I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Brigadeiros

I·ATE 每周的美食单词:Brigadeiros

2020-10-17 17:40 terminology Coordination


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This week’s I-ATE Food Term will surely please your sweet tooth! Condensed milk, butter, and cocoa powder are the only ingredients needed to prepare this traditional Brazilian treat, which is as delicious as it is simple. Brigadeiros are generally shaped in small balls covered in chocolate sprinkles and served in little cupcake liners, perfect to be eaten in one bite. Or if you just can’t wait to taste them, you can always pour the preparation in a bowl right after mixing and eat it with a spoon; the Brazilians call this a brigadeiro de colher, literally a “spoon brigadeiro”. In the latest years, variations on the original recipe have also become very popular and new flavours and coatings have been proposed: chocolate can be replaced by grated coconut to create a beijinho (“little kiss”), which is usually covered in granulated sugar, or by peanuts and cashew nuts to get a cajuzinho (“little cashew”). The combinations are countless, and you can experiment by adding your favourite ingredients, like strawberries, pistachios, or even coffee! The Origins of the Brigadeiro: A Story of Women and Propaganda Brigadeiros allegedly made their first appearance in 1945, right after the end of World War II. At that time Brazil was gearing up for the election of a new president after many years of dictatorship under Getúlio Vargas’ regime. Among the candidates there was Eduardo Gomes, a military brigadier and member of the Air Force running for the União Democrática Nacional, the National Democratic Union, who was particularly appreciated by women, allowed to vote in national elections for the first time that year. The most devoted amongst his supporters used to organise parties and events to raise funds for his campaign and to provide him with more visibility. Legend has it that it was Heloísa Nabuco de Oliveira, a member of a traditional family from Rio de Janeiro who proposed to sell a new confection of her invention during these events to sway voters by tempting their palate. She had mixed condensed milk, as a substitute for fresh milk and sugar, which were hard to find in the post-war era, with butter, and chocolate to create what she called the doce do brigadeiro, the brigadier’s sweet. Despite the support, Eduardo Gomes eventually lost the elections, but the dessert bearing his name gained immense popularity and is still today one of all Brazilians’ favourites. The Recipe for the Original Brigadeiro If only reading about the origins of this tasty sweets made your mouth water, here is the recipe to prepare them at home. Ingredients for 20 units: – 400 g condensed milk – 30 g unsalted butter – 30 g cocoa powder – chocolate sprinkles Start by combining butter, condensed milk, and cocoa powder in a large pan over medium heat, then start stirring continuously with a spatula. Keep stirring until the mixture starts to thicken and adjust the temperature as necessary to keep it from burning. When ready, pour everything in a greased plate and let to cool at room temperature or even in the fridge if you are in a hurry. After chilling, the preparation should be firm enough for you to be able to roll it into small balls after having greased your hands with some butter. Now you can cover your brigadeiros with some chocolate sprinkles and serve them in small cupcake liners. E bom apetite! References Galileu. 2018. Brigadeiro: conheça a história política e curiosa do doce brasileiro. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://revistagalileu.globo.com/Sociedade/noticia/2018/09/brigadeiro-conheca-historia-politica-e-curiosa-do-doce-brasileiro.html [Accessed 13/10/2020] Huffpost Brasil. 2019. Brigadeiro: Como a criação do amado doce brasileiro é marcada pela política. [ONLINE]. Available at https://www.huffpostbrasil.com/entry/origem-do-brigadeiro_br_5d6eb128e4b011080455b80e?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAD7d2KWDAmaihaPOVCCWATNxxhaXpDTkHt3LB279636Pg5NyQG5vRdyxAvZnA6f6ka1IVkkWn5tUdNcTnNN50z5Aw4qDa9FC3SjeHkV3t82hFuT2KtA9HFaKE2BWpPzJ9Zv3G-GS-UULPnxtRe94gloxaI7efUyb-smGzjbsHLtZ  [Accessed 13/10/2020] Sweet Stone. 2016. A ‘brief’ Brigadeiro History. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://sweetstone.com.au/a-brief-brigadeiro-history [Accessed 14/10/2020] Tudo Gostoso. Brigadeiro [ONLINE]. Available at : https://www.tudogostoso.com.br/receita/114-brigadeiro.html [Accessed 14/10/2020] Brazilian Kitchen Abroad. 2019. Brigadeiro Recipe – Brazilian Fudge Balls. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://braziliankitchenabroad.com/brigadeiro/ [Accessed 14/10/2020] Written by Irene Zanardi, Schuman Trainee at the Euramis Pre-Translation Unit. She holds a Bachelor’s in Intercultural Linguistic Mediation and a Master’s in Specialised Translation and Terminology.
本周的I-ATE美食单词,想必会让喜好甜食的你欢欣鼓舞! 炼乳,黄油和可可粉是制作这道巴西传统美食仅需的材料,它既简单又美味。 Brigadeiros通常做成小圆球形状,上面撒着巧克力屑,装在小纸杯蛋糕纸托里,一口就能吃掉。或者如果你迫不及待地想尝尝它们,你可以把混合好的材料倒在碗里,然后用勺子舀着吃;巴西人称之为a brigadeiro de colher,字面意思是“勺子准将”。 在最近几年里,对原有配方的调整也非常受欢迎,出现了很多新口味和涂层:椰子碎可以替代巧克力,做成“beijinho”(“轻吻”),它通常裹着糖衣,或者用花生和腰果制成“cajuzinho”(“小腰果”)。材料的组合数不胜数,你可以尝试加入你最喜欢的成分,像草莓,开心果,甚至咖啡! Brigadeiro的起源:一个关于女性和宣传的故事 据称,Brigadeiro诞生于1945年,在第二次世界大战刚刚结束的时候。当时,在热图利奥·瓦加斯多年的独裁统治后,巴西正准备选举新总统。候选人中有一位爱德华多·戈麦斯,他是一名陆军准将和巴西全国民主联盟的一名空军,特别受到妇女的喜爱,那一年妇女首次获准在全国选举中投票。 他最忠实的支持者过去经常组织聚会和活动,为他的竞选活动筹集资金,并给他提供更多的知名度。传说是来自里约热内卢一个传统家庭的姑娘希洛丽莎·纳布科·德·奥利维拉提议在这些活动期间出售一种她发明的新甜点,企图通过好吃的来打动他们。她将炼乳作为鲜奶和糖的代替品,与黄油和巧克力混合,后者在战后很难找到,她称之为“准将的甜点”(doce do brigadeiro)。 尽管得到了支持,爱德华多·戈麦斯最终还是输掉了选举,但这种以他名字命名的甜点却广受欢迎,至今仍是所有巴西人的最爱之一。 Brigadeiro最初的配方 如果只是阅读这款美味甜点的起源就让你垂涎欲滴,下面是它的食谱,你可以在家里试试。 材料(20个的量): -400克炼乳 -30克无盐黄油 -30克可可粉 -巧克力屑 首先在一个大平底锅中用黄油,炼乳和可可粉混合,开中火加热,然后用抹刀不断搅拌,直到混合物开始变稠,并根据需要调整温度,防止烧锅。 混合好后,把所有的东西都倒入一个抹了油的盘子里,让它在室温下冷却,如果你赶时间的话,甚至可以放进冰箱里冷却。 冷却后,混合物变得足够硬,你可以在手上涂上一些黄油后将它卷成小球。 现在你可以在你的brigadeiro上撒一些巧克力屑,然后装在小纸杯蛋糕纸托里。 祝你好胃口! 参考文献 Galileu. 2018. Brigadeiro: conheça a história política e curiosa do doce brasileiro. [在线].可在以下网址查阅:https://revistagalileu.globo.com/sociedade/noticia/2018/09/brigadeiro-conheca-historia-politica-e-curriosa-do-doce-brasileiro.html[2020年10月13日访问] 赫芬顿邮报巴西版. 2019年. Brigadeiro: Como a criação do amado doce brasileiro é marcada pela política. [在线]。可在以下网址查阅:https://www.huffpostbrasil.com/entry/origem-do-brigadeiro_br_5d6eb128e4b011080455b80e?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAD7d2KWDAmaihaPOVCCWATNxxhaXpDTkHt3LB279636Pg5NyQG5vRdyxAvZnA6f6ka1IVkkWn5tUdNcTnNN50z5Aw4qDa9FC3SjeHkV3t82hFuT2KtA9HFaKE2BWpPzJ9Zv3G-GS-UULPnxtRe94gloxaI7efUyb-smGzjbsHLtZ [2020年10月13日访问] Sweet Stone. 2016. Brigadeiro的历史简介。[在线]。可在以下网址查阅:https://sweetstone.com.au/a-brief-brigadeiro-history[2020年10月14日访问] Tudo Gostoso. Brigadeiro[在线]。可在以下网址查阅:https://www.tudogoso.com.br/receita/114-brigadeiro.html[2020年10月14日访问] Brazilian Kitchen Abroad. 2019年. Brigadeiro的食谱-巴西乳脂软糖球[在线]。可在以下网址查阅:https://braziliankitchenabroad.com/brigadeiro/[2020年10月14日访问] 作者:艾琳·扎纳尔迪,Euramis预翻译部的舒曼实习生。她拥有跨文化语言中介变量学士学位和专业翻译及术语学硕士学位。

