In our last article, we highlighted the challenges of continuous software localization and the importance of choosing the right technology. This time, we want to take a step back and reflect on the meaning of two words that are as popular as they are misused. A few weeks ago, I checked up on my family in Italy to find out how they are navigating these interesting times. In response to my question about how work was going, a relative replied: “We’ve gone agile!” It took me a few minutes to realize that we were talking at cross-purposes. I thought my relative had moved from a teaching job to one in software development. But he simply meant that he and all his colleagues were working from home. Remote working in Italy is now called “lavoro agile“ or “smart working“. Agile: What Does It Really Mean? “Agile” comes from the Latin agilis, i.e. quick, nimble and adaptable. This is exactly what companies expect from their staff today, believing that the principles of traditional management are no longer suited to modern production conditions, characterized by competition, a demand for greater productivity, speed and quality. Therefore, many businesses have introduced new project management methods and techniques, inspired by the agile methodology. The agile methodology, as we know it today, dates back to 2001. In an attempt to find an alternative to waterfall project management (which structures a software project into a series of linear sequences), a group of software developers outlined the Agile Manifesto for software development to define a new, leaner, and faster working method. The 12 principles of the agile methodology take into account the unpredictability of software development. The work is divided into sprints, which are just small, incremental, and iterative phases. Each sprint corresponds to the development and implementation of a new functionality. In essence, the agile methodology defines an iterative (and interactive) approach to easily make changes to a project, reduce production costs and, above all, avoid unnecessary effort and even a potential project failure. A team working according to the agile methodology focuses first of all on the quality as it is perceived by users, the user experience of the product, the user satisfaction and, consequently, the continuous improvement of the production process, the product technology and, ultimately, the product itself. Scrum: What Has Rugby Got To Do With Software Development? The agile mindset has inspired many practical methodologies, and one of the most popular is called Scrum. Scrum is the most widespread agile framework, particularly suited for complex and innovative projects. As a typical agile method, a scrum project is divided into sprints to synchronize the product development process with the needs of the customers. Each sprint lasts from 2 to 4 weeks and is timeboxed, i.e. it cannot be extended and it will end even if the work has not been completed. The term “scrum” was used for the first time by two Japanese professors and experts in organizational theory, Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. They borrowed the name from the game of rugby. In rugby a scrum (or scrummage) is a method of restarting play in a match, with all the players of a team pushing in the same direction to gain possession of the ball and advance towards the goal. Hirotaka and Nonaka chose the term as a metaphor for the collaboration of all the members of a development team who must work together in the development of a complex product. Like in rugby, a scrum is used to bring order. An official Scrum website is available now with the relative guide as further developed by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber in the ’90s. The organization also offers training and certification programs for those who want to pursue a career as a Scrum Master, i.e. a servant-leader for the Scrum Team. One of the tasks of a Scrum Master is helping those outside the Scrum Team to understand which interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which are not. It’s easy to see why the agile methodology and the Scrum framework are essential for continuous software development and deployment. Additionally, it makes sense for any localization company that wants to offer its services to software development organizations, to first get acquainted with the principles of agile and/or scrum and, subsequently, proceed to implement the right piece of technology (like Wordbee Beebox), to move seamlessly from continuous software development to continuous software localization. One final remark: In his best-seller “Lab Rats” (2019) on work in the Silicon Valley, journalist and best-selling author Dan Lyons defines the agile methodology as “akin to a religion for how to run every part of a company.” It’s, of course, a harsh statement, but it contains some truth. Although the agile and scrum methodologies were born in an IT context and meant for software production, their processes and principles have been extended to other activities. In fact, many efforts have been made to implement the agile methodology in other sectors, until now without little concrete or meaningful results. But this is a discussion for another time. To dig deeper into continuous software localization, we recommend a few selected items on the subject: 4 Common Software Localization Challenges and Their Solutions Software Localization QA and Functional Testing Software Localization of .properties Files Software Localization of .PO Files
在上一篇文章中,我们强调了持续软件本地化的挑战以及选择正确技术的重要性。这一次,我们想退一步,反思两个词的含义,这两个词既流行又被误用。 几周前,我对我在意大利的家人进行了调查,了解他们是如何度过这些有趣的时光的。在回答我的一个问题时,敏捷回答说:“我们是如何去工作的!“我花了几分钟才意识到我们说话的目的不一致。我以为我的亲戚从教书工作转到了软件开发工作。但他只是说他和所有同事都在家工作。远程工作在意大利现在被称为“lavoro敏捷”或“智能工作”。 敏捷:它到底意味着什么? “敏捷”来自拉丁语agilis,即快速、灵活和适应性强。这正是当今公司对员工的期望,他们认为传统管理的原则已不再适合现代生产条件,现代生产条件的特点是竞争,即对生产率、速度和质量的要求。因此,许多企业在敏捷方法论的启发下,引入了新的项目管理方法和技术。 我们今天所知道的敏捷方法可以追溯到2001年。为了寻找瀑布式项目管理(将软件项目组织成一系列线性序列)的替代方案,一群软件开发人员概述了软件开发的敏捷宣言,以定义一种新的、更精简的、更快的工作方法。 敏捷方法论的12条原则考虑了软件开发的不可预测性。这项工作分为sprint,sprint是小的、增量的和迭代的阶段。每个sprint都对应于一个新功能的开发和实现。从本质上讲,敏捷方法定义了一种迭代(和交互式)方法,可以轻松地对项目进行更改,降低生产成本,最重要的是,避免不必要的努力,甚至避免潜在的项目失败。 按照敏捷方法工作的团队首先关注的是用户所感知的质量、产品的用户体验、用户满意度,并因此而关注生产过程、产品技术以及最终产品本身的持续改进。 Scrum:橄榄球和软件开发有什么关系? 敏捷的思维方式启发了许多实用的方法,其中最流行的方法之一叫做Scrum。 Scrum是最广泛使用的敏捷框架,特别适合于复杂和创新的项目。作为一种典型的敏捷方法,scrum项目被划分为sprint,以使产品开发过程与客户需求同步。每个sprint持续2到4周,并且是有时间限制的,也就是说,它不能被延长,即使工作没有完成,它也会结束 “scrum”这个词是两位日本教授和组织理论专家第一次使用的,他们是Hirotaka Takeuchi和Ikujiro Nonaka。他们从橄榄球比赛中借用了这个名字。在橄榄球比赛中,scrum(或scrummage)是一种重新开始比赛的方法,一个队中的所有球员朝同一个方向推进,以获得球的控制权并向球门前进。Hirotaka和Nonaka选择这个术语来比喻开发团队中所有必须在复杂产品开发中共同工作的成员的协作。就像橄榄球一样,scrum是用来维持秩序的。 一个官方的Scrum网站现在可以使用,相关指南是Jeff Sutherland和Ken Schwaber在90年代进一步开发的。该组织还为那些想从事Scrum大师职业的人提供培训和认证计划,比如Scrum团队的仆人领导。Scrum大师的任务之一是帮助Scrum团队之外的人理解与Scrum团队的哪些交互是有帮助的,哪些是没有帮助的。 很容易理解为什么敏捷方法和Scrum框架对于持续的软件开发和部署是必不可少的。此外,对于任何希望为软件开发组织提供服务的本地化公司来说,首先要熟悉敏捷和/或scrum的原则,然后再着手实施正确的技术(比如Wordbee Beebox),从持续的软件开发到持续的软件本地化。 最后一句话:在他的畅销书《硅谷的工作》(2019年)中,记者兼畅销书作家丹·莱昂斯(Dan Lyons)将敏捷方法论定义为“类似于如何管理公司每一部分的宗教信仰”。这当然是一个严厉的说法,但其中包含了一些事实。尽管敏捷和scrum方法是在IT环境中诞生的,并且是用于软件生产的,但是它们的过程和原则已经扩展到了其他活动中。事实上,在其他领域已经做了很多努力来实现敏捷方法论,但是到目前为止还没有什么具体或有意义的结果。但这是另一次讨论。 为了更深入地挖掘持续的软件本地化,我们推荐了一些关于该主题的精选项目: 4种常见的软件本地化挑战及其解决方案 软件本地化QA与功能测试 文件的软件本地化 .PO文件的软件本地化

