What Is a Project Deliverable? Definition, Examples & More


2020-11-24 07:10 project manager


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Projects create deliverables, which are simply the results of the project or the processes in the project. That means a deliverable can be something as big as the objective of the project itself or the reporting that is part of the larger project. Another way to put that is that there are inputs and outputs in any type of project. That being what you put into the project, such as data, resources, etc., and then what comes out, which are the deliverables. Again, those deliverables can be a product or service and it can also be the documentation that is part of the project closure to show that the project is complete and everything has been signed off. Project vs Product Deliverables There is a distinction between project and product deliverables. Project deliverables are such outputs as the project plans, project reports and even meeting minutes. Product deliverables, on the other hand, could be hardware, software, mobile applications, contracts, or even test assessment results. The deliverables that clients and stakeholders expect at the end of the project are the product or service, of course, but there is also paperwork, as noted. These documents, when completed, are deliverables that clients and stakeholders need in order to evaluate the progress or completion of the project. This paperwork can include: Signed contracts Finalized expense reports Other types of project reports which show how work is proceeding versus project plan estimations Deliverables can vary according to the project’s specifications and the stakeholders’ requirements. But all clients and stakeholders want deliverables that thoroughly wrap up the project at its closure and measure performance against expectations throughout the project. How to Present Deliverables to Stakeholders Project managers’ reports are the means by which these types of deliverables are presented to clients and stakeholders. Different stakeholders have different needs, so flexibility and customization is import for effective reporting. In order to meet their needs, a project management software must be able to filter the many data inputs to deliver the proper output. ProjectManager.com has the flexibility and customization to create the deliverable that is appropriate for the project and its clients and stakeholders. Our project management software provides this and more, no matter where you are in the project life cycle. ProjectManager.com Helps You to Build Project Deliverables Creating deliverables for stakeholders is easy using these reports: Project status report Variance report Timesheet report Compiling project status reports is a great way to: Illustrate for stakeholders how work is proceeding Show which team members are carrying the heaviest loads, and if adjustments need to be made Outline room for improvement as the project moves ahead or at closure Watch this video for an overview of creating status reports in ProjectManager.com, then read on for spotlights on the different types of reports we offer. Status Report Our project status reports are highly-customizable, with options to select a wide variety of columns and data sets to pull back exactly the information you’re seeking on the project’s status. Below is an example of a project status report that can be generated with several variables including Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), planned start and finish dates, planned hours, percent complete, task assignments, start dates and actual hours: Variance Report Variance reports can be customized to include only summary tasks, completion percentage, and a comparison of the actual progress of the project versus the forecasted progress: The resulting report shows a side-by-side comparison of predicted start and finish dates, predicted hours versus actual hours spent and that difference, and the difference in predicted project duration and how long it has actually taken to date: Timesheet Report Timesheet reports provide a bird’s-eye view of each individual’s hours worked on a project. They also show: Assignment of tasks to team members and the importance of those tasks Each individual’s hourly rate, and Many other factors related to resources, time and cost The timesheet shows the person submitting the time, the date of submission, how many individual hours they worked during the selected timeframe, their WBS and how many hours they have remaining in the selected timeframe: Consistent use of these three reports helps keep your team on time, under budget and within scope. Lessons learned libraries can also be a great tool to help build upon successes and avoid duplicating mistakes in future projects. Lessons Learned Libraries Creating a lessons learned library is a great way to compile takeaways from projects. It’s a central place to view work that exceeded expectations, and also work that could have been better. As a new project kicks off, project managers use this resource to plan for known roadblocks. Development of deliverables doesn’t just happen during project closure. Project sponsors also expect deliverables during the initiation, planning and execution phases of a project. Let’s take a look at the types of deliverables created in these phases in greater detail. Project Deliverables Expected Prior to Closure Final deliverables outline a project’s entire scope of work, while deliverables created during earlier phases of a project are based on short-term snapshots of project activity. Initiation phase deliverables can include a project charter or a business case. The lessons learned library is accessed at the outset of the planning phase, so information can be used from previous projects to better inform planning of the next project. The communications plan, risk and issue management plan, change management plan, procurement plans and overall project schedule are also created during the planning phase. There are documents surrounding each of these plans which inform stakeholders and clients as the plan is being developed. Referencing the project plan is the most common activity during project execution. All project activity is managed against the project plan. Tracking of project execution includes: Performance reports to measure how work is going and team members are performing Risk and issue logs to track issues that need to be addressed, and Change logs that identify changes made to the project plan and how these are affecting the project Stakeholders and clients can demand reports and logs on a moment’s notice. Always be prepared is the moral of the story. Stakeholders and clients can request deliverables on a moment’s notice. Being able to shift on the fly and produce what your client wants requires a strong project management tool to keep things organized and up-to-date. ProjectManager.com is all online, so team members can collaborate on deliverables and rapidly prepare best possible outputs. Try our award-winning software with this free 30-day trial. Project Crashing in Project Management: Definition & Best Practices Project Scheduling Tips 3 Best Project Management Charts for Project Planning Top Project Management Conferences of 2019
项目创建可交付成果,简单地说,可交付成果就是项目的结果或流程。这意味着可交付成果可以是项目本身的结果也可以是为更大的项目做准备的报告。 另一种说法是,在任何类型的项目中都有投入和产出。那就是,你投入到项目中的比如数据,资源等,之后产出的东西,这些就是可交付结果。同样,这些可交付成果可以是产品或服务,也可以是文档,作为项目结束的一部分,以表明项目已经完成,所有的东西都已经签署。 项目可交付成果与产品交付成果 项目可交付成果和产品可交付成果之间是有区别的。项目可交付成果是诸如项目计划、项目报告甚至会议记录等产出。另一方面,产品可交付成果可以是硬件、软件、移动应用程序、合同,甚至是测试评估结果。 当然,客户和涉众期望在项目结束时收到的可交付成果是产品或服务,但正如上文所说,这些成果也包括文件。这些文件完成后,就是客户和涉众所需的交付成果,用来评估项目的进度或完成情况。 这些文件可包括: 签订的合同 最终确定的开支报告 其他类型的项目报告,可表明相对于项目计划预期工作的进展情况。 可交付成果可以根据项目的规范和涉众的要求而变化。但是所有的客户和涉众都想要项目终止时,交付成果能够包括整个项目,并根据整个项目的预期来衡量绩效。 如何向涉众展示可交付成果 项目经理通过报告向客户和涉众展示这类可交付成果。不同的涉众有不同的需求,因此灵活变通和个性化定制是作出有效报告的重要内容。为了满足他们的需求,项目管理软件必须能够过滤大量的输入数据,以提供正确的输出。 ProjectManager.com是一个具有灵活性和个性化的网站,可以创建适合特定项目及其客户和涉众的可交付结果。我们的项目管理软件提供这些甚至更多,无论您处于项目生命周期的哪个阶段。 ProjectManager.com帮助您构建项目可交付成果 使用以下报告很容易为涉众创建可交付成果: 项目状态报告 差异报告 时间表报表 可通过编写项目状态报告: 向涉众说明工作进展情况 显示哪些团队成员的工作量最重,以及是否需要进行调整 概述项目进展或结束时的改进余地 观看此视频,了解在ProjectManager.com中如何创建状态报告,继续阅读可了解我们提供的不同类型的报告。 状况报告 我们的项目状态报告可高度定制,通过选项可以选择各种各样的列和数据集,以准确地提取您所寻求的项目状态信息。 下面是一个项目状态报告的示例,该报告可由几个变量构成,包括工作分解结构(WBS),计划开始和完成日期,计划工时,完成百分比,任务分配,开始日期和实际工时: 差异报告 自定义差异报告,可仅包括摘要任务,完成度百分比以及项目实际进度与预计进度对比: 生成的报告会并排显示预计开始日期、完成日期,预计工时与实际花费工时以及两者之间的差异,还会显示与预计项目持续时间的差异以及到目前为止实际花费的时间: 时间表报告 时间表报告可概览每个人在一个项目上工作的小时数。 它们还显示: 分配给团队成员的任务以及这些任务的重要性 每个人的时薪,以及 与资源、时间和成本有关的许多其他因素 时间表会显示提交工时的人员,提交日期,他们的WBS以及个人在所选时间范围内已工作的小时数和剩余的小时数: 持续使用这三个报告有助于使您的团队在预算范围内准时完成工作。经验教训库也是一个很好的工具,可以帮助在未来的项目中获得成功并避免重复错误。 经验教训库 创建经验教训库可以很好地从项目中汇编要点。它可查看哪些工作超出预期,以及哪些工作本可以做得更好。当一个新项目开始时,项目经理可利用这个资源来计划已知障碍的应对方案。 开发可交付成果不仅仅发生在项目结束阶段。项目发起人还需要在项目开启、规划和执行阶段的可交付成果。让我们更详细地看一下在这些阶段中创建的可交付成果的类型。 期望在项目结束前收到的可交付成果 最终可交付成果概述项目的整个工作范围,而在项目早期阶段创建的可交付成果则是基于项目活动的短期快照。 项目初始阶段的可交付成果可以包括项目章程或业务案例。在规划阶段一开始就可以查看经验教训库,从而可以利用以前的项目更好地为下一个项目的规划提供信息。沟通计划、风险和问题管理计划、变更管理计划、采购计划和总体项目时间表也是在规划阶段制定的。每项计划都有相关文件,在制定计划过程中向涉众和客户提供信息。 参考项目计划是项目执行过程中最常见的行为。所有项目活动都按照项目计划进行管理。 项目执行跟踪文件包括: 用于衡量工作进展情况和团队成员执行情况的绩效报告 风险和问题日志,以跟踪需要解决的问题,以及 用于标识项目计划所做更改以及这些更改对项目的影响的更改日志。 涉众和客户可以临时通知需要报告和日志。这就是为什么要我们时刻做好准备。 涉众和客户可以临时通知索要交付成果。要想快速转移并产出客户想要的成果,就需要一个强大的项目管理工具来保持项目的有序和快速更新。ProjectManager.com全部在线操作,因此团队成员可以合作并快速准备出能力范围内最佳的可交付成果。可免费此款广受好评的软件30天。 项目管理中的项目应急计划:定义与最佳实例 项目计划提示 用于项目规划的3个最佳项目管理图表 2019年顶级项目管理会议

