CATTI Announces International Linguist Accreditation Test


2020-11-19 15:00 multilingual


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The CATTI Project Management Center of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration recently announced that CATTI International would be launched on Dec. 20, 2020. As an extension of CATTI Level 3, CATTI International will be open to candidates worldwide. The test is mainly focused on testing the translation and interpretation abilities of general translators and interpreters, those doing business related to China as well as personnel engaged in the practice of using foreign languages. The test will be managed using an international model and operated in a market-oriented way. The CATTI aims to measure competence in translation and interpreting — including simultaneous and consecutive interpreting — between Chinese and seven foreign languages: English, Japanese, French, Arabic, Russian, German, or Spanish. The test is intended to cover a wide range of domains including business, government, academia, and media, though it is not designed to assess literary translation. According to reports, CATTI International will have both overseas and domestic versions. At the end of 2020, the overseas version will be first launched for foreigners and Chinese studying or working overseas, while the domestic version of the test is expected to be launched in the first half of 2021. Mock tests held over recent days, with the participation of more than 2,000 people from over 50 universities and international schools, have achieved satisfactory results, laying a solid foundation for further improvements of the examination. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in mind, organizers have taken several measures to ensure the health of candidates. First, Chinese citizens who study, work, or live abroad but must stay in China temporarily due to the pandemic can apply for the test by providing necessary certificates. Second, the test at the end of this year will be held online and taken at home. For those who have difficulties taking the online test remotely, the exam can be taken at test centers subject to the local pandemic prevention and control policies. Authoritative experts, professors, and scholars have been engaged in test designing, outline reviewing, test question setting and assessing, and textbook compiling to ensure the validity and authority of the test. Those involve include Chen Mingming, associate director of CATTI English Expert Committee; Qiu Ming, associate director of CATTI Japanese Expert Committee; Wang Weimin, professor of translation, member of CATTI English Expert Committee, and member of National Senior Professional Titles (T&I) Evaluation Committee; Jin Yan, professor from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and director of CET Committee; Yan Ming, professor from Heilongjiang University; Li Chunji, professor from Dalian University of Foreign Languages; Li Ming, professor from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Ouyang Qian, professor from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; and other well-known experts in translation, interpretation, and language assessment. Moreover, several professional language teams from universities of foreign studies will join, including NATTI from Australia, Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating, Macquarie University, Han Culture Centre of Malaysia, Canada Education Group, European Research and Development Fund for Chinese Language, Xi’an Research Institute of Blockchain. The CATTI test battery is divided into four levels of Senior, I, II, and III, from highest to lowest. The total test time for translation proficiency is 120 minutes; for interpreting proficiency, 60 minutes; for translation practice, 180 minutes; for interpreting practice at Levels I and II, 60 minutes; and for interpreting practice at Level III, 30 minutes. Test registration will open to candidates all over the world on Oct. 20, 2020. Users can register at the official website ( The test will be held on Dec. 20, 2020, including two sessions in the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.
中国外文局CATTI项目管理中心宣布,CATTI国际版将于2020年12月20日推出。作为CATTI3级的衔接版,CATTI国际版将面向全球,重点对普通翻译、涉华国际业务人员、应用型外语人员进行中外文互译能力测试。CATTI国际版将采用国际通行的考试管理模式,以完全市场化的方式运作 CATTI旨在测试考生中文对7种外语(英语、日语、法语、阿拉伯语、俄语、德语和西班牙语)相互笔译以及口译能力(同声传译和交替口译)。测试主题涵盖商业、政府、学术以及媒体等领域,并不仅限于文学翻译。 据悉,CATTI国际版分为海外卷和国内卷,今年12月首先推出的是海外卷,面向外籍人士、中国籍在海外留学或生活工作的人士开考。国内卷的考试将于明年上半年推出。在日前进行的样题试测中,全球共有50多所高校、国际学校2000余人参加了试测,取得了很好的效果,对试题的改进和完善奠定了坚实的基础 年底的考试,组织方充分考虑疫情因素,采取多种方式来保证考生的健康。首先是允许中国籍在海外留学、工作或生活,但因疫情暂留在国内的人员,在提供相关证明或承诺书后即可报考。其次,今年底的考试主要采用居家网考的方式进行,针对部分电脑操作困难的考生,将在当地疫情防控政策允许的情况下,采用集中网考方式进行。 权威专家、教授、学者先后参与了CATTI国际版的考试设计、大纲审定、试题命制、教材编写、试题评估等,确保了考试的信效度和权威性。 比如CATTI英语专家委员会副主任陈明明、日语专家委员会副主任邱鸣、考试核心专家王卫民、大学四六级考委会主任金艳、黑龙江大学严明、大连外国语大学李春姬、广东外语外贸大学李明、欧阳倩等业界知名翻译专家、测试学专家及国内外多个外语高校专业团队 此外,多个外语外贸大学专业语言团队也将加入,包括澳大利亚NAATI、悉尼翻译学院、麦考瑞大学、马来西亚汉文化中心、加拿大国际教育集团、欧洲华文研究发展基金、西安区块链研究院等机构相关专家 CATTI从高到低共分为4级。翻译综合能力为120分钟;口译综合能力60分钟;翻译实务,180分钟;一级和二级口译实务,60分钟;三级口译练习30分钟。 本次考试报名系统将于10月20日面向全球各国考生开放,考生登录翻译资格考试官(报名。考试时间为12月20日,分东西半球两个时区考试

